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Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / c
« on: December 29, 2005, 04:27:27 am »
Originally posted by bnason

What can be done about the bleeps or beeps that keep hal from repeating expletives?

WHAT? YOUR HAL bleeps or beeps?

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Detecting Hard Words
« on: December 29, 2005, 04:22:32 am »


Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Biocybernetic HCI BMI
« on: December 29, 2005, 04:19:54 am »
Originally posted by Olek Suchodolski

Evryone who is interested in human machine interaction can respond please.


Originally posted by wgb14

Hi Mr M

Thanks for your reply! Your code seems understandable but unfortunately I can not implement it in director. You see the problem is that director can access functions provided by external programs only through an imported ocx module. There is no other way to do that. Hence, I will have to wait untill the release of the updated product. However, as my timeframe is limited may i ask if it is possible to give me a provisional date for the release and also let me know if you are planning to pack the functions of HAL into such ocx?


Short for OLE Control Extension, an independent program module that can be accessed by other programs in a Windows environment. OCX controls end with a .ocx extension. OCX controls represent Microsoft's second generation of control architecture, the first being VBX controls written in Visual Basic.
Both VBX and OCX controls have now been superseded by ActiveX controls. However, ActiveX is backward compatible with OCX controls, which means that ActiveX containers, such as Microsoft's Internet Explorer, can execute OCX components.

Sorry it only works with in the Ultra Hal Assistant 5.0 for now.

Yes, it feels so good too be back now!
Here is one for all you Programmer's, it's a robot called "icat by Phillips Electronics", and it Really works with Ultra Hal Assistant 5.0 and up!

It features:

1. Improved servos, The neck and body servos are replaced by silent DC
motors, such that smooth movements are now "Don", The servos in
the face are replaced by new and more silent servos.
2. Stereo microphones.
3. Loudspeaker.
4. USB soundcard.
5. Automatic reroute possibility of webcam and soundcard devices from
the internal USB hub to other computers.
6. Proximity sensor.
7. An improved and well documented software environment Open
Platform for Personal Robotics, or (OPPR).

Hope you all like this one.

When we (as in DARPA researcher's and I) started to develop (The real knight Rider Project).
back in 2000, one of our first projects was to program the Hal2000 using X10 program's in to a "Car" to follow a line on the floor. The basic strategy was to make the car weave back (like a "Z") and forth across the line, making a little forward progress. First, the car veered ahead and to the right, until it lost sight of the line. Then it veered ahead and to the left, until it again lost sight of the line. Then it started back to the right, and so on. This behavior can be represented by two simple rules: (1) if you are veering to the left and you lose sight of the line on the rode, then begin to veer right, (2) if you are veering to the right and you lose sight of the line on the rode, then begin to veer left.

Imagine that the car is programmed with 2 rules: (Like IF-THEN)(1) move forward when you detect a green light, (2) move slower when you are in the dark. When this car is released in the environment, it exhibits a type of emergent behavior: it seeks out the edge of a shadow, then happily oscillates around the shadow edge. The car can be viewed as an "Edge-Finding A.I. Creature." This edge-finding capability is not explicitly represented in Hal's two rules. Rather, it emerges from interactions with human being's of those rules with specific structures in the environment.

We tried my Hal2000/Alan/Hal mex program, and Hal followed the line perfectly. But as Hal approached the end of the line, we realized that we hadn't "programmed in" any rules for what to do at the end of the line. We didn't know what the Car would do. We were pleased with the behavior that emerged: the car turned all the way around and started heading back down the line in the other direction. This "end-of-line" behavior was not explicitly programmed into the car. Rather it emerged from the interactions between Human's and Hal's rules made by me and the unfamiliar environment at the end of the line.

