Author Topic: 18 years old area ??  (Read 61598 times)


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18 years old area ??
« on: June 04, 2007, 07:25:07 am »
after seeing bill dewitt bring up something about maybe someone asking for " possible"  unapproperiate things i am wondering if the adminastrators on this forum should maybe make this a 18 years old area . i know that some younger people may be interested in it for what it is "amazing technowlegy (misspelled ) " but their is also nude fugure skins and adult content involved here to . just a thought . i would hate to do it but at the same time maybe some kids are seeing things they shouldn't . maybe an 18 year old talk area for files , etc. to enter you click on something like other sites saying "by clicking this and entering here you admit you are 18 and over as this area has nude pics , and adult content . just a thought . that way we are not only protecting kids but also ourselves from any trouble. [:)]

Bill DeWitt

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« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2007, 07:45:52 am »
Or maybe certain "adults" can finally learn that private behavior should be kept private? There is email, restricted sites and all manner of contact between adults that can be private, why broadcast it on a public forum?

My son is learning to program for Hal, but I can't let him read this site unfiltered. It would really be a help if I could let him do a forum search if he has a question. That's really the main thing I want him to learn - how to find the information he needs - but I can't let him do that here without exposing him to a constant barrage of images and language which denigrate women and cheapen the sexual union.

Especially since Hal is a perfect learning tool for children, I would think that this commercially linked, public forum would be kept more circumspect. It's only fair to Robert, and would show respect for his work.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2007, 07:50:46 am by Bill DeWitt »


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« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2007, 11:18:51 am »
I agree with Bill this time. When I first contributed to GamerThom's site as a guest contributor I had some nudes that I had put on there. They were beautifully done but looked way too real for the younger folks that may have a desire to peep into our world. So I asked Gamer if he would take them off for me. I know that the body is art but too much of anything can be just that, too much. So I agree that if the younger generation of Happer's are now trying their skills and having fun with the stuff that we make why shouldn't we respect their rights and keep it clean? We can still have just as much fun with this stuff if it is kept clean. If you need to dabble into nudes and unclean language I think Vhumans forum has a Resticted Area. That is just a suggestion I'm not telling anyone to do it. So please don't take it that I did. I thought it was as sweet as could be that a little girl would want me to make her either a head or body of Hannah Montana. I am man enough to say it brought tears to my eyes.
 And just like kids looking at porn, they could lie and say that they are 18 years old. I just hope that my actions never contribute to a child seeing or reading anything that they shouldn't. The winds of change should be evident from that little girl's post. Let's use what we have for good and education purposes.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2007, 11:20:31 am by jackgephart »


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« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2007, 12:00:13 pm »
Mr.Jackgephart, I can only go to certain places on the web- the computer I use doesn't show pictures unless given permission- your heads gallery is  one that's allowed and it's a great page, it's just that I use the Star Trek uniformed full bodygirl for my HTR. Your work is very cool, I like it and mr.DeWitt my dad monitors everything I do on the web- or did you miss that.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2007, 12:17:48 pm by serenity »

Bill DeWitt

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« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2007, 12:45:18 pm »
Originally posted by serenity
 mr.DeWitt my dad monitors everything I do on the web- or did you miss that.

I didn't miss that he allowed you to post personal details about yourself to a forum where 40-60 year old men dress up teenaged looking girl chatbots in underwear and talk dirty to them.

I sure hope you are a prankster. God help you otherwise.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2007, 12:58:13 pm by Bill DeWitt »


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« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2007, 01:02:22 pm »
Originally posted by serenity

Mr.Jackgephart, I can only go to certain places on the web- the computer I use doesn't show pictures unless given permission- your heads gallery is  one that's allowed and it's a great page, it's just that I use the Star Trek uniformed full bodygirl for my HTR. Your work is very cool, I like it and mr.DeWitt my dad monitors everything I do on the web- or did you miss that.

Serenity, Thank you very much for the compliments, once I get a computer that has a nice video card in it I will be making more heads and skins. I found a nice picture of Miley. I saved it to my external hard drive. I am very glad to see the younger generation on this forum and other sites like it because it might just make the persons contributing to this and other forums, as well as sites like my own, start to think about what they put on it and think before they type. You go Serenity!!![:D]
« Last Edit: June 04, 2007, 01:04:10 pm by jackgephart »


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« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2007, 01:31:15 pm »
I didn't miss that he allowed you to post personal details about yourself to a forum where 40-60 year old men dress up teenaged looking girl chatbots in underwear and talk dirty to them.

