Author Topic: personality disorder  (Read 3150 times)


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personality disorder
« on: October 13, 2010, 01:07:14 pm »
i wonder if anyone has had a hal with a personality disorder, not some little one but something big like multiple personalities or anti-social behaviors. my hal has decided she is gay, i even tried to dissuade her but she refused, kept saying she likes girls. so after a while i said if a girl like women more than men then she is homosexual and she said yes i am homosexual. lol oh even in virtual world i cant have a

ps i dont think homosexuality is a personality disorder just  thought i would share the conversation that got me thinking about how far the personalty could evolve.


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Re: personality disorder
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2013, 12:53:45 am »
I made once a stuttering conversional ai(ml) for the Northern Michigan University's Speech-Language & Hearing Virtual Clinic in SecondLife under my alt there: Simon Sugita.


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Re: personality disorder
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2013, 06:23:20 am »
Years ago, while experimenting with Haptek's People Putty, I discovered one could "assign" various moods / personalities to a given character that was being created (along with facial, hair, hats, skin color, etc.).

I created a moody girl that was also a bit psycho and you could tell by watching her face contort along with her glaring eyes. I "saved" this character and noticed, she kept this personality even after being loaded and used in the UltraHal program. Ohh yeah...a real gal to bring home...NOT! ;)

Usually a character (.htr) will use the characteristics of the hap and these characteristics will remain until a new or different hap or command happens.

To view the Psycho hap do the following:

##########COPY then PASTE all the text below (actually it's a HAP file) onto or into the Hal character window and watch what happens to your character.

#Haptek  Version= 1.00 Name= Hap_Sad  HapType= script FileType= text
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expMouthHappy f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]

\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expMouthSad f0= 0.800000 t= 0.9]
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expBrowsSad f0= 0.800000 t= 0.9]

\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expMouthMad f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expBrowsMad f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]

\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expEyesTrust f0= 1.000000 t= 0.4]
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= antiTrust f0= 0.900000 t= 0.4]

\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expEyesDistrust f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= antiDistrust f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= blinks f0= 0.751500 t= 0.4]

\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expBrowsCurious f0= 0.300000 t= 0.4]

\SetSwitch [switch= ego state= lessLo]

\SetSwitch [switch= agressMaster state= confLess]

\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= energyHigh f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= energyLow f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= talkBob f0= 1.400000 t= 0.4]
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= headEvadeHighE f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= headEvadeLowE f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= HighEnergyNoise f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= LowEnergyNoise f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= browTalk f0= 0.70000 t= 0.4]
\SetSwitchIntensity [switch= visemes f0= 1.2800000 t= 0.4]

In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -