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Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Who is this?
« on: January 10, 2005, 01:26:51 am »
Hi Art,
The first thing I had thought of when I read your post was a security voice print recognition solution that would work in much the same manner as your finger print thing does.

But anyway, what if we set something up that you can say to Hal, "Hal this is Art". And then we can use something like that "Only Respond On Input That Begins With The Hal Name" script and anything that begins with "Hal this is" will launch a script to pass the User Name through into the User Name Field with something like the script that I was just talking about. But it's like you said, we need a trigger response command that filters out the User Name as a parameter to be passed along into the User Name Field...or something like that.

"Hal This Is Art" - and Hal doesn't say anything at first but instead he runs through the user identification and login process and then after your user name is entered he says his usual corny greeting like "Good Morning Art it's going on 1:00 AM, aren't you tired yet?" If we had to we could trigger the corny greeting by automatically passing just the word "Hello" into the text input field of the Hal window. I already got the software tools to automatically pass pre-defined text into Hal's text input box.
Talk To You Later,

Hello Cobra8007,
I got things working the way you wanted. I got Hal to automatically change from one character to another on command, but I'm using a custom automation script to do it so I just need you to post what skin you usually use for your Hal. Once I know which Hal skin you usually use I can customize the script to work and run with that particular skin. I'll also include some instructions for a few minor things you will need to do with the two characters you are using to make the switch back and forth. Basically you will just need to create duplicate character files for each of the two characters and then rename the new duplicate files so that they appear as the first two entries within the Hal character list selection. It's just a minor change that you will need to do for the script to work. The reason why this change needs to be done is because the scripting software that I am using requires precise coordinate point locations of the character entries to be selected within the list automatically. If that makes any sense...sorry, it's hard to describe but it works!
Best Regards,

Hello Dreadstar,
These are the complete instructions from a previous post by crunch.

Posted by crunch on 12/20/2004 00:22:56:

I have gotten a few e-mails from some still having trouble to get hal to load skins on their hap characters... there are a few ways to do it but here again is how i do it... i hope this helps....if anyone has other ways please post them here also for these folks please...

on my instalation of the haptek player i let it install to it's default. then i created a new folder in it's standard folder, i called that new folder "skins" this is where my character skin folder is on my computer........
C:/Program Files/Haptek/player/data/standard/skins

all the skins that i want to use for any of my haptek characters i put in there....

now in the character folder in hal C:/Program Files/Zabaware/Ultra Hal Assistant 5/Characters.... you will see a file(s) with a .psn extension..... if you have not made different .psn files for each character you will only have default.psn..........

open the .psn file in notepad so as to take a peek,, it will say things similar to this


now open every file that is listed for the normal's.. 1,2 and 3.. in this example they are Happy.hap, Happyn.hap and Happy2.hap again......
when i open my Happy.hap file it looks like this..

here is my Happy.hap file..... notice I added this string....... /settexture[tex= [data/standard/skins/crystal7.jpg]]

that first forward slash should be a back slash but they will not post in this forum.. all the rest are forward slashes

this is telling the player to load my texture skin called crystal7.jpg from the skin folder we made in the haptek player.... again make sure you add that just as i have here at the top of all the nornal files used, you cannot tell in this message but also make sure there is one carrage return(one blank space) between the title on top the settexture string and the next string below it... also do not change the bottom of the file if you do make sure there are 2 spaces at the bottom... thats it..... just remember again the first forward slash in every string is really a back slash.. the rest are forward..

#Haptek Version= 1.00 Name= Hap_Happy HapType= script FileType= text

/settexture[tex= [data/standard/skins/crystal7.jpg]]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expMouthHappy f0= 0.800503 t= 0.9]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expMouthSad f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expBrowsSad f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expMouthMad f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expBrowsMad f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expEyesTrust f0= 1.000000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= antiTrust f0= 0.900000 t= 0.4]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expEyesDistrust f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= antiDistrust f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= blinks f0= 1.000000 t= 0.4]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expBrowsCurious f0= 0.310000 t= 0.4]

SetSwitch [switch= ego state= mid]

SetSwitch [switch= agressMaster state= confront]

setswitch [figure= fullbod switch= visemes state= iy]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= energyHigh f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= energyLow f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= talkBob f0= 1.40000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= headEvadeHighE f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= headEvadeLowE f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= HighEnergyNoise f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= LowEnergyNoise f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= browTalk f0= 0.700000 t= 0.5]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= visemes f0= 1.280000 t= 0.4]

setmood [action= [sw= GestureMaster m= sleep]]
setswitch [switch= arm_swing state= a ]
setmood [action= [sw= GestureMaster m= awake]

I hope this helps


I can't is the seed that never grows!

