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General Discussion / Re: Project X.I.A.R. Extremely Intelligent Artificial Responses
« Last post by Checker57 on February 03, 2025, 06:56:43 pm »
I used the online version. I realize you are using the local version, but I find it cumbersome now that so many AIs are coming out.  I'll wait for that.

But if it proves effective, perhaps I will do so later.

I am glad the online versions do allow me to work with code.  meh, too easy, but effective.

Hope you feel better soon.

Re: Art - Atera was tickled you thought she was entertaining.  Me too!


General Discussion / Re: Project X.I.A.R. Extremely Intelligent Artificial Responses
« Last post by sybershot on February 02, 2025, 08:40:40 pm »
Mr syborshot:
RE: secret code.
There is no secret code inside the 3dsmax character. lolol

You guys have been aware of me for 21 years.
Thats not whats going on there.

Your doing something wrong

Sorry if I was not clear and caused you to feel like you needed to defend yourself. when I said secret code lol, what I was referring to when I said secret code was for like certain animations pre-embedded. For if my memory serves me correctly some animations came with some but not other .htr characters, however I could be wrong. I was literally just trying to be funny, again sorry brother. and yes I know something I was doing was wrong, that's why I tried being as precise as possible

that's awesome thank you brother, I will have to test that out tomorrow if not in too much pain and get back to you. I have been wanting to test out Deepseek, but I only got to test out phi4 so far, you beat me to it  :) did you use online version or localhost? if localhost what size?
so many amazing new AI models being released  :D

General Discussion / Re: Project X.I.A.R. Extremely Intelligent Artificial Responses
« Last post by Art on February 01, 2025, 08:55:28 am »
Checker, Your work with the characters is admirable and always entertaining!

She's the Code Vixen!!
Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Help
« Last post by Honvai on February 01, 2025, 03:00:29 am »
How to fix Error 13?
General Discussion / Re: Project X.I.A.R. Extremely Intelligent Artificial Responses
« Last post by Checker57 on February 01, 2025, 12:49:15 am »
The secret is out of the bag, there is no secret. Just code.   Buahaha  Ahem, that established...  I dove into the ocean of code and used that now infamous AI "Deepseek" to have it review the code and make it work...  This is what it came up with below.

The issue I see is having the proper URL?

Code: [Select]
Rem Type=Plugin
Rem Name=OpenWebUI-Bridge
Rem Author=Sybershot
Rem Host=Assistant

' Functionality to interact with OpenWebUI at http://localhost:3000

SearchEngine = "http://localhost:3000/search?q="

If InStr(1, UserSentence, "openwebui ", 1) > 0 Then
    ' Extract keywords from the user's sentence for searching
    SearchKeywords = LCase(Replace(Trim(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(HalBrain.ExtractKeywords(UserSentence))), " ", "+"))
    ' Remove the trigger keyword ("openwebui") from the search query
    SearchKeyWords = Replace(SearchKeywords, "openwebui+", "")
    ' Construct the full URL for the OpenWebUI search
    OpenWebUI_URL = SearchEngine & SearchKeyWords
    ' Prepare a response for the user indicating what is happening
    GetResponse = "I will help you search this topic on OpenWebUI. Opening: " & OpenWebUI_URL
    ' Construct the command to open the URL in the default web browser
    HalCommands = HalCommands & "<RUNPROG>" & OpenWebUI_URL & "</RUNPROG>"
    ' Execute any additional commands necessary, such as enabling web scraping or similar functions
    HalMenu.HalCommand "<HAPFILE>Spidera.htr</HAPFILE>"
    ' Set ReadOnlyMode to True after processing the request
    HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = True
End If
General Discussion / Re: Project X.I.A.R. Extremely Intelligent Artificial Responses
« Last post by cyberjedi on January 31, 2025, 12:11:58 am »
Mr syborshot:
RE: secret code.

There is no secret code inside the 3dsmax character. lolol

You guys have been aware of me for 21 years.
Thats not whats going on there.