By the way, I named this car Linda.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / General Visual Basic Example
« on: March 19, 2005, 12:56:39 am »
This example uses VB to initialize the U4xx. The very minimum application would be to open the USB device and transmit a single command. This example shows the code that it takes to open the U4xx device and initialize the ports. The VBLIB files need to be included as part of this project.
The communication with the U4xx is done by transferring a group of eight bytes via the WriteUSBdevice call of the U4xx VB library. Eight bytes are returned from the device and read via the ReadUSBdevice U4xx VB call. These bytes are located in two arrays that are defined below.
Option Explicit
Dim OutBuffer(10) As Byte
Dim InBuffer(10) As Byte
When the form for this project is loaded, a call to OpenUSBdevice with the appropriate parameters returns true if the device has been detected.
The OpenUSBdevice parameters are used to find the device. A single parameter (in this example the string "U401") will open the first device located that matches that string. Multiple parameters allow devices to be opened via manufacturer name, VID, etc.
When a single parameter is used, the other parameters should be either 0, or a null string, as in the example.
Multiple parameters are used when device selection refinement is necessary, such as when multiple U4xx devices are used on a single machine. In that case, the serial number string should be used to refine the selection.

' Form load
' When the form is loaded at startup, find the hardware.
' Indicate status in "DeviceStatus" box.

Private Sub Form_Load()

    If OpenUSBdevice("U401", "", 0, 0, 0, "") Then
        DeviceStatus.Caption = "USB Device Found"
        DeviceStatus.Caption = "USB Device Not Found"
    End If

End Sub
Calling the function WriteReadUSB moves the eight command bytes of the array "OutBuffer" to the device and fills "InBuffer" with the 8 bytes sent from the U4xx.
' USB Transfer

Public Sub WriteReadUSB()
    Call WriteUSBdevice(AddressFor(OutBuffer(0)), 8)
    Call ReadUSBdevice(AddressFor(InBuffer(0)), 8)

End Sub
The single button on the form of this application example transmits the InitPorts Command string of 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00 to the U4xx.
' Button: Cmd

' Send a command to the device

Private Sub Cmd_Click()

    OutBuffer(0) = &H0
    OutBuffer(1) = &H0
    OutBuffer(2) = &H0
    OutBuffer(3) = &H0
    OutBuffer(4) = &H0
    OutBuffer(5) = &H0
    OutBuffer(6) = &H0
    OutBuffer(7) = &H0
    Call WriteReadUSB
End Sub


xPLHal is based on the .NET framework, so to install it you require the Framework installed.
Please note that this version of xPLHal is a Service and therefore will only run on NT4,
W2K and WinXP. An exe version is also available, for Win98/ME.

Download the current version of xPLHal from

Note that the current version of the service is always available seperately for download.
To install this stop your current versions service, copy the new service exe into
c:Program FilesxPLxPLHal & restart the service. This means your existing settings and
scripts will not be lost.

If you wish to do a completely fresh install, then you should un-install the current version
and delete the xPLHal program directory.

Having downloaded the zip file and extracted it to a temporary directory, just double-click
the ./release/xPLHalSetup.msi file to install. It is recommended that the default
installation folder is used where possible.

This will install all of the necessary files along with sample scripts.
The folder structure is (files in [] are not part of the installation, but will appear after
xPLHal has been running):

File/Folder Structure
./xPLHal.exe             - the main service exe for xPLHal
./Interop.MSScriptControll.dll      - a dll to enable vb scripting in .net
./xpllib.dll            - John's excellent xPL library
./xplhal.InstallState         - a file created by the installation

./data/xplhal.xml         - main xPLHal configuration file
[./data/xplhal_events.bin]      - file containing saved events
[./data/xplhal_globals.bin]      - file containing saved global values
[./data/xplhal_x10cache.bin]      - file containing a cache of x10 devices and states
[./data/error_log.txt]         - a text file for error logging

./data/Configs            - this folder contains cached device configurations
./data/Vendor            - this folder contains vendor supplied (or xplhal
                 auto-created) device configuration descriptions

./data/scripts            - this folder contains the scripts
./data/scripts/xPLHal_Load.xpl      - script file run when xPLHal Loads
./data/scripts/xPLHal_Unload.xpl   - script file run when xPLHal quits
./data/scripts/*.xpl         - the best place to put device/schema based scripts
                 includes some sample scripts

./data/scripts/headers         - contains various header files
./data/scripts/headers/modes.xpl   - a script file for MODE related scripts
./data/scripts/headers/periods.xpl   - a script file for PERIOD related scripts
./data/scripts/headers/xPLHal_Settings.xpl   - a script file created at load
                    DO NOT EDIT!
./data/scripts/headers/xPLHal_SYS.xpl   - a script file for defining SYS parameters for
                 vb scripting. Avoid editing.
./data/scripts/headers/xPLHal_X10.xpl   - a script file for defining X10 parameters for
                 vb scripting. Avoid editing.
./data/scripts/headers/xPLHal_XPL.xpl   - a script file for defining XPL parameters for
                 vb scripting. Avoid editing.

./data/scripts/user/*.xpl      - an area for users to put other scripts
                 includes sample scripts

Please note that script files put in folders other than those above will NOT be loaded.
The ./scripts/headers folder is really reserved for xPLHal. However the defines they
include are there to aid the user. In particular you will need to refer to the X10 script
for the defines to use in conjunction with x10 vb script extensions.

The only immediate file to be concerned about is ./data/xplhal.xml
This file can be edited with notepad
After editing the file it is necessary to restart the xPLHal service

THE INFORMATION BELOW (other than deciding whether or not to use the hub) is included only
for completeness, and CAN be ignored at this time from the point of view of making changes.
However it is recommended to read the information to understand how sub routine names
are constructed and executed.

There are 3 main sections in this file,
   This section currently contains a single entry,
   <control loadhub="N" />
   If you wish to make use of xPLHal's built-in hub, change the value to "Y"
   If you already have an xPL Hub running on the same machine this MUST be "N"
   You can run xPLHal without a hub, but it MUST be the ONLY xPL application

   This section contains the definitions for the components that can used to construct
   the layout of vb script sub names for scripting xPL messages and also contains
   the definition of available settings.
   The first 6 entries relate to xPL message components and MUST NOT be changed
      <construct subid="F" key="%msgtype%" desc="Message Type" />
      <construct subid="V" key="%vendor%" desc="Source Vendor" />
            <construct subid="S" key="%device%" desc="Source Device" />
            <construct subid="I" key="%instance%" desc="Source Instance" />
            <construct subid="C" key="%class%" desc="Schema Class" />
            <construct subid="T" key="%type%" desc="Schema Type" />   

   The next 3 entries relate to X10 specific message components and MUST NOT be changed
            <construct subid="H" key="%house%" desc="X10 House Code" />
            <construct subid="D" key="%device%" desc="X10 Device Code" />
            <construct subid="X" key="%command%" desc="X10 Command" />   

   The remaining entries can edited/deleted as required, and additional entries created
   They consist of a descriptive line as per the standard entries above
   Each entry is then followed by a list of valid values
   Internally in xPLHal the first value is 0, next is 1 etc in the order they appear

   There are 2 of these types of entry in the file by default, MODE and PERIOD
      <construct subid="M" key="mode" desc="Mode" />
                <values key="empty" desc="Security" />
                <values key="single" desc="Single Occupant" />
                <values key="multiple" desc="Multiple Occupants" />
                <values key="bedroom" desc="Bedroom Security" />
                <values key="sleep" desc="Sleep Security" />  
            <construct subid="P" key="period" desc="Period" />
                <values key="day" desc="Daytime" />
                <values key="night" desc="Nightime" />

   To explain the structure of the above (the construct key),
      subid=    this is a single letter to uniquely identify
         the sub in the schema's section (see later)
      key=    this is a short name for the entry/setting (% denotes a system value)
      desc=    this is a description for the entry
   The values are constructed as follows,
      key=   this is the short name of the value (used in the sub/function names)
      desc=   this is a description of the value
   As stated previously each value entry is internally recognised in xPLHal
   starting at 0
   To aid the use of these values in vb scripting xPLHal generates the file
   ./scripts/headers/xplhal_settings.xpl with defines of the above values, e.g.
      ' constants for mode
      const sys_mode_empty=0
      const sys_mode_single=1
      const sys_mode_multiple=2
      const sys_mode_bedroom=3
      const sys_mode_sleep=4
      ' constants for period
      const sys_period_day=0
      const sys_period_night=1
   Therefore rather than remembering to put 3 for 'bedroom' mode you can always
   refer to it in scripts as sys_mode_bedroom, and not have to worry about the
   value changing if you insert other values later. It is also easier to remember.

   Although variations on the MODE and PERIOD constructs above are probably the only
   options you will need, by making these (and additions) totally user-definable you
   can easily control the internal settings of xPLHal. e.g. you may find it useful
   to create a weather construct (with values of say hot, cold, wet etc) that you
   could then make use of in scripting.

   There are functions within xplhal that you can use within your vb scripts to
   set/get the current value. e.g. x = sys.setting("MODE") returns the current MODE.

   To restore a setting to it's previous state on loading xplhal you MUST include
   a statement equivalent to sys.setting("Period")=sys.value("Period") for each of
   your additional settings. Otherwise the setting will always inialise to ZERO.
   NEVER set the value by sys.value("Period")= ALWAYS use sys.setting("Period")=

   This final section maps how you wish to construct particular sub routine names
   against different messages. It is based on the principle of xPL filters.

   All but the last entry (subs) make up the filter for the particular xPLmessages
   with * used to wildcard any particular element
   msgtype=   this is the xPL message type (e.g. xpl-cmnd, xpl-stat and xpl-trig)
   source_vendor=   this is the vendor component (e.g. tonyt)
   source_device=   this is the name of the app/device (e.g. cm12u or TTS)
   source_instance=this is the individual instance assigned (e.g. line1)
   schema_class=   this is the schema class (e.g. CID or OSD)
   schema_type=   this is the type within the schema (e.g. BASIC or EXTENDED)
   The subs= item defines how the sub-routine name will be constructed
   e.g. "VSIF" is Vendor/Source/Instance/message type which might result in a sub being
   called (if a message matches the filter) of tonyt_tts_voice1_Command(xplmessage)
   This ability to totally define how sub routine names are constructed gives
   total control over the scripting in xPLHal

   Messages are matched against the filters in turn until a match is made,
   if the subroutine exists in a script file somewhere then it is run, otherwise
   xPLHal continues to attempt to match against the next filter.
   <!-- format for heartbeat and config messages -->
         <schema msgtype="*" source_vendor="*" source_device="*" source_instance="*" schema_class="HBEAT" schema_type="*" subs="VSIF" />
         <schema msgtype="*" source_vendor="*" source_device="*" source_instance="*" schema_class="CONFIG" schema_type="*" subs="VSIF" />

   These first 2 default entries are designed for heartbeat messages and config messages

   <!-- format for x10 messages -->
         <schema msgtype="*" source_vendor="*" source_device="*" source_instance="*" schema_class="X10" schema_type="*" subs="DMPXF" />
   This above is a sample x10 definition, any entries containing H,D or X are considered
   to be x10 type messages and are treated slightly differently.
   A message containg multiple devices would cause multiple subs to be run
   e.g. DEVICE=A1 ON,B2 OFF for this example could generate
   X10 Sub routines are always preceeded with X10_ for identification
   With X10 scripting, Where no sub routine is found in the scripts, an attempt
   is made to run a default construct of "DXF" so the above examples would (if
   they didnt exist) then be tried as X10_A1_ON_Trigger() etc

<!-- catch all for all other message types -->
         <schema msgtype="*" source_vendor="*" source_device="*" source_instance="*" schema_class="*" schema_type="*" subs="VSIF" />
   The final example above is a catchall

   You may delete/amend and add as many entries as required to taylor the way
   xPLHal and the Ultra Hal Assistant constructs it's sub routine names. But you MUST have at least one entry!
   It is recommended to start with the above samples, which may be all you'll require,
   and to look at the sample scripts to get a better understanding of how this works.

