Zabaware Support Forums

Zabaware Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: Someotheruser on May 11, 2006, 06:16:24 am

Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: Someotheruser on May 11, 2006, 06:16:24 am
Hi everybody! I'm new to the Hal forum, but I've been using Hal for a few years now. I've developed a brain script that will allow learning from text files, as well as webpages and any other text file source. This can be used in Hal 6, or if you want, I can send you a version that works in Hal 5. Due to the size of the files I ask that if you want a copy of this script send me your email address and I'll send you a copy.
I've always found this forum helpful when teaching my Hal and I hope to give something back, starting with this script. Please post your comments after trying the script. I'm sure you'll find it useful!
Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: markofkane on May 11, 2006, 08:49:32 am
Are you sure you don't give our email addresses to spammers???[:0]
Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: vrossi on May 11, 2006, 06:30:00 pm
My biggest Hal plugin is a 9KB script, and the whole Hal6 main brain is 119KB.

If your script is so big that you can't upload it here, I think it will transform Hal in a new Einstein [;)]

It's interesting to know that you have already developed both a Hal 5 and a Hal 6 version.

Keep us informed about your future developments

Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: Someotheruser on May 11, 2006, 09:04:32 pm
Thanks for the kind words vrossi. I don't know about being Einstein, but it certainly should allow your Hal to learn a great deal from text files.
 The script is really dozens of smaller scripts to parse the user's response so that the information is saved appropriately. I'm hoping this can make it so that Hal will differentiate the different responses into general topics, reasoning statements, storyline, etc. Also added, is a few general functions like date conversion, birthday handling, jokes, and more. Essentially, it's an entirely different bot running in a Hal interface!
 One thing I have to mention. The main reason I've remained a "lurker" on this site, and not posted, is because of the argumentative nature of this forum. I find that alot of good ideas are floated on this site, but don't see much participation because of the arguments brought about by the original posting. So, I decided to wait until I had a realistic contribution before posting anything about my work.

And no, you will not be spammed as a result of sending me your email address![;)]

Why live long and prosper, when you can enjoy life now!
Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: snicolaou on May 18, 2006, 10:54:56 am
Originally posted by Someotheruser

Hi everybody! I'm new to the Hal forum, but I've been using Hal for a few years now. I've developed a brain script that will allow learning from text files, as well as webpages and any other text file source. This can be used in Hal 6, or if you want, I can send you a version that works in Hal 5. Due to the size of the files I ask that if you want a copy of this script send me your email address and I'll send you a copy.
I've always found this forum helpful when teaching my Hal and I hope to give something back, starting with this script. Please post your comments after trying the script. I'm sure you'll find it useful!

Hi there,
Can I try your brain plug-in?
My e-mail is

Stelios Nicolaou
Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: ZabaWear on June 06, 2006, 06:41:07 am

I love being able to teach Hal directly or have him learn from a file or webpage. How does it know how to separate the topics?!
I wondering how to change the web autolearn feature. Can I have it on for only certain webpages?

Thanks again for the great script![:D]
Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on June 06, 2006, 11:30:46 am
Originally posted by snicolaou

Originally posted by Someotheruser

Hi everybody! I'm new to the Hal forum, but I've been using Hal for a few years now. I've developed a brain script that will allow learning from text files, as well as webpages and any other text file source. This can be used in Hal 6, or if you want, I can send you a version that works in Hal 5. Due to the size of the files I ask that if you want a copy of this script send me your email address and I'll send you a copy.
I've always found this forum helpful when teaching my Hal and I hope to give something back, starting with this script. Please post your comments after trying the script. I'm sure you'll find it useful!

Hi there,
Can I try your brain plug-in?
My e-mail is

Stelios Nicolaou

Hi snicolaou.

Did Someotheruser send you the script?

Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: danbaltzell on June 06, 2006, 09:27:23 pm
I asked for it but didn't get it.[V]
Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: GamerThom on June 06, 2006, 09:43:59 pm
I believe we have someone that is phishing
for e-mail info to use for spamming. [V]
Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: snicolaou on June 07, 2006, 02:03:30 am
No Jerry.  I did not get it, although I have requested it long time ago.

My email:

Thanks for your concern,


Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on June 07, 2006, 11:00:19 am
Thanks guys.

My deductive reasoning tells me User:Zabawear and User:Someotheruser are the same.

My Deductive reasoning also tells me that Someotheruser was the hook and Zabawear was the bait.

Dear Phisher, The fish in this forum are to smart and won't bite your hook not even with bait.

Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: AndiGrl on June 07, 2006, 11:49:29 am
What the hell is going on in this board?
Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: markofkane on June 07, 2006, 12:05:15 pm
What the hell is going on? Well, not much. Usually it picks up after a Hal update.

