Zabaware Support Forums

Zabaware Forums => Ultra Hal 7.0 => Topic started by: Jake on March 23, 2008, 02:38:31 am

Title: Moving HTR out of Charater folder causes crash
Post by: Jake on March 23, 2008, 02:38:31 am

If I move certain HTR files out of the Charater folder, when Ultra HAL comes up, my default character, Audrey, is not visible and the background is set to the "Haptek Player Generation 4" background, if I try to change the background the program crashes with the following two errors...

1.Ultra Hal Assistant "Run-time error 440 automation error"
2.Hal Haptek Plugin "Run-time error 91 Object variable or With block variable not set"

COMMENTS: I've put a bunch of HTR files in the Character folder to try out, now I'm trying to clean that folder up.  It allowed me to remove several HTR files, but some, (including ones that I believe are not from the original install), don't like it if I try to remove them.  Is there a file somewhere I need to edit to remove these HTR files?  Or what would be the correct procedure for removing HTR files the Ultra Hal Assistant would get alone with?

On a separate, but related question, does Ultra Hal Assistant look to, or have any dependency on my Haptek install?  Does any part of Ultra Hal use any part of the files in my Haptek folder?
Title: Moving HTR out of Charater folder causes crash
Post by: Art on March 23, 2008, 08:31:36 am
If you move any default characters that Hal expects to use or have, then you might get the error.
You must have the Character Expansion Pack in order to allow Hal to use any additional HTR characters other than the default ones that came with Hal.

I think Hal needs part of the files for the player to allow chars to appear but I could be wrong.