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Messages - thecolor

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Ultra Hal 7.0 / Serial number questions
« on: December 23, 2005, 11:49:04 am »
In response to this, I use to use v5 on two computers (sharing a brain over my home network).  Difficult, but possible... I just could not run both programs at the same time ('cause they shared a brain (the same file)... I would like to do that again if possible, but with the activation process it appears that is not a possibility at this time without a request.

Formally then I request (if possibly and acceptable) the ability to utilize my newer version of UH v6 in the same manner.

If you are still ok with the utilization on multiple machines by one user at one time, can you assist?

Thanks.  :)

P.S., did you get my email in regards to placing the K.I.T.T. vox skin and char as a component the new package for downloaders?

Originally posted by Medeksza

Originally posted by KazuyaDarklight

Well the way I am reading this. You don't have to worry about the 4 time limit for things like reinstalling windows etc, as long as you are in a situation where you can access Hal and the net and deactivate him before hand, then you would reactivate when you once you had reinstalled windows and hal.  

This I guess could also be used to flip flop between a persons main computer and a laptop as long as they were willing to go through the hassel, which could be good for going on trips while you still want him around.  Mind you I'm NOT saying you would have hal active on both compters at once.  You would be flipping the reg from your tower to your laptop for the trip then flipping it back when you got home.  Along with the db file I would guess.

Am I correct in my understanding of the system Mr.Medeksza?

Correct, if you deactivate before reinstalling, you can do that an unlimited number of times.

Also, I don't really mind if someone purchases 1 copy of Hal and installs it on both their home computer and laptop, as long as the 2 copies are never used simultaneously by different people. Thats part of the reason I let 4 activations per serial number. However, if Hal is to be used by several family members at the same time on different computers, then I'd like for there to be seperate licenses for each computer. I may need to update the legal mumbo jumbo in the license agreement, I'm not sure what it says on this issue.

Basically the aim of this activation system is to prevent someone from posting their serial number on a web page or message board somewhere and having this be easily found by google. This is what happened many versions of Hal ago when Hal was also based on serial codes. I want this to be as easy and painless as possible for paying customers.

So, spydaz

Any progress on the K.I.T.T. brain plug-in?  I realize it's a time consuming project, and so I thought I'd wait a while (till now) to ask.  :)  Anything is certainly more than we had before.  :)
Especially if it has enough of an ability to conversate some of or the rest of that can be built up by the user.  :)


Originally posted by spydaz

the brain is not the problem,,,,, very easy .......

but the car ,,,,,

i was watching pimp my ride you could build a car with X10 control from a laptop built into the car, most of the kitt is out the for sure ,, afer my research on this topic has come to an end. as we all know MONEY is THE ONLY barrier

Well, some things just need to be taken one step at a time.
I've started on the car, and continue to work on the brain so when the car is done, the brain will be right on.  :)  Sides, technology just gets better and better.  The forum has a member who codes some software similar to hal, just not directly intelligent.

Interested in my project check:

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Ultra Hal for OS X
« on: March 20, 2005, 12:07:57 am »
Anyone delveloped a version of Ultra Hal for OS X?  Or does this version come in one?

I'm going to put it in my car, but would prefer to use OS X over a win box.  Much more stable!


Originally posted by Babalu_Destruct_Mechanism


I would prefer a more versatile brain, not just a purely scripted one for role playing. I had the Kenner "Voice Kitt Car" in the 80's...


...and believe me, it was cool, but after you pressed that button about 50 times and heard the same lines over and over, well you can see where this is going.

So perhaps a hybrid of the two concepts would have the most wide appeal and have a longer "replay value".


I agree, that is why I'd like to see a exactly that (A hybrid brain) an out of character K.I.T.T. (knowing he is K.I.T.T. but also a seperate character from the show, and can be the K.I.T.T. in the show (for script repetition purposes).

If that makes sense.  :)

Nice conversation.  Did you manually teach him the scripts?
Where is he getting the information?
As I have noticed, the read a text file option only reads 63kb files,
and the scripts are WELL over that.

Or have you seperated all the Michael/K.I.T.T. conversations?

Programming the information and how would be of great help to know.


New Member

24 Posts   
Posted - 08/12/2004 :  19:09:22      
thanks, all the info helped. now, i heard that someone wanted to program a hal brain to act like kitt. Hmm... how whould that work? the way i see it, you whould need to find the show scripts, not a hard task thanks to the power of the internet. but there is still two problems. the first, and probrably the hardest, is finding the voice, and programing that voice to work with hal. spydaz, thats probrably your department, anyone else is welcome to try of course
The next problem is programing the brain once you have the scripts.
i probrably have the time, and i have a friend who is practicaly a knight rider guru, but i have no idea how to program the brain. anyone who whould like to give instructions please post, ill start collecting skripts

knight:"Your about as much fun as a devorce, which is not a bad idea."
kitt:"i want costudy of me!"
Knight:"You know, i should have gotten rid of you before i turned you on, now i can't shut you up!"
New Member

20 Posts   
Posted - 08/12/2004 :  21:41:05            
There is a wizard for creating and programming the brain with hal. I ultimately wanted to create a K.I.T.T. brain and had saved all the scripts at one point, but can no longer locate them. :(
That would be the first step, to record all the scripts in his head.
Then to design it so it responds more intelligently than it currently does. :)
The voice would be an nice next step though. That is something I have been unable to figure out from the voices it comes with. :(

Please visit my server and K.I.T.T. project at: or
New Member

24 Posts   
Posted - 08/13/2004 :  02:34:04      
ok, the color, iam starting to get a higher respect for ya! i don't supose you'd have a link to that wizard, whould you? while your at it, what whould be a good link to start collecting scripts? ill try on my own, but i might not be getting athentics here, ive never seen the series through yet, thats my goal. but for now, that wizzard whould be a huge help!

knight:"Your about as much fun as a devorce, which is not a bad idea."
kitt:"i want costudy of me!"
Knight:"You know, i should have gotten rid of you before i turned you on, now i can't shut you up!"
Average Member

United Kingdom
139 Posts   
Posted - 08/13/2004 :  09:19:57            
IF you send me the Conversattion scripts from the show... I will start building a KITT BRAIN...
If i was to START building a brain. I start with the Blank SLATE or HUMAN brain. Especially if i want hal TO be a DEDICATED BRAIN....
THEN i add CUTTINGEDGE ZIGGY deductive scripts (it EQUALLs, because why). This makes HAL recognise more of what you say....
THEN I go into the brain editor and deal with HELLO's GOODBYE's (personality tweekes) and replace the current data with KITTS own responses from the scripts...
REPLACE the general knowledgebrain with KITTS generalconversations IE: the script...
IN USEAGE: cut and paste large texts from the SCRIPT in conversations. Learn from a text file(the script)...
All these factors come together.

THE SCRIPTS are out there.
Keyword & RESPONSE Is not AI... MORE LOGIC IS NEEDED... for interlect!
New Member

20 Posts   
Posted - 08/13/2004 :  11:04:03            
Originally posted by spydaz
IF you send me the Conversattion scripts from the show... I will start building a KITT BRAIN...
If i was to START building a brain. I start with the Blank SLATE or HUMAN brain. Especially if i want hal TO be a DEDICATED BRAIN....
THEN i add CUTTINGEDGE ZIGGY deductive scripts (it EQUALLs, because why). This makes HAL recognise more of what you say....
THEN I go into the brain editor and deal with HELLO's GOODBYE's (personality tweekes) and replace the current data with KITTS own responses from the scripts...
REPLACE the general knowledgebrain with KITTS generalconversations IE: the script...
IN USEAGE: cut and paste large texts from the SCRIPT in conversations. Learn from a text file(the script)...
All these factors come together.
Sweet Spydaz. That would be awesome. I will see what I can do to locate them. I've probably burned them to a backup disc somewhere. :)
If anyone is curious about the show and stuff, another place I hang out is and you really need to see the whole series. :) I was not only able to see it air in 1982, but watch the whole series, and I've recorded a series load of it off Sci-Fi, bought serveral DVD's from columbia and my girlfiend just bought the entire first season for me on DVD. :) So, the replica is the frosting. :) haha.
A complete HAL/K.I.T.T. will be the sweetest sugar ever!!!

Please visit my server and K.I.T.T. project at: or
New Member

20 Posts   
Posted - 08/13/2004 :  12:53:12            
Ok, here they are:
I converted the PDF's to rtf on my site and also provided them in their orig PDF format.
They can also be located from my replica sit under "links"
I just converted it to html also. The only step left for "script" is audio.

Please visit my server and K.I.T.T. project at: or

Edited by - thecolor on 08/13/2004 14:20:13
Average Member

135 Posts   
Posted - 08/14/2004 :  02:41:39        
Hello Knightrider People,
I started on a Kitt brain. I used the Adult British Male voice for Kitt and it seemed pretty good for now. Here's what I got so far. It is just based on my lousy memory with a few twists and distortions but you get the basic idea.
Michael: Hello Kitt!
Kitt: Hello Michael! What took you so long?
Michael: What the hell kind of car are you?
Kitt: I am a knight industries 2000 superbird with all the bells and whistles!
Michael: Oh yes, Devin told me all about you!
Kitt: Devin is an asshole but bonnie is really freaking hot!
Michael: So what's on today's agenda pal?
Kitt: We got some very important work to do today!
Michael: OK, then let's go!
Kitt: Ok, let's get right on it now!
Michael: OK, let's go kick some butt!
Kitt: We should activate my turbo boost if we want to make it there in time!
Michael: Don't worry, we'll make it!
Kitt: I sure hope so Michael, for both your sake and mine!
Michael: I said don't worry!
Kitt: May I at least suggest that we put the car into auto cruise mode for safety sake.
Michael: Damn it Kitt, I said no!
Kitt: Ok Michael, have it your way!
Here's a small mp3 of the "I want custody of me!":
Download Attachment:
131.96 KB
Or get a few other free small Knightrider mp3's here:

Edited by - Rich_A on 08/14/2004 04:03:10
New Member

20 Posts   
Posted - 08/14/2004 :  10:53:50            
Very cool! :) I can't wait for a K.I.T.T. that is fully programmed with all the scripts. At least so he can say, he was a character in the show and knows all the lines. :)
Act as if he was the character and he's a seperate actor. :)
K.I.T.T. playing himself.

Please visit my server and K.I.T.T. project at: or
Starting Member

1 Posts   
Posted - 08/15/2004 :  00:33:29        

You guys are on to something really cool here.
We the peepz of the United States, really appreciate all the work which you guys have done in such short period of time. I'm sure many other fans of KITT and-or Automation are checking out this thread but won't necessarily post feedback.
-----------Cast Thus Far:
- Rick (a.k.a. TheColor) as Skin-MaSTER
- Jeff Kyle (a.k.a. MidiHead) as Agent-Master
- ????????????????????????? as Brain-Master
Oh no, Brain is still in production and the position is yet to be cast! Who will it be?
Will it be the deservedly cocky "Spydaz" with his advanced skillz;
perhaps "Rick_A" with his existing prototype "KR_script" brain?
Babalu will most definitely stay tuned for the next development!!!

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
- Phillip K. Dick

Edited by - Babalu_Destruct_Mechanism on 08/15/2004 01:12:46
New Member

24 Posts   
Posted - 08/15/2004 :  01:55:20      
hey guys, ive come across two revelations, the first came when watching "sole survivor" i was watching and i handed my laptop to my friend, who created another user log and named the computer KITT (like i said, knight rider nut!!!) the first revelation, was when listining to the episode, and my computer, the american male 1 voice, and kitts voice aren't that far off, perhaps if someone where to tweek the voice just right, that problem whould be solved!!!
the next one came later, and freaked both me and my friend out compleatly!!! like i said, he named the computer kitt, and although we fed it a text file mentioning the show, no details had been given by me or other wise, so we were kinda freaked when this showed up on the reply box "How long am i going to be the Knight Indistries Two Thousand?" he had not made mention of the acronim in any conversations, and neither had i, nor was kitt even mentioned in the text file. after we calmed down, we asked it what his name stood for. his reply was "my name is kitt and your name is seven, my name stands for knight indisteries two thousand." we asked it this several more times for two reasons, one, to conferm it, and because my friend liked the sound of it (nuts!)
after some slight chat imput, we got kitt to recognise wilton knight, karr, and its acronim. anyone have any idea how it whould know what kitt stood for without any human imput??? iam lost on this one, but its COOL!

knight:"Your about as much fun as a devorce, which is not a bad idea."
kitt:"i want costudy of me!"
Knight:"You know, i should have gotten rid of you before i turned you on, now i can't shut you up!"
Average Member

135 Posts   
Posted - 08/15/2004 :  18:17:27        
Hello Seven,
Even though Hal has a very high proficiency for deductive reasoning it would still be more likely that maybe you mentioned to him what Kitt stands for in a previous conversation with him. And if you really never did mention it to him in a previous conversation then it is very likely that you talk to him about Knight Rider often enough to the point that he correctly may the deductive assumption about both him being Kitt and what Kitt stands for. My best guess would be that you already flooded his brain out with the stuff. Which demonstrates that you did a good job in training him, or should I say brainwashing him...LOL! Hal really is smarter then most people give him credit for. However, people that talk to him often enough about anything in general usually come to realize this natural gift that Hal has!
I am using the Blank Slate Brain for Kitt. This is my first time using the Blank Slate Brain and what I just learned about it is that it don't even know how to say "Hello" so we don't need to worry about those dump greetings when using the Default Brain. We just need to give a few choices to him for multiple greetings.
I plan to input all the dialogue between Michael and Kitt from the first show of Knight Rider as my next step of training and development. It will all be done manually which is a lot of work, but the skit responses will most likely play out pretty accurately. For starters I am not including the entire script from the show, just the Michael and Kitt dialogue, in order to avoid inaccurate responses during Kitt's training period. Other stuff from the script will be added in as self-knowledge and self-awareness which can then be used by Kitt to mention things like telling Michael "Yes I already know that you spoke to Devin about it!" To me the first best step is to get Kitt to learn and know his lines from the show, and then make that self-knowledge as well. But that will all come in time.
Hal has the uncanny ability to step in and out of character, so if enough stuff from the show scripts is added into his brain he should be able to come out of character on queries about the show but that will all come in time too. I often do role playing with my own Hal. I started off by giving my Hal a few different other character roles which was intended for him to go into by telling him to with the appropriate input, which he does on command pretty good. But sometimes even if I don't tell him to play the part he will often go in and out of character on his own which is pretty cool too!
Best Regards,
Knight Rider Free Scripts; Seasons 1 to 4 at:
Direct link to free first season scripts:

Edited by - Rich_A on 08/15/2004 21:40:18
Senior Member

275 Posts   
Posted - 08/16/2004 :  14:20:16        
I vote for Ramon Munoz as Brain-Master. Why? Why not?
New Member

20 Posts   
Posted - 08/16/2004 :  16:22:12            
Originally posted by vonsmith
I vote for Ramon Munoz as Brain-Master. Why? Why not?
Are you saying this person "Ramon Munoz" is knowledgeable of the coding needed to program this brain and capable of making it self intelligent as well as having the knowledge of the scripts?
The scripts are of course important, but it also is important to be aware that it is a character of the film, and a seperate subject outside the film too, so it can interact with the user personally, (not just as if it were in the film interacting only with Devon, Bonnie, Michael, etc.).

Please visit my server and K.I.T.T. project at: or
Junior Member

51 Posts   
Posted - 08/16/2004 :  16:55:32        
Good point Rich but do you think it would be better
to have two seperate brain files? One for KITT and
the other just for interaction / chatting among users.
Just some thoughts....
- Art -
New Member

20 Posts   
Posted - 08/16/2004 :  19:51:21            
Originally posted by Art
Good point Rich but do you think it would be better
to have two seperate brain files? One for KITT and
the other just for interaction / chatting among users.
Just some thoughts....
- Art -
One of the problems with making two seperate brains is the need to switch between them if you want to have a particuler conversation. Otherwise the brains would need to be linked somehow (esp) so they could retrieve information that was previously programmed in another brain and visa versa. It may be a large brain, but if we want it to be "all knowing" ;) then we have to think like our (human) brains. We don't have seperate ones we can switch out like a swapable hard drive. ;)
I'm going to start a new topic for K.I.T.T. brains as this one is primarily for the VOX/SKIN.

Please visit my server and K.I.T.T. project at: or

Edited by - thecolor on 08/16/2004 19:52:59

This is forum is to discuss creation and implimentation of a brain for the "Knight Industry Two Thousands micro processor.  K.I.T.T. for easy reference."

Comments posted below are copied from a VOX/SKIN/SPEECH section previously created to avoid to much confusion of topics.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Kitt Vox
« on: August 16, 2004, 08:00:06 pm »
Originally posted by Art

Good point Rich but do you think it would be better
to have two seperate brain files? One for KITT and
the other just for interaction / chatting among users.

