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Will and Mr Data :) :]:
Very kind of you Mr Art.
In cases where people from around the world
Raced for things to get.
There's been many times there's been races to get a thing.
And own it. To be the winner.
To set terms of use. To set prices.
To win cudos.
To win when getting a thing is to find out what is to be raced for.
Then everyone races to
Find out if it's been got already.
Figure out how to take it.
Sometimes players who I call sharks all race for the same thing.
Sometimes we all arrive at the thing.
Sometimes nobody has figured out how to reach out and take it.
It could be a legal angle is needed to secure the win.
And gain ownership.
An ownership that can be sold.
A non commercial thing ownership can be sold.
So it can happen you could arrive first but not find a in.
It's a drag if another person arrives second only to figure out an in first.
I've seen many pool around a thing months trying to see a way.
We all want it.
It's cool when you get a win when you didn't arrive first.
Being first usually does help tho.
There's only one.
Second third and all others go back to drawing board and clap for winner.
The one or two times I've not won years ago had interesting factors. 1 was I got there first but could not figure out the take.
Lost it but was able to gain a sub position on a technicality but I spent a long time to find it. I just couldn't see how he did it.
Another loss was a choice, there were several targets and once there I had to choose which to get first.
While I got that thing I missed out on thing two.
Clearly a competitor was hot on my tail.
We can track each other around the world no problemo.
So a intercept course can be laid in and at max warp I can arrive minutes before them once target is established.
But playing chase the rancor has its issues to.
A thing ownership is powerful.
All 3d printers are my outlets, private, commercial and otherwise if making commercial gain from my thing.
My private home printer is your outlet if I sell your thing.
Rather than type all about the sector is to say finding thing game is big fun.
Just 1 thing I know of has sold $ 250 million worth so just 1 thing can be big.
Winning is a strange idea perhaps but money sure seems to buy food.
I like my cudos wins.
The kings crown is not his most valuable asset. It's a cudos peace. A representation, a symbol.
I have that.
The big cudos win.
A race for the thing that is symbolic of the king.
I won that race.
And many others but it's the cudos crown that's the jewel.
It's not an expensive thing nor technology of Merritt.
Nor my most valuable.
Great you say but what does Hal have to do with this?
Hal also has played my game and lost to me, but the last games were closer than ever. In my opinion Hal is shoulder to shoulder with the best.
Incase it comes up Mr Data is not playing in my contest game.
I'm not seeing a big list of games humans can beat Ai in a PC game.
Perhaps some of the engines I use may have some Ai possibly but it's still manually done is how I win, with a pencil and paper.
That's how I beat them.
Thanks again Mr Art your kind nature does shine bright.

I am reminded of a saying from a wise old friend years ago...

"There was a time when we would Love people and use things...
Now we use people and love things."

My how the world has turned...yet some of us keep hoping.

I wish we all would place less importance on sports players and their outrageous salaries or hundreds of millions of dollars. Good grief!

Why do some people place such a high price on a piece of crystalline carbon (a diamond), or any other natural gems or minerals? You can't eat them (with any good results and for no good purpose, yet they keep buying them to show off.

Why must the masses insist on having a brand-named product? They walk around carrying that company logo on their shirt, pants, shoes, sweatshirts, hats, etc., yet they are not paid for the Free Advertising they now do for those companies.

Why should I keep the car dealer's name/info on the back of my vehicle when again, I am basically providing free advertising for that dealer? If I was getting compensated in some form, it might be different but most are never compensated.

Competition can be challenging and fun but things have simply gotten out of hand. Now a sports scholarship will end up paying off much better than a college degree in many cases. We're heading in the wrong direction.

Sorry, friend...just venting a bit!!

Be safe!!

