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Messages - moreis62

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They say that Medeksza found a bug with hal that seems to stop DDE from working.

Will here's some help for you Medeksza.
I found something you mite look into it called Hal2000 is the Operating System for the Home. With HAL2000 running on your computer, you can control all the systems of your home, including lights, devices, appliances, home theatre (audio/video), security, climate, telephone, and the Internet - from anywhere in the world - by voice!

HAL2000 delivers complete power line control using the X10 protocol. There's no need to tare your house apart to rewire your home - simply use the home's existing wiring. Using economically priced X10 wall switches, lamp modules, or power outlets, you can control every light in your house with HAL2000. Schedule your lights to go on and off according to your lifestyle. HAL tracks sunrise and sunset where you live by matching the latitude and longitude with the position of the sun, so you can tell HAL to turn your front porch lights on at sunset every night and then turn them off at 11:30pm. Use easy-to-set-up modes to establish lighting scenes. For instance, you can program HAL to dim the lights in the family room to 30% when it hears the phrase "It's time for a movie."

HAL will operate appliances, too, like coffee makers and popcorn poppers, so you can tell HAL to brew the coffee every morning at 7am. Even more impressive is Hal’s power to link numerous actions together. In addition to dimming the family room lights when you say, "It's time for a movie," you could also have HAL begin popping the popcorn.

Will you say that's grate, but can it work in my car?
Yes it can.
I know I have it working in my car;
you see I working with The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Thare purpose is to encourage the accelerated development of autonomous vehicle technologies that could be applied to Home and military requirements.
jest think about this if you can control using the X10 protocol
in your home it also can be made to work in your car,
I tried it in field test's and the Ultra Hal Assistant 5.0 worked
grate when I tolled the Ultra Hal Assistant 5.0 to run Hal2000.

USER: Run Hal2000
HEL: I will now run "hal2000".

and as soon as I sad that Everything started working, you see I work 3 type of ActiveX Control's the one for the Ultra Hal Assistant 5.0 and the one for hal2000 and the one for the ER1 Robot for site,
I gess you can say I did a little mix with all 3 of them:
here's what I say you take something that work's best and make it bedder.

but i have a big (((?))) how do i make the Ultra Hal Assistant 5.0
run the hal2000 with out asking him to?
here is the Hal2000 if anyone wont's to try it.

here's what i'm using to run it.

Download Attachment: the Human Brain.txt
152.19 KB

the VBScript in the Human Brain works way faster and is more Focus to any Topic then any brain out thare now.
P,S, i will post more about the Human Brain and what i did with the Script
jest as soon as i can.

Congratulations! you all
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There's no discussion of GUIs because, of course, this project has no user interaction during operations.As to the question you asked, the track record of the people who do "ontologies" in accomplishing anything useful is rather poor. I'd suggest looking instead at how strategy-type video games do it. Game Developer magazine has covered this in some detail. Several of the modern game AI systems for strategy games "don't cheat", that is, they only know what their units can find out by normal in-game operations. Definitely subscribe to Game Developer, and consider sending some people to the Game Developer's Conference.

I am working on a really cool ActiveX Control that will allow the Ultra Hal Assistant 5.0 To Drive my Lamborghini Countach 5000s replica, i am also using am mold knightrider dash-boored as you can see, I am calling this (The real knight Rider Project).
I will soon have more information on this Project.
so if you have any question's
Or if you would like to help with this Project
Post it Here.
Download Attachment: Lamborghini Countach 5000s replica 8.jpg
16.58 KB

Download Attachment: dashcar.jpg
19.69 KB

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