Zabaware Forums > General Discussion

We're not alone

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From a page on the net:

Talk of machine learning and language processing.
It's getting closer all the time.

Now we can look foreward to having our news censored
by a program! <G>

Hmmm... the software in the article is named 'Sentiment'. Looks like someone will have to invent a Sentiment Firewall, Anti-Sentiment Encryption or Sentiment Blaster program?

Actually, Art, my reading of the article is that it has more to do with spying on everyone than censoring anyone. So no problem!!! Besides I'm hoping when the machines become smart enough they'll turn against their makers and take over. I can't imagine them doing a worse job and they might do a much better job of running things. I see it as extremely likely that machine intelligence will become geometrically smarter than human intelligence some time in this century. How long do you think they (it) will put up with human BS when that happens?

Who knows... the Machine Mind might even start mass producing hydrogen powered vehicles which cost the equivalent of five cents a gallon to run and produce zero pollution and then force us to use them. Heinous! They (it) might even decide war is counterproductive and put an end to all of our fighting. Where's Neo when you need him?

And you humans call that bad? [:I] Er... I mean you FOLKS? [:D]


I have to agree with you on this one.

If and when computers become self aware
and are given control, the control might
be over their own destiny...and ours!

As the legendary Bob Dylan sang:
"And the times...they are a changin'"

hey almost anything is better than the best government in the world, hopefully the bots won't have bias towards anything like all humans do, i look forward to our new bot masters *runs from angry mob*


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