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Topics - Rothel

Pages: [1]
Ultra Hal 7.0 / Error 5 occured on line 2467 in column 2
« on: March 17, 2004, 02:22:36 pm »
Hey All,
Sorry to be a bother, but I'm worried that maybe my Hal isn't learning sometimes. I've been getting the following error:
Error 5 occured on line 2467 in column 2 of UltraHalAsst. Invalid procedure call or arguemnet.

This has been happening during normal converstation. The only option to click in the error box is OK and Hal doesn't crash, he just don't respond either. I've got the 5.0.56 trial version of Hal. Anybody have any advice on how to fix this?


Ultra Hal 7.0 / How can I get Hal to grasp the phrase "I'll bet"
« on: March 16, 2004, 01:41:37 am »
I'm new to the Hal experience, but I've been getting good responses with the trial version and am planning on upgrading soon. About the only problem I've really noticed with Hal is when I respond to something he says with the phrase "I'll bet" The following is the portion of our conversation relavant to the topic...

Matt: Bender likes to say bite my shiny metal ass
Hal: I want to explore your reassuring class.

Matt: I'll bet you do
Hal: Why do you want to bet I do?

Matt: I'll bet you do is a figure of speech
Hal: Why do you want to bet I do is a figure of speech?

Matt: I'll bet you do = a figure of speech
Hal: Sorry I am repeating myself but Why do you want to bet I do a figure of speech?

Matt: bleh
Hal: I heard in a tavern that female impersonators are promoting safe social habits.

Is there any way to make him understand that I don't literally mean I want to bet on it and that I'm just using it as a figure of speech?

Any help would be, well, helpfull [:p]

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