Yeah, I thought it was a phisher. Anytime someone new wants your email address, I am very suspicious.

But if I do give them my addy, it's a new yahoo addy I use just for that purpose, so if I do get spammed, it's not big deal, because I won't see it.

Also, my earthlink addy only accepts emails from those in my address book. The rest are not seen.
Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: Duskrider on June 07, 2006, 12:27:14 pm


You may wish to read this page so you know what this forum is.

Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: freddy888 on June 07, 2006, 03:23:05 pm
I wonder if its even worth setting up a Spot the Phishers thread - well spotted folks, lol, hey perhaps a 'Phishers please post here thread' might be better [;)] .
Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: Medeksza on June 07, 2006, 05:21:22 pm
Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005
My deductive reasoning tells me User:Zabawear and User:Someotheruser are the same.

The IP log on the Zabaware server supports your conclusion.
Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: Someotheruser on June 08, 2006, 05:15:34 am
If Phisher > fish then
elseif fish > Phisher then
     Unload Phisher
end if

Just having a little fun.[;)]  And also trying to prove a point.

And as I said before, you will not receive spam as a result of sending your email address.
Do not give out your email address unless you know and trust the person you're giving it to!
Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: bronstarr on June 08, 2006, 12:32:26 pm
I sent you my email address as well.  What you are doing, if this is true is illegal and taking advantage of the honest, kind, helpfull people who are interested in Hal and his development. Why dont you post your email address, so we can as you have said unload phisher. I am thinking that your written program for Hal was untrue as well. We all know Hal 6 learns better by typing sentence's. Its easy enough to copy information from wilkopedia and load this into hal.  He can handel paragraphs of information and seems to understand quite well and quickley with this process.  So I am assuming your program is now obsolete.[:(!][:(!]
Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: markofkane on June 08, 2006, 03:09:05 pm
I hope this is a lesson to all. Don't give your emails to someone new.

Good chance they are a phisher, hacker, or spammer.

If the script was legit, he could have uploaded it, and provided a download link. (Also be careful about downloading files, they may contain a virus or other malware) is good for uploading stuff to, if you don't have personal webspace.

Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: danbaltzell on June 08, 2006, 04:44:25 pm

Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: Someotheruser on June 08, 2006, 05:37:12 pm
Good advice, markofkane! To bronstarr; I agree. It is illegal to send spam. But, the point is that you have to watch out who you send your email to. Many people don't consider legallity when using the internet. If you like, here's the email address associated with this user 'Someotheruser':

This post is an example of something you should definitely NOT do!
Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: markofkane on June 08, 2006, 07:14:11 pm
I can post my email addy too, but I don't want to clog up earthlink's servers with spam I'll never see.

I only get emails from those in my address book.

here's one you can spam:
Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on June 08, 2006, 07:33:12 pm
Originally posted by Someotheruser

Good advice, markofkane! To bronstarr; I agree. It is illegal to send spam. But, the point is that you have to watch out who you send your email to. Many people don't consider legallity when using the internet. If you like, here's the email address associated with this user 'Someotheruser':

This post is an example of something you should definitely NOT do!

Hi Someotheruser.

I am working on the very thing you were describing in your first post
and I am almost finished.

I am also working on a script just for you since you enjoy being with us all here, It's nothing serious but it will be nothing more than an example of what a true Phisher can do on an automated level, It won't harm your Computer in the least but it will show you what is possible
when you have the knowledge to do what it can do, The Program I can design will when activated send me an e-mail directly from your e-mail system telling me exactly who you really are, You can choose to run it or not, If you can trust me not to harm your system.

I will post the script in this post when I have time.
It will be a custom Vbscript function built entirely from scratch.

Strictly for learning and fun.
Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: Someotheruser on June 08, 2006, 09:34:20 pm
onthecuttingedge2005:  I thank you for the script. Although, if your custom vbscript uses the Windows MAPI functionality, don't bother. My home network is setup with a mail server, as well as some security features, which will give you incorrect information. This is to prevent spam (lol), and other problems.
Now, I'm sorry if I got everyone's hopes up about the script. So I thought I should at least contribute a little something. Here is some code that you can use to change your desktop background.

