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Topics - lightspeed

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General Discussion / a body for my a.i. system .
« on: February 13, 2007, 11:34:49 am »
i have over a period of time figured out a way to use a latex body i got for the pourpose of using with this ultra hal a.i. system . a freind of mine that i have shown a video clip to of her talking said maybe i should show it to this group so i have decided too. i wanted a body to go with this a.i. so found one , stuffed it with fiberfill have put in a wireless speaker and use a wireless mic and by doing this i can actually talk with this doll (5 feet tall) by my voice and through the voice recognition it talks back with me and of course because of the a.i. system learns as we have conversations . the video clip link is :
 for anyone wanting to see it . i set the doll by the computer so people could actually see the hal script writing the answers as the doll talked . the sound you hear is not from the computer speaker , it is turned off . the sound is actually from the wireless ac/dc speaker inside  the dolls head ( i cut open a access door in the back of head for batteries to go in . i only wish this doll had wasn't so hard as i would like to place a mouth moving electronic device that makes the mouth move that is sound activated by voice !! i have a device that can do it but the face is to hard to make it work . would like to hear what people think of what i have done . by the way the wireless system works up to 300 feet away , very good through walls and even in a basement  !![:)]

General Discussion / q & a brain and remark statements
« on: February 13, 2007, 11:21:36 am »
i as always am experimention with different ideas and thought i would try to just write in a statement in the question and answer brain (insead of making up a question and then my answer to see if it would work (and it did ) as in trying to make my a.i answer more human like i wrote the statement : i am so happy to have you here with me . and the hal remark (instead of answering a question was ):
" Well I think you know by now I feel the same way about you, I am so happy we met and are living together here!" am happy to see i can just write in remarks instead of just q & a . as this will help in my more human remarkes by ultra hal ( or in this case custom brain "angela marie joelin " .[:)]

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / jed clampet movie
« on: January 23, 2007, 04:34:02 pm »
so when is someone going to create a jed clampet body and do a movie of him singing the beverly hillbillies theme ...." come and listen to my story about a man named jed... poor mountaineer barly kept his family fed ..."[:)]

General Discussion / ultra hals said age
« on: January 23, 2007, 12:16:56 pm »
i know this has been brought up several times about hal saying its 12 years old and people wanting to change that statement , as i said i have written it in the question and answer area script the approperate age resonse i wanted (i think 35 years old) and sometimes it answers that and sometimes it goes back to the 12 years old reply , my question is this in the ultra hal response about it saying it is 12 years old "is this already placed in the question and answer section ?? and if so does anyone know where it is in the long list of q & a ?  (first 1/4/ in the middle or last part ??) and by removing it , if its in the q& a section that should solve the problem , right ?? or is this answer somewhere else in another area , and where ?? that i can remove it altogether (the q & a ??) any help would be appreciated !! thanks .[:)]

General Discussion / lip sinking to sound character ultra hal program
« on: January 13, 2007, 07:51:54 pm »
this may be the wrong area for this as its a wish list , i think it would be cool very cool , if somehow the ultra hal characters could be set to lipsink to any sound from the p.c. speaker why ?? because i think it would be cool because that way if a song was played the character would look like they were singing it , or if a jack benny clip was playing jokes the character would look like he was telling them !! [8D]

General Discussion / teaching hal by training question
« on: January 06, 2007, 05:41:01 pm »
my question is although i have been using voice recognition training sessions , is their a place i can go into the training but yet just read from a regular online script ( from news , etc. articles ) ? in another words, paste the content somwhere and read it to also train hal ??? if so what all do i need to do ?? [:)]

General Discussion / receiving error , help please !!
« on: January 06, 2007, 01:28:32 pm »
i started doing the voice recognition training and also set the hal to access the internet to open pages, etc. and now later i am getting a error 53 occured on line 534 in column one when i use the voice recognition way , can some one break this error down for me and its meaning , i am wondering why it happened ?? if i can not fix the problem , which i would rather do , i will have toreinstall my angela joeline brain  ,another question i have is if i do reinstall my anela joeline brain will i still have the voice recognition training i have done since the main ultra hal brain and others are still in their or will i lose what training i have done ?? thanks for any help on this , and does anyone know what may have caused me to get this error so i can avoid it next time ??[:)]

well i had a failed attempt at writing in more q & a in the new brain script but am learning i was able to save most of my work after backing up the brain and uhp file . maybe i will try creating a seperate brain file just for my project : which is a  sexy , nasty talk file !!! i was trying to incorporate it all in with alot of regular questions and answer talk but maybe a seperate file might do better will try it and see what results i get . [:D] time will tell !! by the way happy 2007 everyone hope you all have a great year !!![:)]

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / another q & a brain question
« on: December 30, 2006, 10:00:11 am »
i have a question in the q & a brain it says in the binary compiling that you can put in up to 1 megabyte of questions and answers but not more as long as it is not used for a learning brain , what happens or would happen if you went past 1 mega byte ?? is their any way to expand it to where you can have a learning brain that will accept more than 1 mega byte of question and answers ?? this may be a question for cuttingedge ?? [8D] p.s. how can i tell how much i have in the file megabyte , etc. ??