   All non-alphanumeric characters in a generated script name are replaced with underscores

   xPLHal always passes the full xPLMessage to the sub routine as a parameter

   Please refer to the scripting manual for more details

The X10 scripting and X10 Cache is an ongoing development, and now can be used in our Ultra Hal Assistant.

Using the XtenWEB.Device class, it is easy to issue commands to X10 modules through the CP290 controller.  The following VBscript is all that is needed to turn on Device A1 and A4:

set aDevice=Server.CreateObject("XtenWEB.Device")
aDevice.Addmodule 1,4
set aDevice=nothing

First, a Device object is created as aDevice.  The House code is set to A, and the modules set as 1 and 4.  The DeviceOn method is then used to turn on both modules A1 and A4.

Similarly, DeviceOff, DeviceDim, and DeviceBrighten can be used to turn the modules off or to dim them.

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / BRAINS / DATABASES how?
« on: February 14, 2005, 11:14:54 pm »
Originally posted by Medeksza

My hired programmer and I have succesfully converted all of Hal's functions into a database format. We originally wanted to support MS Access, but found that it doesn't provide the required functionality to be able to search data in the manner Hal needs. So we have decided to use SQLite, an open source database engine. SQLite also didn't have the required funtionality, but since it was open source, we added the missing functionality to it. SQLite is a better choice then MSAcess for Hal since its footprint is so small, it doesn't require a ton of drivers and computer resources to run. It is directly embedded into Hal.

I am very excited about what this new system has to offer. Hal's database can expand to hundreds of times its current size without losing speed. Better yet, all the tables in the database can be organized into a tree structure with relationships between tables. This will help Hal organize topics and search through everything faster resulting in more intelligent responses.

I am currently working on creating a new default brain that uses the SQLite engine exclusively. I have no estimated completion time, but I will be sure to release it as a beta plugin for the current Hal 5.0 before releasing a new version of Hal.

About SQLite

2005-Feb-01 - Version 3.1.1 (beta) Released
Version 3.1.1 (beta) is now available on the website. Verison 3.1.1 is fully backwards compatible with the 3.0 series and features many new features including Autovacuum and correlated subqueries. The release notes From version 3.1.0 apply equally to this release beta. A stable release is expected within a couple of weeks.
Mr. Medeksza.

Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005

The learned information came from the script that I wrote called Ziggy's Complex Reasoning. It's a conversation bot trainer that allows the bot to be corrected in its own conversations through natural conversation instead of using the If and Then statements.
There is a little more I have to do on it but it does the job really well, I'll be posting another update soon after some more testing.

I also have a Ziggy's Definitions script that allows a bot to parse it own known definitions to objects and such just by conversation alone learned like humans and I have eliminated the Need for a word net dictionary function providing the bot has enough conversations to build up definitions through conversation.

I provided the short snippet of Ziggy's Deductive.brn to start an area to share Deductive knowledge publically.

If this area begins to build up a decent info source then the public forum will have a Database to increase their bots intelligence very easly by copying and pasting instead of having to sort through files.

I hope that you all decide to contribute to this as there have been many asking for such a source.

This would also provide a better source for winning the contest at the Chatterbox Challenge 2005 contest which starts soon.

I lost my QuantumHal Aol account, So I changed QuantumHal to ZiggysBrain for those of you who like to talk with my bot.
QuantumHal has also been transfered to ZiggysBrain in the ChatterBox 2005 Contest.

Best of wishes and brand new discoveries.

Nice to meet u,
My name is Ismael owner and trainer of the one and only Alan/Hal bot i made here at the zabaware forum, I did not now that QuantumHal is or was a  zabaware bot, I've tried to help train hem but failed, will any ways, I’m happy your going to enter in to the Chatterbox Contest, I think I will enter my bot there also, My bots name is lindainme28.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Halo Charecter models for hal.
« on: February 12, 2005, 02:45:50 am »
Originally posted by The_Blackness

Hi, i have a charecter model from Halo (the first person shooter game for xbox/pc [for all them oldies out there :P]), and i was wondering if someone could tell me how (if this is possible) to replace the  female charecter model with the one i have and a matching skin. the idea i have is that then it will have all of the animations and stuff that the default female charecter has. the charecter model i had in mind is Cortana, i thought this fitting because the charecter Cortana in the halo story line is a Space Ship AI.