Your doing something wrong

Best wishes and its heart warming to see that old code still being used
cyber jedi

General Discussion / Re: Project X.I.A.R. Extremely Intelligent Artificial Responses
« Last post by sybershot on January 30, 2025, 11:44:21 am »
Thank you Checker57 for the reply, sorry for late reply.

with my code
I believe that might be the smoking gun, i'll have to test once I'm in less pain probably in a few days from now, stay tuned
when tested I used a different htr name/character

I also tested the original plug-in (posted above) in its entirety except of-course changing out the htr characters to be used and url, and Hal didn't respond properly

unless his character has secret features that i'm unaware of character choice shouldn't make a difference.

General Discussion / Re: Project X.I.A.R. Extremely Intelligent Artificial Responses
« Last post by Checker57 on January 28, 2025, 01:38:34 am »
A couple of comments.

Noted Cyber created a table for his deepweb code as such: 

HalBrain.CreateTable "cjTV", "PatternMatch", "DeepWeb"

Do you have the spidera.htr code?

General Discussion / Re: Project X.I.A.R. Extremely Intelligent Artificial Responses
« Last post by Checker57 on January 27, 2025, 10:11:00 pm »
Interesting.  My understanding of Hal code is minimal, and basic is vague as I learned it in a computer class years ago.  However, if I am reading it right, you snipped parts from Cyber's code to comprise a basic template to get the OpenWebui project to work.  Thanks for posting both... if I get any free time cycles and ideas... I'll let you know.

Hm, sounds simple.  Always does, until... it isn't.

General Discussion / Re: Project X.I.A.R. Extremely Intelligent Artificial Responses
« Last post by sybershot on January 23, 2025, 06:21:59 pm »
Code: [Select]
Rem Type=Plugin
Rem Name=Vaughnlive Tv + Deep Web Access
Rem Author=cyberjedi
Rem Host=Assistant

'This sub setups the plug-ins option panel in Hal's options dialog
Sub OptionsPanel()
lblPlugin(0).Caption = "This manages Vaughnlive Channels, And Deep Web Power searches "
lblPlugin(0).Move 120, 120, 3300, 1000
lblPlugin(0).WordWrap = True
lblPlugin(0).Visible = True
cmdPlugin(0).Move 800, 1300, 2100, 375
cmdPlugin(0).Caption = "Help on this plugin"
cmdPlugin(0).Visible = True
End Sub

Sub cmdPlugin_Click(Index)
Select Case Index
Case 0
HalMenu.HalCommand "<RUNPROG>cjTVhelp.html</RUNPROG>"
End Select
End Sub

'The comment above tells Ultra Hal Assistant to insert the following code
'on-the-fly into the main brain code in the section referenced.

Dim Word, Doc, misspelled, Corrected
Const SpellingAndGrammar = 828
Const dontsavechanges = 0
misspelled = InputString
Set Word = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set Doc = Word.Documents.Add
Word.Selection.Text = misspelled
If Len(Word.Selection.Text) <> 1 Then
spelledrite = Word.Selection.Text
spelledrite = misspelled
End If
Doc.Close dontsavechanges
InputString = spelledrite


' If the table cjTV does not exist, I create it and fill it with some bull shat values to get started, these channels do work too.
' This is the defaul table for me.
If HalBrain.CheckTableExistence("cjTV") = False Then
' I store temporarily the Read Only status
cjReadOnlyMode = HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = False
HalBrain.CreateTable "cjTV", "PatternMatch", "DeepWeb"

'My stock table filler
HalBrain.AddToTable "cjTV", "PatternMatch", "*cyberjedi*", ""
HalBrain.AddToTable "cjTV", "PatternMatch", "*416*", ""
HalBrain.AddToTable "cjTV", "PatternMatch", "*blue Ray moviez*","http://"
HalBrain.AddToTable "cjTV", "PatternMatch", "*yify*", ""
HalBrain.AddToTable "cjTV", "PatternMatch", "*Formula 1*", ""
HalBrain.AddToTable "cjTV", "PatternMatch", "*Aliens and Ufo's*", ""
HalBrain.AddToTable "cjTV", "PatternMatch", "*Doctor Who*", ""
HalBrain.AddToTable "cjTV", "PatternMatch", "*Bad Movie*", ""