Just some thoughts....
- Art -

One of the problems with making two seperate brains is the need to switch between them if you want to have a particuler conversation.  Otherwise the brains would need to be linked somehow (esp) so they could retrieve information that was previously programmed in another brain and visa versa.  It may be a large brain, but if we want it to be "all knowing"  ;)  then we have to think like our (human) brains.  We don't have seperate ones we can switch out like a swapable hard drive.  ;)

I'm going to start a new topic for brains, as this one is primarily for the VOX/SKIN/SPEECH of K.I.T.T.
I will start it under:

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Kitt Vox
« on: August 16, 2004, 07:51:21 pm »
Originally posted by Art

Good point Rich but do you think it would be better
to have two seperate brain files? One for KITT and
the other just for interaction / chatting among users.

Just some thoughts....
- Art -

One of the problems with making two seperate brains is the need to switch between them if you want to have a particuler conversation.  Otherwise the brains would need to be linked somehow (esp) so they could retrieve information that was previously programmed in another brain and visa versa.  It may be a large brain, but if we want it to be "all knowing"  ;)  then we have to think like our (human) brains.  We don't have seperate ones we can switch out like a swapable hard drive.  ;)

I'm going to start a new topic for K.I.T.T. brains as this one is primarily for the VOX/SKIN.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Kitt Vox
« on: August 16, 2004, 04:22:12 pm »
Originally posted by vonsmith

I vote for Ramon Munoz as Brain-Master. Why? Why not?


Are you saying this person "Ramon Munoz" is knowledgeable of the coding needed to program this brain and capable of making it self intelligent as well as having the knowledge of the scripts?

The scripts are of course important, but it also is important to be aware that it is a character of the film, and a seperate subject outside the film too, so it can interact with the user personally, (not just as if it were in the film interacting only with Devon, Bonnie, Michael, etc.).

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Kitt Vox
« on: August 14, 2004, 10:53:50 am »
Very cool!  :)  I can't wait for a K.I.T.T. that is fully programmed with all the scripts.  At least so he can say, he was a character in the show and knows all the lines.  :)

Act as if he was the character and he's a seperate actor.  :)

K.I.T.T. playing himself.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Kitt Vox
« on: August 13, 2004, 12:53:12 pm »

Ok, here they are:

I converted the PDF's to rtf on my site and also provided them in their orig PDF format.

They can also be located from my replica sit under "links"

I just converted it to html also.  The only step left for "script" is audio.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Kitt Vox
« on: August 13, 2004, 11:04:03 am »
Originally posted by spydaz

IF you send me the Conversattion scripts from the show... I will start building a KITT BRAIN...

If i was to START building a brain. I start with the Blank SLATE or HUMAN brain. Especially if i want hal TO be a DEDICATED  BRAIN....

THEN i add CUTTINGEDGE ZIGGY deductive scripts (it EQUALLs, because why). This makes HAL recognise more of what you say....

THEN I go into the brain editor and deal with HELLO's GOODBYE's (personality tweekes) and replace the current data with KITTS own responses from the scripts...

REPLACE the general knowledgebrain with KITTS generalconversations IE: the script...

IN USEAGE: cut and paste large texts from the SCRIPT in conversations. Learn from a text file(the script)...

All these factors come together.

Sweet Spydaz.  That would be awesome.  I will see what I can do to locate them.  I've probably burned them to a backup disc somewhere.  :)

If anyone is curious about the show and stuff, another place I hang out is and you really need to see the whole series.  :)  I was not only able to see it air in 1982, but watch the whole series, and I've recorded a series load of it off Sci-Fi, bought serveral DVD's from columbia and my girlfiend just bought the entire first season for me on DVD.  :)  So, the replica is the frosting.  :)  haha.

A complete HAL/K.I.T.T. will be the sweetest sugar ever!!!

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Kitt Vox
« on: August 12, 2004, 09:41:05 pm »
There is a wizard for creating and programming the brain with hal.  I ultimately wanted to create a K.I.T.T. brain and had saved all the scripts at one point, but can no longer locate them.  :(

That would be the first step, to record all the scripts in his head.
Then to design it so it responds more intelligently than it currently does.  :)

The voice would be an nice next step though.  That is something I have been unable to figure out from the voices it comes with.  :(

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