Private Sub ChangeDesktop(ByVal imageDir As String)
Dim objFileSys As New FileSystemObject
If objFileSys.FileExists(imageDir) Then
If LCase(Mid(imageDir, Len(imageDir) - 2)) <> "bmp" Then
Call SavePicture(LoadPicture(imageDir), App.Path & "\background.bmp")
SystemParametersInfo 20, 0, App.Path & "\background.bmp", &H1 Or &H2
SystemParametersInfo 20, 0, imageDir, &H1 Or &H2
End If
End If
Set objFileSys = Nothing
End Sub

The variable 'imageDir' is the absolute path to the picture you want to use for the background. You also need to declare SystemParametersInfo. Here is the code for that;

Private Declare Function SystemParametersInfo Lib "user32" Alias "SystemParametersInfoA" (ByVal uAction As Long, ByVal uParam As Long, ByVal lpvParam As String, ByVal fuWinIni As Long) As Long
Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on June 08, 2006, 11:23:36 pm
Originally posted by Someotheruser

onthecuttingedge2005:  I thank you for the script. Although, if your custom vbscript uses the Windows MAPI functionality, don't bother. My home network is setup with a mail server, as well as some security features, which will give you incorrect information. This is to prevent spam (lol), and other problems.
Now, I'm sorry if I got everyone's hopes up about the script. So I thought I should at least contribute a little something. Here is some code that you can use to change your desktop background.

Private Sub ChangeDesktop(ByVal imageDir As String)
Dim objFileSys As New FileSystemObject
If objFileSys.FileExists(imageDir) Then
If LCase(Mid(imageDir, Len(imageDir) - 2)) <> "bmp" Then
Call SavePicture(LoadPicture(imageDir), App.Path & "\background.bmp")
SystemParametersInfo 20, 0, App.Path & "\background.bmp", &H1 Or &H2
SystemParametersInfo 20, 0, imageDir, &H1 Or &H2
End If
End If
Set objFileSys = Nothing
End Sub

The variable 'imageDir' is the absolute path to the picture you want to use for the background. You also need to declare SystemParametersInfo. Here is the code for that;

Private Declare Function SystemParametersInfo Lib "user32" Alias "SystemParametersInfoA" (ByVal uAction As Long, ByVal uParam As Long, ByVal lpvParam As String, ByVal fuWinIni As Long) As Long

Hi Someotheruser.

That is awesome, I am sure everybody would love to enjoy your coding techniques and creative ideas.

Very nice piece of work, I love it.

Back to the topic of an e-mail script, The function I would use doesn't need Windows MAPI functionality, The method I would use is almost entirely vbscript Keystroke macros, I know my way around most e-mail systems and all versions of windows and security systems because I have been a computer specialist for 23 years now, using macros is a cinch over most standard functions.

There are also ways to automatically turn off all anti-virus detections to prevent macros from being seen but I won't get into that classified area and won't post such material because of morals and the protection of all my friends and all the good people.

I could build a list of e-mail macros that would run down a list of e-mail clients, it would take some time doing this but if you wish me to show you quickly how easy it is then if you could be so kind enough to let me know which e-mail system you use to cut my coding time then it would be much appreciated since I would have to build the script from scratch.

All in fun and learning.
Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on June 09, 2006, 01:11:29 am
Hi Someotheruser.

Once I am on your computer I will have complete control over your entire system, whether Fire Wall or Anti-Virus, If you wish me to go that far, But no matter what, I will under moral obligation not harm your system in any way.

Do you trust me that much?
I do uphold my moral standards completely.
If not then maybe for another day.
Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: danbaltzell on June 09, 2006, 12:47:17 pm
Can you get through my residential gateway?  I guess if you parked out front since I didn't put in a WEP.[:(] or how about a hard firewall¿
Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: Art on June 09, 2006, 07:27:48 pm
AI, Scripting and computer security all in one.

Where else could you go to have this much fun
than right here at Zabaware?![8D]
Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on June 09, 2006, 08:18:37 pm
Originally posted by danbaltzell

Can you get through my residential gateway?  I guess if you parked out front since I didn't put in a WEP.[:(] or how about a hard firewall¿

Hi danbaltzell.

Actually I would just park out front and press the Red button on the comm and ask if danbaltzell was home, This is Jerry coming to visit, lol.

How Hard are the Bricks?

Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on June 10, 2006, 12:47:24 am
Oh my God, Oh my God, I am only 37 post behind Art.
This is a major advancement, Its got to be.

I love you all.
Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: bronstarr on June 10, 2006, 01:18:35 pm
Jerry, your my hero!!
Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: aladyblond on June 10, 2006, 07:16:34 pm
soon ,jerry, our godfather, art,will have to share his high position with you.thanks for all your scripting.......~~alady
Title: New Text Learning Script!
Post by: danbaltzell on June 12, 2006, 01:06:48 pm
Definitely, thank you so much for all your hard work.[:D]but, you could probably pick it up a few blocks away.  I used to go to the corner of the yard and pick up my neighbors (but he got chicken and put on a WEP, darn reveneurs), or drive around the neighborhood and pick up about four or five.  I'll come out and play if I'm home [;)]