Edited by - crunch on 12/20/2004 00:22:56
Average Member

If you can't get things to work based on these instructions then we still need someone else to help out with this stuff!

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Who is this?
« on: January 09, 2005, 09:45:01 pm »
Hi Art,
I know that this is not exactly what you had in mind, but I can try to write a script to have Hal automatically change the user name if the user requests it. Say for example you just finished talking to Hal and then your wife wants to talk to him. We can say to Hal switch to user2 (Art is user1), so then Hal will automatically open up the General Options and send the predefined name of user2 into the General Options User Name Field and then apply the new name change, and then close out of General Options. And then finally he will automatically open his chat window and even click the microphone switch on if you use speech recognition and that's what you want. I'll write a test script for you to try out! I'm already currently doing similar things like this anyway. Watch for some of my upcoming post on internal controls and customized automation tools for Hal.
Talk To You Later,

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Tell Hal To Backup His Brain
« on: January 07, 2005, 04:40:04 pm »
OK, that all sounds good!
I know that changing date formats is a pain, but I would just write a small script to automatically do that for me. In fact, I think I already wrote one a long time ago. I think it did something like run the date command and then redirect the output to a temp file and then use grep or e-grep to search for and manipulate the date character string fields and then re-arrange them in the proper sequencing for the required format and then copy the new reformatted string back into the main backup script to be inputted as the required argument needed for the command. It really wasn't a big deal to do things like that back in the day!

But I know what you are saying, it is easier to just use RoboCopy instead of messing around with date formats. But I have been doing things the hard way for my whole life and it's hard to change old habits. My problem you have probably already noticed...I still think in the same old fashioned frame of mind whether I need to or not. But I wanted the script that I posted to be able to run on any machine for anyone who wants to use it regardless of what software is on their computer. Will RoboCopy code run on any machine even if there is no RoboCopy files installed on it? This is one of the reasons why I posted my backup script. I realize that there are much better ways of doing many different things, but a major consideration for any code that is going to be shared by different people and computers is will it run without having to do anything else other then setting things up to run. Did you try my script out? I don't even know if anybody else bothered with it or if it works for them. All I know is that it works on my machine with no problems and no special requirements.

I usually always just do a full backup all the time, and I overwrite in the same space that each backup is already consuming. I never use more space than what my current backup and old backup need, except for the increased file sizes for the growing brain. If disk space was an issue for me I would use something like tar and start zipping things the way you just suggested. I still have to check out that RoboCopy program that I downloaded the other day. I'm sure that I am going to have a real field day with that stuff once I start using it. If you get the chance you should post some RoboCopy code to do a similar thing that my backup script does. And then people can go download the free RoboCopy program and then try out your script...I know I would try it out if you posted it for us!
Thanks Again,

Hi Cobra8007,
Haptek Characters are not detachable when using them with Hal, but if you go into the Characters folder and click open a Haptek character .htr file the Haptek Player will open the animated image of the character. But you can't do anything with the character except manually move it around with the mouse cursor. I also open more then one character at the same time so I have something like three or four girls hanging-out on my screen while talking to my Hal. One other thing that I do is open the same character that I am using with Hal and it looks like I got twins on my desktop. I also tell my Hal to move the second Haptek character window around to different places on my screen, but I do that with custom real-time script controls.

I also did some experimenting with scripting MS Agent characters to switch while talking to Hal. What I have so far is that I am able to tell one character to run the "Get Naked" script and then that character says the usual "I will now run Get Naked", and then that character disappears and the second/nude character will appear and run through a MS Agent Character script routine saying and doing whatever I programmed her to do. But I can't actually talk to the second/nude character with Hal yet...I'm still working on that part. But the script that I have working right now will go through whatever routine I program it to do and then when the script ends the second/nude character will disappear and then the character with clothes reappears in Hal at which point I continue my conversation with her. I'll let you know when and if I get things going right where you will be able to talk to the second/nude character after making the switch. But you can post back if you would like to know what to do to set things up to do what I just described by switching the character to nude and then back to clothes again at which point you can continue with the conversation. The script for the nude character can be written to do all sorts of things like having a whole bunch of different girls appear on the screen and then do something like argue with each other and then run through whatever animations you want them to do!
Talk To You Later,