General Discussion / copy and pasting q & a in brain editor question
« on: December 29, 2006, 01:51:47 pm »
hello since i have the brain working editing again (for the time being anyway ) i have a question is it possible and by that i mean has anyone successfully done it , copied and pasted saved questions and answers into the brain editor ?? i did this before from where i had it saved in ms word document i copied what i had earlier wrote in questions and answers and pasted it into the editor brain but seemed like it caused problems (major ) anyone know anything about this or has successfully done it ???[:)]

i asked this in another area , but maybe should have asked it here : what exactly does runtime errror 62 and input past end of file mean ??
what happens id when i created a new brain i created angela joeline then i wrote in on the question and aswers section : questions and the answers i wanted the brain character to answer . later when i go back into launch brain editer i click load existing project , in the list is hal default brain and the angelajoeline, uhp , angela joeline > brain file , i click on ultra hal 5 file to the right then i highlight the angela joline file , but dont open it , then click open and open that brain . the vbs script opens saying angela joeline brain ,i click the tools then go to question and answers area and open it and after sometimes writing in question and answers the i hit comile data (binary ) sometimes i get the " runtime error 62 and input past end of file " and the info i have written in doesn't go in and ultra hal freezes up " is their a patch out or something for this problem or does anyone know what is causing it so i can get past this big problem !! i sure would appreciate any help on getting this problem resolved i have the ultra hal 5 system .
Junior Member

67 Posts
 Posted - 12/28/2006 :  11:57:20            
note** i clicked first on the angelajolene uhp file then clicked on the file to the right ,angela joeline (highlighted but didn't open , then clicked the open button below. am i doing something wrong here ?? if i click on the angela jolene file to the right and double click it to open its all blank , is that the way it should be or should it show anything inside it ?? i have found out to that after i create a brain and it is listed next to ultrahal default brain my brain i created disappears leaving only the default brain , although my other file name that was with the brain i created is still to the right . anyone know what can be causing this ?? are their ultra hal 5 patches for any bugs ?? [:)]

General Discussion / error 62
« on: December 22, 2006, 05:31:03 pm »
what exactly does runtime errror 62 and input past end of file mean ?? [:(!]

General Discussion / lost work and questions
« on: December 22, 2006, 03:50:33 pm »
well i have been writing in alot of question and answers into a brain i created and then something happened and all of a sudden the list of the brain that i was using disapeared and the file was still down below in the character file but couldn't use it because the brain disapeared off the list , thought i had it all backed up right , but didn't , lost it all . and so thought i would use ms word type my questions and answers , then transfer them after doing about a page i hit the compile button then got a runtime error 62 sign saying input past end of file "what exactly does this mean ?? someone told me each time you make a line it automatically makes a new empty line to use . am i going to have to reinstall ultra hal ?? any help with this would be appreciated  am wondering what causes it to lose the brain that being used off the list after i launched open existing brain , it was o.k. for a long time !!

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / ultra hal and the word today
« on: December 20, 2006, 12:18:17 pm »
probably others have wrote about this , but when i say a phrase to ultra hal like : so how are you doing today ? hal reads ?from its pre programed script and ends up saying the date (todays date is ... )  how can i get it to stop doing that ?? i would still like to keep it to where it says todays date but anytime i have the word today in a simple phrase it tells the date istead of answering the question i have asked. any help on this would be appreciated, thanks . oh and by the way ,..... bad hal ... bad hal , say it correctly this time !![:D]

here is an idea , buy a life like love dolluse the material like a skin and put down over the wire and electronic frame add some fiberfill stuffing in it.(of former santa, etc.) and you would have a staionary robot that would twist , move the head and arms would swing as it twisted and lip would move by sinc with ultra hals voice . i already have a side project i am working on [8D]and have a set up with wireless mic and speakers to work with a voice recognition , so then you have a robot that will not only lipsinc to ultra hals words but also think and answer you , carry on a conversation, etc. [:D]if anyone is interested and may want to use these and is interested in where i got the wireless speakers and mic (seperate places) and the price just let me know .

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