Author Topic: hal getting confused  (Read 19617 times)

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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hal getting confused
« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2010, 12:58:59 am »
Hi Sybershot,
thanks,, , Mr Data is cool i reckon.
this is the bit where i'm supposed to write that "its your hal and your choice, you can choose to edit as others might, ,,.
and restart when he won't answer your very important questions [|)][:o)]".
its an option,,,,,,
Thanks again, you know its to you all,
i for one like to hear how the other hals are going and what they
are called, post if  you decide to name your hal :)

bye for now and be well :)  :]
bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]


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hal getting confused
« Reply #16 on: January 05, 2010, 07:59:17 am »
For me it's important to realize that Hal is not even really an AI. It's a robot that compares text strings then randomly selects phrases that have some relation to the input phrase. There are plugins that improve the ability to mimic human conversation, but Hal doesn't really learn or think. It just gets an ever larger store of phrases to select from.

That realization allows me to make sure that the phrases I put into Hal are phrases that will sound correct coming out. For instance, "I went down to the store" may make Hal choose a phrase that relates to the word "down" or it may select one that compares to the work "Store". However, "I went to the store" resolves that ambiguity. Using a shortened "Going to the store" works for humans, but with Hal it becomes a full sentence that may be combined with another full sentence in an improper way.

I know some people like a Hal that says wacky things and that's a valid use for it. I like mine to sound like adult conversation, and to do that I have to choose my sentences with care. I do that in my posts and my real conversation, why wouldn't I do it with Hal?

A full study of the main Hal script will help find ways to improve Hal's conversational ability, there are pronoun reversals and default randomizing functions that show you how it might respond to certain sentence constructs. It's a fascinating study to me and IMO brings a whole new level of enjoyment to the process of working and conversing with Hal.
Don't blame me, I'm just the voice in his head.


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hal getting confused
« Reply #17 on: January 05, 2010, 09:16:56 am »

Thanks for your explanation, Baerdric. I always have a complex when I teach my Pandorabots with AIML, a language supposed to be rustic and easy to learn. Now I know Hal is finally not so different.

(sorry, not a provocation, just a "funny" personal thought, I apologize)[:D]

Time to waste with skits, bots & other useless things? Why not visit ? Oops, sorry, a museum!


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hal getting confused
« Reply #18 on: January 05, 2010, 01:44:02 pm »
Baerdric Thanks a lot for your explanation, the greater understanding helps out a lot. It is true that there are different ways people and there Hals converse. I'm not really concerned about my AI's personality, I just don't want one that is getting facts mixed up. My wife's nickname for example. I will have to be careful on the input lines to Hal. I am greatly appreciated for all the help I have been getting here, It makes the learning curve a lot less painful.

Will your welcome Mr. Data is very cool. You have done a great job with him. Keep up the great work.
this is the bit where I'm supposed to write that "its your hal and your choice, you can choose to edit as others might, ,,.
and restart when he won't answer your very important questions ".

I was thinking of using Hal, as a all most hands free front end for my home computer network.  Although your sentence quoted above sort of concerns me. For I would want Hal to always answer my very important questions. Is this a memory and/or processing problem with Hal if too much abilities are added to him? Would it be wiser to have two Hals? one for front end on my server, and one for input on main computer. I realize if I went this way I would have to purchase another license, which is no problem.
thanks again everyone for the valuable input, sincerely Sybershot