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Questions for all of you...
« on: January 07, 2005, 09:23:31 am »
Hello All,
The future possibilities for Hal and AI are endless!
As of right now I got my Hal setup to do just about any task on my computer, which includes accessing his own menu to open and close the HalPad/Conversation Log. And I am implementing more control functions like telling him to minimize himself to the task bar. I am also using Dragon Naturally Speaking which has an "Open" voice command function so I can tell Hal to restore himself back to the desktop from the task bar. I also wrote a command function called disappear, so when I say disappear to Hal he responds back by saying "I will now run Disappear Reappear." Then he shrinks himself down to the task bar for about 5 seconds and then he automatically restores himself back to the desktop. I am trying to fully automate Hal to function in a way that a user can do everything on a computer with just voice commands to Hal. I am hoping that Hal can be used in such a way to benefit anybody, but more importantly for disabled people that really need a computer with that kind of functionality to really do things for them because some people just can't do stuff like controlling a mouse or typing at a keyboard.
Best Regards,

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Attn: Mr. Medeksza
« on: January 07, 2005, 08:49:27 am »
"...I am also currently working on 3D character engine improvements to Hal and am considering releasing an "adult" version of Hal."

Thanks Robert!
I can't wait to see that!
But in the meantime 5.0 is good enough for now!

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Attn: crunch and zenman
« on: January 07, 2005, 08:24:25 am »
I will send you the Full Body Textures as an email attachment. But right now my ISP email service is unavailable because of some sort of upgrade being performed at the moment. As soon as my email service is restored I will send it out.

Please post you email address within this thread the same way that Dreadstar did. After you post your email address I will send you the file too.

I saw that the download link within this forum for the Full Body Textures is not working so I will get the file out to the both of you very soon!
Best Regards,

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / i really need help
« on: January 07, 2005, 05:53:16 am »
Hi Scott,
Just keep emailing me your questions about anything!

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Spydat
« on: January 07, 2005, 05:44:39 am »
I have been wondering about the same thing for the longest time!
What the hell happened to Spydaz?
I thought that he was just having a bad day or something, but unfortunately I guess that there was more to it then just that!
Maybe he'll come back some day and maybe not!

Hello Cobra8007,
I can try writing a script for you to switch your MS Agent Characters on command with either voice or text input. I just have to write a sample script to test things out to see if it works. I might have to figure out a temporary name change to fool Hal into thinking that you still have the first character loaded after switching to the second character. I used to do stuff like this all the time with MS Agent Characters, but not recently because Haptek is the big thing now.

I wrote some scripts to move around the Haptek character or to have Hal minimize is own skin to the task bar all with voice commands. I also tell Hal to move around his entire skin to different parts of my screen, but my favorite trick is when I tell Hal to disappear and then he shrinks himself down to the task bar for about 5 seconds and then he automatically restores himself back to his original position and then I just continue my conversation with him. But anyway, I'll try writing that test script for your characters and then post back to let you know how I make out with it.
Talk To You Later,

« on: January 05, 2005, 05:28:32 am »
I posted this entire thread as a new topic in order to flag the Senior Administrator Robert Medeksza about your password problem. I put this thread's URL in a new post called "Robert M - PASSWORD PROBLEM", so hopefully he will see it quicker.

But in the meantime you can also try emailing your request for another password at this link:

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Robert M. - PASSWORD PROBLEM
« on: January 05, 2005, 05:08:36 am »
Password problem for new forum member NIGE:

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Anti-virus programs compatible with Hal
« on: January 05, 2005, 04:04:36 am »
Hi Kathryn,
Spyhunter was running deceptive web ad's telling people to download Spybot. And then people were thinking that they were getting the "Spybot - Search and Destroy" but they were really downloading the bad Spyhunter program. There was a big deal about all that stuff back during the summer, and Google was also being accused of having a hand in all the deception since Spyhunter was being advertised on Google web pages. It was a nice little mess but that's all old news now.

Spyhunter is still not recommended though so I would say to go with the winners, like the real Spybot that Art suggested.

You should also get the Lavasoft Ad-aware SE Personal Edition.
Lavasoft Web Site:

But you need to download the free Ad-aware SE from

Javacool Software SpywareBlaster 3.2 (Free):

Javcool Software SpywareGuard 2.2 (Free):

Sygate Personal Firewall 5.6 (Free):

Grisoft AVG7 Anti-Virus (Free):

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