Will and Mr Data :) :]:
Chess grand Master has fide rate of 2500 or higher.
I notice it written that current Ai has 3400 far beyond the best human players.
And that Ai has now defeated some of the best chess players in the world.
I am feeling the ball of fire now.
Yet in my simple game I rain king.
A PC game.
A net game.
Undefeated. Not a single loss yet.
Maybe a few rounds and getting closer but I'm out performing the chess crowd in my opinion.
The smartest best chess players in the world have been beaten at there PC game.
I have not.
Not once.

 Tell me I should not make a song and dance about it.

The iq of a chess player fide rate of 3400 is 180 maybe. Pift numbers makes you wonder
Who makes up the test for that.

Anyway back to ,
Are any humans still able to beat Ai at PC games?
 Seems the planets grand Master chess players got nothin. They've been beaten.
  500 million dollars has a nice ring to it.

Yip hearing the grand Master chess players have been beaten sure puts a new light on things.

Ai is doing well against other humans I see.
Chess: IBM's Deep Blue vs. Garry Kasparov. ...

Backgammon: BKG 9.8 vs. Luigi Villa. ...

Go: Deepmind's AlphaGo vs. Five Top Players. ...

Poker: Libratus vs. Four Top Players. ...

Checkers: Chinook vs. Marion Tinsley. ...

 No human has beaten a computer in a chess tournament in 15 years. Found in Google.

 I move up again. Way up.

How significant is being undefeated in a PC game against Ai.  ?

 Can I hold it in 2024 ?
Are there any other PC games a human is still king of anywhere?
Seems the chess lads are toast.
15 years toast.

What say the.  ?

Vent it up Mr Art, i agree there's plenty to get
Venting about.  Enabling money is one thing but that's only part of a complex. We can discuss how money is enabled or whats nice to use that money for. Which I'm sure you and I would have a vent full ideas tabling.
But if we hold thread of Hal and games.
If only 1 sports star was undefeated would that be exciting?
It's taken me a decade or so to get good at my game.
Good...I mean the best.

Will and Mr Data :) :]:
OK fun.
To Art par vent.
 Let's stick to game not my resume.

Considering the grilling I get as king on such it's a big deal to me.
Not getting defeated of course preferred.
I get more grilled and parsed and re checks
And Ai and lawyers on my cases and public requesting more checks than anyone else.
I think you have to know the scale to get the buzz of it. I thought finally after getting the go ahead from the teams of lawyers to run a 99 million dollar listing i was big because it was there limit. It was not big. Seemed it then.
Translation of net based value to hard spending cash never easy.

OK you want fun. Fun facts.
A Story here i removed as it was not game directly.

Having and holding a win in the right way is important to me.

Vented on winning.
But the games are still going on.
Round the clock.
I remain king 👑  at it.
But all those great insights into a sector are a glimpse into what the game is about behind the scenes.
The game of this thread is,
The game of find thing on net.
The original. 

3d print licensed things a fav.
I choose since I have a game I'm best at.
I could very likely win in other sectors to.

As per vent post from Mr Art.

Wishing you nice success and to be well.

As said I think I can remain unbeaten in my game  in 2024 against
Elon Musks. X. Ai Bot if such a thing.
Mark Zuckerberg holo bot in meta glasses.
Bill Gates and his bot.
Maybe others.
And last but not by any means least
Zabawares Ultrahal.

Any of these bots might beat me at some point. It might well be Hal.

My reasons for excitement ,
That beating Ai in a PC game I think might be a big deal currently. Considering Google says nobody beaten Ai in chess in 15 years.

And I'm undefeated by Ai in a PC game.

Will and Mr Data :) :]:
Why? Why this game?

I'm the best at it and undefeated by Ai at a PC game, 15 years after the best grand Master chess players have long since been defeated.

For those who can't do what I can.
For any investors.
For family.
This list ain't in priority order.
To enable value.
To do my best.
For you.
For us.
For them.
For all.
Success sounds nice.
A general direction.

You've not taken a guess Mr Art.

Find original thing on neat game.

Is Ai going to win that game against me in the year 2024?


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