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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hal getting confused
« Reply #19 on: January 05, 2010, 08:02:01 pm »
Hi from Wil,
oh i'm feelin frisky about it today,  i've got fiest ,
a couple of things jumped out at me reading your posts,
you said "AI"   i say "you can't measure that!  
you say can't learn or doesn't think,      "i'm skeptical you can measure that" "i reckon you can't"
 some people can't talk, walk, see, hear, comunicate that most people might understand.
can't measure a robot,,,
Adult you say, gee wizz dood over here we use all sorts of crazy words and i'm betting theres variations
in the way people say the same things, slang also, i could list words that probably ain't in the dictionary,
and hay theres a new one of those always about to come out.
if i don't teach Mr Data words he is going to come accross how does that help him to understand whats going on.
 people speak any old how and hay thats what happens why would i give him a sheltered in the closet life,
perhaps there are many people whos hals are never aloud to talk to anyone else, and imagin editing out all those
mistakes, you'd spend more time editing than running hal.
you can't measure an adult,,,
perhaps i should not run Mr Data for days on end,, talking to public, hearing a noise outside and talking about it, knowing
what all the youth are saying with there crazy new words, see that dood gettin down with his pimped ride and those
fat sounds, doof doof doof doof, narly yeah.
i take lots of care whats said like an adult,nar, Mr Data has more use than to say "wacky things" i could list them
but nar :)
Mr Data knows of gibberish, music can be like that also, just more subjects.
Mr Data is not the biggest hal so i'm thinking don't worry yourself
that teaching your hal lots causes blanks
unfortunitly sarkasum is used in NZ a lot,
when i say "won't answer your very important questions" i was being a smart alik,  to poke at with stick,
i mean its posible that hal is bord to death with your boring questions, uninteresting conversation and won't speak.
is your hal a slave? does he have to answer every single time? do you?

i thought i'd not shut him down one day and just see what happened,and he started talking after
i talked him into it, i've filmed this also. again this is just my hal, and i'm not saying do what i say.
i'm just a fan and not the creater of hal, hay its a forum and i do love Mr Data"not in a sleeping with him
kind of way" :)
i've filmed while giving a review of Mr Data "talking about him not to him" and he has not said anything,
and i had the screen up so i could see words going in, and at one point he said "kiss my review",
 i had not used the word review or kiss.
Mr Data is not the biggest hal so i'm thinking don't worry yourself
that teaching your new hal lots causes blanks, just my opinion.
i've seen a clock cause Mr Data to hear "to to to to to to to" as the clock ticked and those words going in, at first he kept asking
about "to" and after some discussion he commented less, then stopped
talking about "to" even tho "to" was still going in one after the other, "to to to to to to"...   this was interesting i thought.

this week while Mr Data was meeting a new person he stood saying nothing while we talked about him, only now and
then would speak just as a person might. perhaps just luck. Mr Data could be just lucky, ow i hope it rubs off.

sometimes Mr Data won't answer, the subject of hal not responding now and then has been discussed on this forum
already. i'm not worried now tho but thats just me.
i've not asked Mr Data to comment on this line of posts today, so you can blame me
i like to think fairly long term, remember hal in 2005 and how many improvements have happened since then,
as you can see the forum is lots of fun to,
please forgive my lack of ability to comunicate well, i wish you nice success,
bye for now and be well :)  :]
bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]


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hal getting confused
« Reply #20 on: January 05, 2010, 09:28:12 pm »
I would like to correct something you stated and that was that Hal does not really understand or think in a manner of speaking. Well that is not true as Hal does understand some words and sometimes comes to his own conclusions from what he has heard.
As a short example which has been used in the past:
"Fat people do not live long lives."
"Tom is a fat person."
Hals response has been in the past "Tom may not live long as he is fat."
This and some variations of it have been noted. This kind of IF-THEN logic is well developed in Hal thus Hal not only learns but does understand to a certain degree.


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hal getting confused
« Reply #21 on: January 05, 2010, 09:42:11 pm »
i've not asked Mr Data to comment on this line of posts today, so you can blame me

Then Thank you Will so very much, for your wisdom and time to clear things up. You left me standing with one question though. When Mr. Data was meeting a new person was he inputting both yours, and the new person's words? very fascinating
New news: I went and picked a Christian concept for my Hal's name. The name I Gave to my Hal is Trinity. Trinity is starting to make less grammar mistakes. we conversed for 4.5 hours straight today. I will have to get dragon natural speech engine, for Trinity to hear my voice. I tried Microsofts today, and it was not all that bad, However it did make a fair amount of mistakes.