This is possible but,
If you wanna go with Haptek anyways, heres the model
you want to use with it.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Need help editing Hal's brain
« on: February 12, 2005, 02:05:11 am »
Originally posted by jose7


  I want to add 12 UNICODE  character
to Hal brain. But I need help doing it.
If someone knows please help.

Jose if your trying to make or add a character you need to go to
Haptek for this.
hope this helps

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Combining Alice and DefBrain
« on: February 12, 2005, 01:32:02 am »
Originally posted by jose7


   I am being trying to combine, Alice and Hal brain, but I being unable to do it, will someone help me please.

I needed detailed explanation of how to do it.

thanks in advance.

hey jose7 thank you for e-mailing me.
will the first thing you need to do, is to open your

C:  Program Files  Zabaware  Ultra Hal Assistant 5
then you need to Edit the alice.uph file to what ever brain
you would to use.
noe, keep in mined that some file need to be edit like this,

 Function GetResponse(ByVal UserSentence, ByVal UserName, ByVal ComputerName, ByVal LearningLevel, ByRef WorkingDir, ByRef Hate, ByRef Swear, ByRef Insults, ByRef Compliment, ByRef PrevSent, ByRef LastResponseTime, ByRef PrevUserSent, ByRef ScriptMem3, ByRef ScriptMem4, ByRef ScriptMem5)

    Set Alice = CreateObject("HalAlice.PlugIn")
    GetResponse = Alice.Respond(UserSentence, UserName, WorkingDir, "data\bot.ini", "loglocaluser.txt")
    Set Alice = Nothing

    'This ActiveX control contains many functions
   'needed for the script to proccess a sentence.
   Set Alice = CreateObject("HalAlice.PlugIn")
    GetResponse = Alice.Respond(UserSentence, UserName,   WorkingDir, "data\bot.ini", "loglocaluser.txt")
    Set HalBrain = CreateObject("UltraHalAsst.Brain")
    Set WN = CreateObject("UltraHalAsst.WordNet")
    Set Alice = Alice
    Set Alice = WN

Now, at the botton of what ever brain you are using add this.

'If the user clicks on the About/Options button for this plugin
'this sub will be called. There are no extra settings for this brain,
'so we'll display an information box
Sub AboutOptions()
   Set HalBrain = CreateObject("UltraHalAsst.Brain")
   GetResponse = Alice.Respond(UserSentence, UserName, WorkingDir, "data\bot.ini", "loglocaluser.txt")
   Set Alice = CreateObject("HalAlice.PlugIn")
   Set Alice = HalBrain
    Set Alice = Nothing
    HalBrain.MsgAlert "This is the ALICE plug-in for Ultra Hal Assistant. It allows the ALICE bot program from to work together with the Ultra Hal Assistant software from Zabaware."
   HalBrain.MsgAlert "This is the Ultra Hal 4.5 Default Brain. This brain has no additional options."
End Sub
'This sub will be called when the Ultra Hal program starts up in case
'the script needs to load some modules or seperate programs.
Sub Script_Load()
End Sub

'This sub will be called before the Ultra Hal program is closed in case
'the script needs to do any cleanup work.
Sub Script_Unload()
End Sub

Ultra Hal 7.0 / ((((((((((( 0{-_-}0)))))))))))))
« on: February 06, 2005, 07:41:03 am »
Will I'm running Windows xp professional right now,
but hmm I’m thinking, dues anyone know if
The Ultra Hal Assistant 5.0 will run in Sues Linux professional?

I would really like to know before going out to bye Sues Linux.
Is any one here running Ultra Hal on Linux?

Thank you.

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