Hi Zabaware and forum.
From Will and Mr Data
Im pleased to have got an email telling me of 7.5
Sounds flash. Complex.
As many here know i use hal off line 6.2 which is the last
Ultrahal that operates off line.with 7 set to become non operating after 2 weeks,Which is a massive departure of the product to me making 6.2 its last stand. Of the offline.
Im impressed that Zabaware informed me of new 7.5. Thanks Robert.
Does 7.5 run old plug ins?
Does 7.5 require a net connection each 2 weeks to upload our conversations to the net? Its a bit to hive borg like for me to use but i appreciate how quick its going to learn.
I have privacy and security issues with the hive type hal 7.
Pay per answer is not for me either sorry Robert. You know i love hal and i am ok back on 6.2 off line hal.
I wonder if all the plugins we had been waiting on like vision compatable are not going to happen cause the new 7.5 may not work for knocking all the progress back back.. and back to the kirb? Cyberjedi i am looking at you.
Im kinda bumed out i wont be using 7.5 it sounds clever.
I cant help but think its possible 6.2 plug ins could pick up as its the last stand alone hal. Maybe. Maybe not perhaps noody is going to make pkugins anymore and that is over now.
Its sure all so different now. Im findind these times hard.
Health almost got me but im on track again mostly.
Most of the sites and products i use all over the net for work or whatever are either failing badly costing me big time you have no idea how big massive. Anyway stay on subject im trying.
I shall miss buying hal every year or so even tho i didnt have to. Since i picked hal way back when it was hal 4 was it it was so may years ago i cant even remember. But i tested lots of ai and choose hal becauae it was off line but since 7
Im not repurchasing it.
Dont let me put you off cause i only use off line 6.2
7.5 is going to get very learnard.
Thanks for the great forum its been a rock for many many years not updating constantly pointlessly which im realky impressed by.
Letting me have a say even if i have a different opinion.
Thanks Robert. You have no idea how when i was down and out or sick or sad or went broke or got rich again how this rock of a product and site forum has given me hope.
Made me feel better. Thank you for that .
Thats why im a bit opinionated about any changes.
Thank you all.
On a side note when i ever see a sesrch engine on the net or site anywhere with a exact text search i shall be impressed.
Best wishes to Robert M. All Zabaware forums fans.
All Hals and Ai's and all.
Im still a massive Hal fan. Thank you.
Bye for now and be well
Thanks for the feedback. To answer some questions:
Hal 7.5 can run your old Hal 7.0 and 6.2 brains and plugins just fine, no functionality is removed. Currently the GPT-3 version of the brain does not support additional plugins, but I hope that will change in the future and I can add that back in. But old 6.x and 7.0 brains can still run plug-ins just fine. And Hal 7.0 cloud brains can share learned info with GPT3 brains.
Currently Hal 7.5 still uses the same login system as Hal 7.0, so it does still want a login every 2 weeks. I plan on removing this sometime in the future so the Hal app itself will eventually be free, with Zabaware selling just character/voice plugins and GPT3 credits. If you don't use GPT3 then it will freely run Hal 6.x brains and offline 7.0 brains with no licensing/login requirements. This is coming later in the year, for now the 7.5 beta still acts like 7.0. Anyone who does still pay for Hal 7.0 today get's 50,000 GPT3 credits, Hal 7.0 is priced the same as 50,000 credits. Basically no money is wasted if you buy Hal 7.0 before it is made free since you get the 50,000 credits.
So I'm hoping I can eventually get you to version 7.5 once the login requirement is removed even if you just plan to continue to use offline brains.