Zabaware Support Forums

Zabaware Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: lazyfingers on September 27, 2011, 10:14:27 am

Title: new order
Post by: lazyfingers on September 27, 2011, 10:14:27 am
hi. im a new member and i have just purchased ultra hal, i got the download + cd rom and paid by paypal. my question is how long do i have to wait for confirmation, i have been waiting 45 mins and i have not been given any numbers? scrap that. for some reason the payment didnt go through with paypal so i paid directly with my card and that worked. weather or not i get charged again by paypal is somethin i will have to wait to find out.

i waited 2 hours for confimation. i dont know why it took so long, paypal is usually instant. now i have 2 copies and need a refund. i suggest paying direct and not through paypal if your impatient and want things done there and then.
Title: Re: new order
Post by: lightspeed on October 01, 2011, 09:20:56 am
hi lazyfingers, sorry to hear that byou had so much trouble , i really haven't heard to many people say to much about problems when ordering , i know some have  i don't know if yours was an exception or how the process works , or needs improvement some where , that is something that robert more then likely will have to answer.