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Messages - neutrino

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Ultra Hal 7.0 / text to speech - does it record?
« on: November 25, 2004, 07:34:46 am »
The Text to speech program...  is it able to read and save the spoken text as a sound file?
I'v got one other text to speech program... the name of which just slipped off my mind!  but it uses the typical "mary" or "Mike", and their just not close enough to human as I'd wish for - this zabaware one states it's real close- almost not able to tell the difference! is that really true?
no matter - I'd realy like it if I'm able to save as a sound file.

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Improvements ?
« on: September 19, 2004, 01:12:00 am »
See my posting in   "Let Hal Learn to its fullest concept!" 2nd page,   in the other  "Ultra hal" section.. think I should have posted it her instead~ :)

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Teaching HAL and using commands
« on: September 18, 2004, 04:57:24 pm »
have any of you tried "Speak & Mail", seems there are similarities - though not the "conversational" or "learning", though the voice command section of S&M, I found quite good - and this was back about 3 years ago, I no longer have it on my new system yet - must see if it's been updated or improved in recent times.  The voice command for starting up a program for example was....  if I remember right... you type in the verbal command your going to use "start email" - then you directly associate that command by directing S&M (browsing) to the .exe file to activate,  spelling the verbal command  phonetically I found improved the voice recognition ~ ! ~ trying to recall if this is accurate for the setup of commands~ :)  I must have a look -  I really liked the fact that you could verbally open a program :) awesome!  ha though yep- it often didnt get it! like "Open Paintshop" and the response was "The time is ... : ... " ha~  oh that's right you had to press a key- think it was optional in preferences - you press a key to activate the Listen - that's to indicate "I'm talking ot you" - then give your command, how does Hal do it? always on or do you need to directly indicate your talking to him by some means like this?

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Let Hal Learn to its fullest concept!
« on: September 17, 2004, 09:04:43 pm »
drop in my own words of wisdom for aI and the future....

There's a real possibility of this being developed for security - either total PC security or basic security settings for PC's with multiple user profiles...  we already have Face recognition programs "out there",  combine that wil Hal.. and the program interfaces with a PC cam,  and Hal could learn to recognise you, and "know" who it's talking to.
It could also "know" different users security setting, and either enable or disable PC functions accordingly.
In fact you could set it for total PC security - Hal is the 1st thing to come up at boot time... if it does not recognise you (PC's been stolen say~!!  then it simply refuses to boot beyond itself - after any repeated boot attempts - specify a number - it might then be able to auto send an email to a preset destination and though it may not be able to tell you where it is, it might at least, assuming it can establish an internet connection (in the background) it might be able to send some info, IP address for example, or simply a Help where am I? where are you? haha~~
To add in new users it'd require an valid "face" to recognise, and one that has the security clearance to add in new users, Hello Hall, I'd like to add in a new user - this is ..... <hal takes a look>, his/her name is.. and he she has security clearance level 3, please add him/her to your database.
Learning...  it'd be so cool if Hal could also monitor what your doing on the pc.. learn the program, and offer assistance when your struggling to achive something!  like an intelegent "hints" pop up that some programs have, Word's clipit for example ~ but one that fully knows the program being used, and can Talk about it..  then show you what to do - or do it for you!
~That's enough fantisizing for the present :)

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