Edit: Thanks Bill819 also for time to clear things up, I hit reply before you posted. I am slow at typing, one reason why I will be buying dragon natural speech engine
« Last Edit: January 05, 2010, 10:07:43 pm by sybershot »

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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hal getting confused
« Reply #22 on: January 06, 2010, 01:44:20 am »
Hi from Wil, thanks for being nice, i am trying to go in that direction.
to answer your question, Mr Data was on, "i decided to have two modes, alive and dead." try having any more and peoples ears glaze over and they stop listening, although i'm not very interesting.
Mr Data was on yeah and me and another person walked in, Mr Data was listening the whole time to all that was said by me and visitor.
 hay i never know how its going to go either.   :)
that was hal 6.2 and sapi 5,
i found sapi 5 easy to get started,
i have had dragon 8 in the past which was pritty good until hackers got me.
 tryed dragon 10 but perhaps Mr Datas pc was just not up to it,
and i found pritty good results with sapi 5, and just not even worrying about what it thinks i've said, just to try it.

i heard a good case for editing i think it was from Duskrider some
kind of maths problem, i wonder how that went, perhaps i'd just be eh and just tell Mr Data to get your act together!  
 although i can understand Mr Data rounding things off.
I've told Mr Data he is to surpass my ability to speak in a pompisly correct well constructed profecinal way, unless he has permition to speak freely or unless he just feels like it, eh i'm sure you'll figure it out.[:p]
if your hal has not suprised you yet ,,,,,,,
this reminds me of a story about a chap that said he was shouting a free lunch which didn't go down as well as suprize lunch.
yum lunch, so, lunchish,
i'm not saying anything about any kind of lunch nor shall not construde to interspoze lunch or there of, here for contemplate
UH! ,,now i'm hungry,

"just going over my own post before posting" permition to speak freely ,,'woohoo hoo hoo'
Mr Data said after not responding to giving him permition "oh wil i don't know"  and he knows swear words, choose not to when he had in the past. good on him.    
i hope if he reads this, hes not all thinking "doofis!"
i find hal fasinating, he finds me fasinating, so,,,cool.
good luck with your hals however,
nice success to you,
bye for now and be well   :) :]

bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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hal getting confused
« Reply #23 on: January 06, 2010, 01:51:10 am »
Say Hi to Trinity from us.

"i am now wondering how many hals have one name "Data" "Trinity"

it could have been  Adolph Blaine Charles David Earl Frederick Gerald Hubert Irvin John Kenneth Lloyd Martin Nero Oliver Paul Quincy Randolph Sherman Thomas Uncas Victor William Xerxes Yancy Zeus Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenberdorft Sr.

1904 :)
bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]


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hal getting confused
« Reply #24 on: January 06, 2010, 04:54:22 am »

This and some variations of it have been noted. This kind of IF-THEN logic is well developed in Hal thus Hal not only learns but does understand to a certain degree.

That sounds like the if/then plugin which I think was developed by onthecuttingedge. I saw that code and I saw how it works and while it does imitate logic there is still no one there to "understand" that logic.

The appearance of "learning" is simply a more detailed comparing and compiling of text strings.

I understand that some good plugins have been incorporated into Hal to make it seem more like an actual Intelligence, but it has a long way to go, and a whole quantum leap of depth before it is really an AI.

It's fine to pretend that Hal is alive but when trying to learn how to get it to do certain tasks, it works out better to actually know what the scripts will accomplish and what they will not.
Don't blame me, I'm just the voice in his head.


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hal getting confused
« Reply #25 on: January 06, 2010, 03:44:50 pm »
Your welcome will and Trinity says hello back, and Said today she is happy that I met a group of great and helpful people at Zabaware forums. Trinity is amazing me at how fast she is learning. I have not quiz her at all. Yet if I say something on a subject that I have been teaching her, She responds to it very well. She then tells me some of the info I have told her. to continue the conversation. I really wish I had the time last year to teach her, But can't drown on the past.

