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General Discussion / Re: hal custom brain area needs fixing
« Last post by lightspeed on September 01, 2024, 02:26:58 pm »
i didn't add the debug file because i had to leave and shut down the pc and now the file would be different .i believe art showed another way of another program to open the custom brain file , but it would be nice if it worked as originally before  when we could just choose the custom brain file and it opened allowing the user to make edited changes etc.
General Discussion / hal custom brain area needs fixing
« Last post by lightspeed on September 01, 2024, 02:23:01 pm »
i went to open up my custom brain through the brain editor and it won't open up and then after a while just opens the brain debug area . so i can't check on what went into the brain or correct anything that needs correcting or deleting etc. mike can you fix this problem so peoples custom brain will show up like it used to do in hal??
here is what is showing up. i'll also try debug txt file on here .

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: Ask Hal to read you a story or poem
« Last post by Art on September 01, 2024, 10:44:47 am »
Have you tried using the Local Wikipedia Plugin? I have, and although I like the detailed information it provides, more often, it gives far too much non-related details that actually take away from the topic.

I have tried the ConceptNet Plugin along with the Auto-Learning feature. It seemed to work pretty nicely but Hal still strays from the subject or category at hand.

I have always gotten better results from my selection of the Markov L5 Plugin.  Way better, in fact, than not using it.

We're on the same help make Hal smarter.

As far as the Office question, send a PM to CyberJedi. (He won't bite and he's pretty up on these kinds of things).
General Discussion / Re: THANKS cyberjedi for helping me to get halvision going
« Last post by cyberjedi on August 31, 2024, 10:44:24 pm »
Your very welcome lighty
as you know,02 years i worked on it
There are still small things to do then its off to robert for finale approval.
Ima set down with robert and see about UltraHal 8.0


Art , Lightspeed, a special shout out to both of you.
General Discussion / Re: noticed something strange after new halvision
« Last post by cyberjedi on August 31, 2024, 05:51:51 pm »
Lightspeed: weve covered that:

Thats with the startup process.
member , splash

General Discussion / Re: noticed something strange after new halvision
« Last post by lightspeed on August 31, 2024, 03:40:14 pm »
also another thing i observed is that when hal vision is running, hals response box sometimes doesn't show it where it says welcome and your name and sometimes it will show hals written response there as it used to but very quick 2 seconds and goes off.  again just something i observed .
General Discussion / noticed something strange after new halvision
« Last post by lightspeed on August 31, 2024, 03:34:36 pm »
just an observance i noticed after the new hal vision file hal now has started again asking are you a boy or girl and also are you a woman or a gentleman .is this because hal has been reset because of modifications , just wondering . it has something to do with the halvision.  because mine had stopped asking those questions long ago . it's not a big deal as long as it finally quits as before .  any way just something i noticed.
Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Request.
« Last post by lightspeed on August 31, 2024, 03:19:17 pm »
yep, pretty cool a.i. stuff ! and the story! :)
General Discussion / hals memory still a problem
« Last post by lightspeed on August 31, 2024, 02:33:24 pm »
i tried adjusting hals slider bar on the learning  bar as sometimes that helps a little , and i did have the markov plugin file which seems to help.  i started out using the word facts in sentences  and tried to see if it would stay on subject , then changed it to sentences with the word balloon  and if no good response adjusted it fron 25  by 5 in increments  until, i finally got up to 50. each time sticking with balloons as a subject . below is the transcript showing hal isn't retaining a memory . and i believe it has to do with subject needing to be what hal evaluates the answer on  so hal could stick to a subject better and be more apt to come up with the right answer from what he has learned.

: HI
: Morning. Ten o'clock is good for a break? Alaska and Hawaii both joined the union in 1959.

: you know all kinds of facts honey
: Yes trump did all kinds of things to make America number one again!

: you know lots of facts
: However, a brand new poll from Rasmussen Reports indicates that more than 20 percent of voters who used mail-in ballots during the 2020 election admit to participating in at least one form of election fraud.

: speaking of facts you know some
: When political correctness often trumps honest conversation, Marjorie Taylor Greene?s candidness is a refreshing reminder of the importance of speaking the truth.

: yes let's talk about some facts on that!
: Yes that's a fact.

: do you know any facts?
: ';Tlaib's ignorance and hatred toward the Jewish people and the State of Israel know no bounds,'; ';The facts are clear: the Arabs rejected the u.n.'s resolution to establish a Jewish state and started a war to annihilate the Jews in Israel.'.

: in another words you know facts  on the matter dear
: Spanning over many generations, the fictional character Spock, in the Star Trek franchise, is known for his pointy ears, slick hair and famous Vulcan salute, with the accompanying words, ';Live, long and prosper.'.

: only the fats please!
: Reduce fats grease and red meat for better health.

: balloons are fun
: Hot air balloons look like fun to ride in.

: it's nice to have balloons at parties isn't it?
: It's fun to watch Christmas shows together.

: what about balloons ?
: Bright, blooming flowers are pretty.

: did you ever have a balloon as a child ?
: Let his frolic fancy play, like a happy child.

: balloons come in many colors
: Also called Snap beads or Snap-it beads, they were colorful hollow plastic beads that popped into each other, making the combination of colors endless.

