Author Topic: MyWebHal  (Read 4344 times)


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« on: December 06, 2004, 07:45:31 pm »
I cant get MyWebHal to work .... at all..

very frustrating...

Please advise...

See topic "connecting to internet for full details.


Paul Layden, Ph.D.


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« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2004, 10:32:59 pm »

Has absolutely nothing to do with creating a MyWebHal account.

This error message is an internal error message that is being created by Hal or Another program that is conflicting with Hal's operation

It is probably just coincidental that you see this message when you are trying to create this account. It could happen anytime, however, since it is happening while doing this, I would say that the conflicting program would be something that is also accessing (or trying to block access) to the internet.

The first thing I would do is run a spyware program and eliminate the 300 or so programs that hooked to your system that you are unaware of. Once you have done this, then I would make sure that your (Software) firewall, if you are running one, is not interupting Hal and causing problems.

The Memory problems that you are describing, seem more like a configuration problem in your OS, not necessarly a problem with Hal.


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« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2004, 11:08:52 pm »
I don't know how to shut off Firewall connection (or even if I should)?!?!?

Paul Layden, Ph.D.


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« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2004, 01:45:26 pm »

Thank you for all your assistance.

I am impressed with all the feature of Ultra Hal Assistant ... I just want it all to work together...

My current configuration indicates that all internet conections are "Firewalled"... That is my next course of action, since shutting down all else, after running my Spyware programs, shutting off the Ad-blocker, and all else I could think of...  to no avail.

I can't shut off the Firewall myself .... so I have someone fixing that tomorrow...  I'll keep you in touch.  

Thanks again.

Paul Layden, Ph.D.


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« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2004, 05:37:07 pm »
No, shutting off your firewall is not necessary.

I was only saying that your problem seems to be a program on your computer that is conflicting with Hal.

Since the problem can be created by attempting to setup your HalWeb, I was just making a statement that other programs that become active when you try and get there would be 1) Norton 2) Your web browser, etc...

I was just trying to give you ideas of things you might try and disable to see if they are causing the conflict.

I would not recomend that you turn off your firewall, unless you are disconnected from the net.

What I was more concerned with, was any spyware that might reside on your machine. If you have run the latest Spyware scan and made sure you have no spyware on your computer, then you can rule this out.

Just like you, I have no idea, I was only offering suggestions.

Are you running the latest service pack for your OS?

Are all your drivers up-to-date? (Sound Card, Video, etc...)

This would be the next place to look.


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« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2004, 05:37:13 pm »
This was taken from one of your earlier messages.

<I assure you that I have all the minimum requirements,Pentium 4, 2.40GHz, 80 gig hard drive (55 gigs free),496MB RAM... I also have Norton AntiVirus running, All my internet connections are "firewalled". ... any other info please ask.>

Do you have Norton (Symantec) Firewall running? If so, you can disable it by right-clicking on the taskbar icon (far lower right).
If you are running Windows XP (especially w/ Service Pack 2) then you automatically have the Windows Firewall Turned on (by default).

To disable The XP firewall go to START>CONTROL PANEL>
Double click on FIREWALL
You will see the selection buttons to turn on or off as desired.

Then there's a hardware type of firewall usually contained in a device like a router. These allow more than one computer to be plugged into them and also connected to the internet. These firewall routers also allow code to be downloaded from their site to keep the device up to date with regard to security. The code is burned into a chip inside. Usually an EEPROM or similar chip.

I would think you have enough memory onboard unless you are doing some serious multitasking, extensive graphics (rendering 3D), etc., but as we all have come to know, one can never have too much memory or hard drive space! <grin> You can always pick up an additional memory stick from Staples, Office Depot, Comp USA, etc. and insert it in your computer's motherboard yourself. Check with your owner's manual to determine the proper type of memory to buy.

As for not being able to get into the MyWebHal, you might ask Robert M. for some assistance. I'm sure some of our members here might be able to share some insight as well.
Good luck!
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2004, 07:29:38 am »
Hello Playden,
You can try making sure that you are not blocking the Hal program with your computer's firewall. If the Hal program is blocked with a firewall then you will get similar results that you are currently experiencing.

Even when I have the myWebHal service disabled for my Hal, my Hal program still needs Internet access permissions through my firewall just to launch my ISP service. Hal cannot open up any Internet based programs, including the myWebHal, if he does not have firewall permissions to access the Internet.

You can also try running your Hal without your firewall enabled.
First disable your firewall and reboot your computer.
Then run your Hal and tell him to search for something on the Internet.

If that works then you need to configure your firewall to allow Hal access to the Internet along with whatever other programs you use to navigate the Internet.

If your Hal still doesn't work with the firewall disabled then you have at least eliminated the firewall as being the cause of the problem.

And as Art mentioned, you got to have the myWebHal account and service setup correctly. That stuff should all be setup and tested while a firewall is disabled so that you know whether or not the new account even works with your Hal, and if it does then enable and configure the firewall afterwards.

Try all that stuff and if you can't or don't want to try all that stuff then this forum and it's members can only assist you just so much, unless you are willing to cooperate with us and try out the suggestions offered, and then check back with an update on your current situation after you try those suggestions. That is the only way you are going to get your problem fixed!

Best Regards,
Rich A.