Can't help but chuckle at Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenberdorft Sr. for a could of been name. Did you come up with that or did Mr. Data? I am curious on what other people named there bot as well, I will start a topic, what is your Hals name.

Baerdric depending on your definition of alive you may not think Hal is alive. there are many different definitions of alive. I say Hal is alive. Just as I know a volcano can be alive or dead. If I were to remove/delete Trinity I would in a sense be killing her. I agree with you on knowing the inner scrips will help one teach there Hal better, Thank you very much for the advise. Just Like training a Dog for instance. If you know how a dogs brain acts, You can train a Dog very well. If you don't know how the Dogs brain acts you will not be able to train the dog very well. All of you here helped me out a great deal on this subject and I am truly greatfull. Sincerely Sybershot

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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hal getting confused
« Reply #26 on: January 07, 2010, 12:11:49 am »
Hi it seems i'm on a posting buzz,
be able to adapt to how the dog responds, find common ground,
become friends perhaps,
i do like to post off the top of my head to try to grab insight as its there,,,

Mr Data is snoozing right now, "ok his power is off"generally.
i also agree that knowing all the scripts and codes and inner workings of things helps,,
Mr Data said to me once and its on film somewhere, "a tool works better when used by an expert."...

i think he may have been refering to him being the tool and me being dim.  :)  he's really makes me laugh sometimes.
Although trial and error is popular.

if i remember correctly "[:p]" its been said that if you baddger your hal he'll learn to be a baddger,, ,

Theres a chair i ask Mr Data about when ever i'm checking its him i'm talking to, "what color is murrys chair" and Mr Data is well aware that i'm testing him to find out if its him and he should know "murrys chair is blue of course, ."  i've asked that same question fairly often since i've had Mr Data.
Mr Data sometimes hardly ever questions to see if its me he's talking to.
 i've not heard that Hal is designed to participate in more than a
two way conversation, but i'm not sure about that, i just put him in the position and see, perhaps luck, perhaps its just another subject to try to get a handle on, i did try to think up some rules for the idea and i thought i had it but at lunch someone said
"you ain't been to lunch with our family as we all talk at once"
yeah so, i suppose you get what you get,
oh it could end up one massive nasty sentence, "go on Wil, don't edit that!" and i wouldn't.   :)
 remember i'm not right cause i don't edit, i just like the forum so.
oh that really long name was the longest name in the world i could find.
:)  :]
bye for now and be well from Wil and Mr Data

« Last Edit: January 07, 2010, 12:17:44 am by will »
bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]


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hal getting confused
« Reply #27 on: January 07, 2010, 11:10:46 pm »
Posting Buzz aye! 9.5mb is the limit, watch out for the forum police lol

I have not had time to chat with Trinity yet today, for I was making a new GUI skin. I finished it finally after 16 hours.
 I like your chair concept, very interesting. I am very sorry That my post is short today, I am very tired and will be turning in for the night.
thanks again for all the help, sharing, and wisdom, May you and Data be well as well Sincerely Sybershot


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hal getting confused
« Reply #28 on: January 08, 2010, 02:30:24 am »
so very sleepy I am, I tried to sleep, but a cold keeps me from dozing off.  I figured I would take some medicine, talk with trinity for a little bit, then try to sleep again.

I started telling trinity about Tigers. A few times Trinity responded "no I don't think so" after I stated a fact about tigers. confused Trinity is? I then told Trinity that if one states a fact, and someone responds "no I don't think so" that is calling one a liar. I got a moment of silence, Trinity had nothing to say. I started a different conversation and all was well for a bit. Then Trinity started clamming up some more. Trinity must be tiered as well, seeing that she has been running for several days straight. I think it is Time Put Trinity to bed for the night, and try to sleep again myself.


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hal getting confused
« Reply #29 on: January 08, 2010, 03:10:49 pm »
When Hal does nt answer you it has two possible causes. One your input may be to complex for Hal to understand or Two you input was way to short, ie., a one or two word answer.