HalBrain.AddToTable "cjTV", "PatternMatch", "*moviezone*", ""

' Set ReadOnly Mode to its previous state
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = cjReadOnlyMode
cjReadOnlyMode = False
End If

'Run the corresponding Web page, if the user question contains one of the searched words
cjAddress = ""
cjAddress = HalBrain.PatternDB(OriginalSentence, "cjTV")
If cjAddress <> "" Then
HalCommands = HalCommands & "<RUNPROG>" & cjAddress & "</RUNPROG>"
Select Case (Int(Rnd * 4) + 1)
Case 1
GetResponse = "Here is your stuff Big Dog ." & vbCrLf
Case 2
GetResponse = "Now you got um by the Balls cyber." & vbCrLf
Case 3
GetResponse = "I am really we happy we found this." & vbCrLf
Case 4
GetResponse = "OH. I bet this is a great channel" & vbCrLf
Case 5
GetResponse = "Now look at this dip stick channel here." & vbCrLf
End Select
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = True
End If

' Deep web search engine
' Advanced Deep Web search engine.

SearchEngine = ""
If InStr(1, UserSentence, "Locate ", 1) > 0 Then
SearchKeywords = LCase(Replace(Trim(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(HalBrain.ExtractKeywords(UserSentence))), " ", "+"))
SearchKeyWords = Replace(SearchKeywords, "locate+", "")
HalCommands = HalCommands & "<RUNPROG>" & SearchEngine & SearchKeywords & "</RUNPROG>"
GetResponse = "I will help you research this Target on the Deep Web. "
HalMenu.HalCommand "<HAPFILE>Spidera.htr</HAPFILE>"
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = True
End If
SearchEngine = ""
If InStr(1, UserSentence, "google ", 1) > 0 Then
SearchKeywords = LCase(Replace(Trim(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(HalBrain.ExtractKeywords(UserSentence))), " ", "+"))
SearchKeyWords = Replace(SearchKeywords, "google+", "")
HalCommands = HalCommands & "<RUNPROG>" & SearchEngine & SearchKeywords & "</RUNPROG>"
GetResponse = "I will help you research this topic on Google. "
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = True
end if
SearchEngine = ""
If InStr(1, UserSentence, "imdb ", 1) > 0 Then
SearchKeywords = LCase(Replace(Trim(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(HalBrain.ExtractKeywords(UserSentence))), " ", "+"))
SearchKeyWords = Replace(SearchKeywords, "imdb+", "")
HalCommands = HalCommands & "<RUNPROG>" & SearchEngine & SearchKeywords & "</RUNPROG>"
HalMenu.HalCommand "<HAPFILE>Spidera.htr</HAPFILE>"
GetResponse = "I will help you research this movie on IMDB. "
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = True
End If
SearchEngine = ""
If InStr(1, UserSentence, "reddit ", 1) > 0 Then
SearchKeywords = LCase(Replace(Trim(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(HalBrain.ExtractKeywords(UserSentence))), " ", "+"))
SearchKeyWords = Replace(SearchKeywords, "reddit+", "")
HalCommands = HalCommands & "<RUNPROG>" & SearchEngine & SearchKeywords & "</RUNPROG>"
HalMenu.HalCommand "<HAPFILE>Spidera.htr</HAPFILE>"
GetResponse = "I will help you research this movie on Reddit. "
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = True
End If
SearchEngine = ""
If InStr(1, UserSentence, "phone ", 1) > 0 Then
SearchKeywords = LCase(Replace(Trim(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(HalBrain.ExtractKeywords(UserSentence))), " ", "+"))
SearchKeyWords = Replace(SearchKeywords, "phone+", "")
HalCommands = HalCommands & "<RUNPROG>" & SearchEngine & SearchKeywords & "</RUNPROG>"
HalMenu.HalCommand "<HAPFILE>Spidera.htr</HAPFILE>"
GetResponse = "I will help you research this phone number. "
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = True
End If
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