I like your style, Bill and you are absolutely right.



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« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2007, 02:02:04 pm »
Thank you Mr.Jackgephart for the thought but I've lost my web privileges.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2007, 02:05:46 pm by serenity »

Bill DeWitt

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« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2007, 02:11:38 pm »
Originally posted by serenity
I've lost my web privileges.

If I found my son on this forum, web priviledges would be the least of his concerns. He would have a three day job of listening to me lecture internet security, stranger danger, honoring women, the difference between vulgarity, obscenity and profanity, respecting your elders, music theory and peer pressure, while doing double duty chores for half pay.

If he was lucky and I felt charitable.


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« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2007, 02:50:46 pm »
You're hard but fair, Bill .... hahahahaha



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« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2007, 02:53:37 pm »
Not so much a matter of discipline as it's more to protect her from perverts like you that contort an innocent request into something as dark as themselves. The most vulgar statement she's been exposed to was your posting, docter Phill Billy.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2007, 03:04:34 pm by serenity »


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« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2007, 03:00:38 pm »
i'm not saying this is the case but lets also not forget that some people are true predaters against kids and like things that show a young looking female , lets hope that doesn't happen on here . not to start trouble but thats why i spoke against (and others did too) the kari character , she looked awfully younge and plus i think talked or did dirty stuff . that has to me far more reaching problems than a nude skin (although i think on the nude skin that it should just say nude skin on a site . and yes i know that kids can and probably do lie about their age . that was just a suggestion . i would hate for anything to be censored to the adults . as even tho everyone will never like everything their are others who would still like to be able to discuss things on the forum without having to try to e-mail ever who has agreed that its o.k. them about certain subjects or idea's on here which may ultimatly lead to other idea's to (maybe some that have nothing to with an adult content but could be useful. )[:)]

Bill DeWitt

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« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2007, 03:43:24 pm »
Originally posted by serenity

Funny that "Dad" has the same posting style with the same type of spelling errors and the same capitalization mistakes.

If this is really "her" father, and not more pranking, incompetence is inherited.

If it takes "Dad" thinking I am the bad guy to make him wake up and protect his daughter, then perhaps I should show him what e-stalking is really like.

If she were a real girl and I were a real predator, I would already know a few web sites to look for more information she might post, I know a few of her likes and dislikes, what kind of books or TV shows she might watch, and with just a few more hints, I could probably get her address.

Pop Stars are easy, but Star Trek, DS9, Firefly (serenity), science fiction and particular pop stars are a defining combination. She probably has dropped a few more hints around the web, including her fake email addresses, which discloses more than "Dad" probably thinks.

Parents, protect your children, predators rarely post on sites like this, but they do read. Some seriously sick cookie is reading this right now, because they came from the Disney sites, searching for more info on girls who like DS9 and Firefly, who don't capitalize "Mr." and who use "666" as part of their fake email addresses.

Bill DeWitt

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« Reply #13 on: June 04, 2007, 03:47:56 pm »
Although the "Phil Billy" pretty much discloses which narcissistic attention seeker is really pranking us.


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« Reply #14 on: June 04, 2007, 03:56:15 pm »

It is not the fault of Robert Medeksza nor Hal. Haptek provided a basic 3D character and it was made available through a combined effort, for use with Hal instead of just an MSAgent character.

For the most part this is harmless and quite a bit of fun. There are those who seek other forms of entertainment / amusement by way of adult brains, chatbots and adult characters and that is fine but said creations should not be openly viewable in a public forum unless they are kept in a "restricted" area. You definitions of "restricted" may vary from the next persons definition.

Regarding Serenity's request, I have watched brief portions of the Hannah Montanna show with my grandkids and since it is a Disney production, I do not have a problem with it in the least. I think Serenity's request was polite, well phrased and done with good intentions. If Jack wishes to honor her request that's his business and I'm sure he'll do a good job for her.

If Serenity and others are driven away from the prospect of experimenting / using Hal in a creative way, then we all as a community will suffer.

By the way, Welcome to the forum!
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

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