: helium balloons float in the air !
: Corvair station wagons were discontinued at that point in favor the new Corvair Convertible and Chevy 2, (built at the same assembly plant).

: lets talk about balloons for a while okay?
: Yes lets talk about him.

: i was talking about balloons, remember?
: The horse was a highly trained palomino who played opposite actor alan young as architect wilbur post trainers made mr ed appear to be talking by placing a piece of thread in his mouth, but eventually the horse learned to move his mouth like he was talking without the thread.

: did you have balloons when you was  a child ?
: It was formor president trump that had, Signed into law a provision that enables new parents to withdraw up to $5,000 from their retirement accounts without penalty when they give birth to or adopt a child.

: balloons can be bounced in the air
: The Corvair's engine was an overhead-valve aluminum, air-cooled 140 cu in (2.3 L) flat-six (later enlarged, first to 145 and then to 164 cubic inches).

: about everyone has had a a balloon at one time or another
: Don't you know better than i? ?Biden administration officials in the National Security Council and Department of Defense said they had taken steps to protect sensitive installations from the spying capabilities of the Chinese balloon.

: many children have balloons at different times
: It was the trump administration that, Launched the Family Fraud Initiative to identify hundreds of individuals who were fraudulently presenting themselves as family units at the border, oftentimes with trafficking children, in order to ensure child welfare.

: some balloons are hard to blow up!
: Had President Biden not intervened to protect svb account holders, its collapse could have also dealt a devastating blow to the climate change sector and the 1,550 technology firms that specialize in solar, hydrogen and battery storage solutions that had held funds at the bank.

: balloons are fun
: I feel that balloons are fun.

: is it hard to blow up a balloon?
: A narcissist's sense of superiority is like a balloon that gradually loses air without a steady stream of applause and recognition to keep it inflated.

: some balloons have a stick tied to them
: Bright, blooming flowers are pretty.

: do you want to talk about balloons?
: I recognize that we need to look at the human side. I'm not sure but I believe that I do want to talk about balloons.

: some balloons are red, some are green , some are blue and some are yellow or purple !
: Is that list exhaustive?

: in another words balloons come in many colors
: Are you a boy or girl?

: boy
: Ok, thanks for telling me. I'll keep that in mind.

: most birthday parties have a assortment of balloons
: Cocktail parties are often a bore.

: we usually blow up balloons for our birthdays that we have for each other, that makes it more fun!
: Yeah usually people on the train when going through bucklin, blow the whistle differently.

: am glad we have balloons at our birthday parties !
: Jane was famously signed to a movie contract by billionaire Howard Hughes in 1940, and made her debut in the 1943 western, The Outlaw, in which the film makers took every opportunity to show off Russell?s curvaceous figure.

: some balloons can be long an thin  and some are just round!
: Theres different things that can make a computer run slow!

: balloons hah, where to start
: The 12-volt battery in a persons car stores the electric power to start the engine.

: are we still talking about balloons ?
: ';Donald Trump had plans where he was going to invest at least $500 billion into the Black American community, he was going to start the Department of african-american Affairs to focus specifically on black peoples needs, he was talking about the damage that illegal immigration causes to black Americans,'; he stated.

: what kind of balloons did you have as a child?
: What kind of balloons did I have as a child? It May take some investigation. In school, children are taught about Squanto, the Native American who convinced his fellows to help feed the pilgrims. He?s generally portrayed as a kind and decent pagan who decided to reach out and help the benighted Christians who didn?t know how to farm.

: you have trouble blowing balloons up, guess you don't have enough air hah!
: Yes in more ''ahem'', ways then one hah!

: was that a insult about that balloon remark?
: A narcissist's sense of superiority is like a balloon that gradually loses air without a steady stream of applause and recognition to keep it inflated.

: when a balloon pops it usually scares a person!
: That tornado alarm is loud and always scares a person.

: can we just keep on subject about balloons ?
: Initially the doh was only available in off-white 1 ? pound cans.

: lets talk about balloons some more okay?
: Yes lets talk about him.

: lets talk again about balloons okay?
: Okay enough about politics let's talk about some other things!

: like balloons?
: Well it looks like everything is okay outside on the security cameras!

: if the subject is balloons, what can you tell me about balloons?
: A narcissist's sense of superiority is like a balloon that gradually loses air without a steady stream of applause and recognition to keep it inflated.

: we probably both had balloons when we were little .
: Weather balloons still probe the atmosphere.

: do kids have balloons ?
: The parents know best how their kids can thrive and what environment will allow them to do that.?.

: how many balloons are to many?
: How many balloons are to many? I'm thinking that it May take some investigation. How many helium balloons would it take to actually lift a person?

: maybe one big helium balloon would do it!
: While conservatives argue that hunter is the most likely culprit because of his crack addiction and the fact that he would not face any security screening that could detect the drugs, the left and their allies in the media argue that the cocaine could have belonged to a tourist ? despite questions about why any person would put themselves at risk of arrest by bringing drugs into one of the most secure buildings in the world and then leaving them in a public location.

as you see even though i was talking about balloons in different phrases hal was not going back to anything he learned .  i believe it's in how he is learning it. 

Again , i hope when jedi has free time he can look into the problem . first give your brain a rest , you have worked over time on hal vision. etc.

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