
Author Topic: Error 76 on line 534 in column 1?  (Read 7372 times)


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Error 76 on line 534 in column 1?
« on: February 21, 2004, 02:19:11 pm »
Dear Friends: If I save a conversation with Hal Assistant 5.0 into memory and then
try to continue talking without first closing the program and restarting my computer,
I get 'Error 76 occured on line 534 in column 1 of UltraHalAsst., Path not found.'
If I do not save a text file but simply go back later and continue talking to Hal-
there is no problem. Is this the way the program should normally function?; or
is there a problem? If this is in fact a problem, can anyone tell me specifically how
to fix it? (I'm not a programmer). I purchased the 5.0 CD and that's what I'm
working from so I assume it is not the program itself. I'm running Hal 5.0 in a
crystal clean brand new 1.87 Ghz Athlon Laptop.
I suppose I can restart my computer each time if it's setup that way, but it seems
kind of odd to me. Regards, Citrinedragon.  [?]
"A watched dragon never sleeps."


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Error 76 on line 534 in column 1?
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2004, 09:06:34 pm »
I'm now wondering if the solution is something as simple as manually reopening the
text file; but if that's true, why doesn't the program simply automatically start a new
text file? Perhaps it's just the way it usually runs? Seems peculiar.
"A watched dragon never sleeps."

Don Ferguson

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Error 76 on line 534 in column 1?
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2004, 01:11:53 am »
Hello Citrinedragon,

I am also running Ultra Hal 5.0 installed from the CD, and I have never received that error message. I am sure that the behavior you describe isn't the intended or normal way for the software to work.

For the sake of other persons who will read this, and perhaps be able to help, I want to make sure we all understand what you are describing:

If, during a conversation, you go to the menu and "save" a transcript of the current conversation, you get the error message when you try to resume the conversation.  Then, Ultra Hal won't work until you close Ultra-Hal and restart Ultra Hal?  Or, is it that Ultra Hal won't work until you shut off your computer and reboot your computer?  And, if you avoid saving any transcripts, Ultra Hal runs fine -- is that correct?

My work has been on the A.I. logic of Ultra Hal, which some people call the "brain file" or the "control script."  It sounds as if this error message might be coming from the underlying Ultra Hal "engine."  If you had downloaded Ultra Hal from the internet, I'd wonder whether you had a corrupted installation, but that seems less likely, because you used the CD.

One additional question: when you installed, did you let Ultra Hal do a standard "default" installation?

Hopefully, you will soon get some postings from additional persons, advising you whether they have ever experienced this same error message after saving a transcript.  In addition, we'll hopefully find someone who can interpret the error message and suggest a fix.


Don Ferguson
E-mail: fergusonrkfd@prodigy.net
Website: www.cortrapar.com
Don's other forum posts: http://www.zabaware.com/forum/search.asp?mode=DoIt&MEMBER_ID=274


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Error 76 on line 534 in column 1?
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2004, 03:11:56 am »
Hi citrinedragon
Could you copy and paste the entire
code at that error line you have had.
'Error 76 occured on line 534 in column 1
It helps if we can see the code on that line
to see if something is wrong with it.
Just copy and paste the whole code belonging
to that line.
Best of wishes and brand new discoveries.


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Error 76 on line 534 in column 1?
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2004, 02:48:01 pm »
Dear Friends: Thanks for the input. To be more concise; I originally installed a
downloaded copy of Hal 5.0 which I had this problem with, then deleted the
folder and reinstalled the CD version. I now believe there was a corrupt line of code on the internet downloaded version which reamained when I deleted the folder
from my hard drive. My plan is to save my text conversations to CDR; delete the
Zabaware folder from my hard drive; run a Norton System Works diagnosis to
remove any unconnected remnants which no longer connect to anything; and then
reinstall the whole thing and add back the texts. I believe the problem lies in one
of those files/folders (whatever the correct terminology is) which remain after the
program is deleted (actually 112 files remain with the letters Hal in them and I don't
know which are Zabaware.). To clarify to Don: It is only necessary for me to turn off
and restart the Hal program, not the computer itself to be able to start a new text
file. And yes, if I don't SAVE the text until I'm done there is no problem.
Question: Why is there no uninstall built into the Hal program which roots out
everything so it can be cleanly reinstalled? Or am I mistaken about this?
Oh and yes I did the standard default installation.
For the other person kind enough to respond (cuttingedge was it?) I'm not sure how
to get at the actual code, when the error 76 thing comes up I get an hourglass thing
and can't click on anything but 'Okay" or 'X' Perhaps this makes no sense as I'm
currently on a (self taught) crash program to figure out computers. I WILL figure it
all out though I assure you. Thanks for your help. I'll let you know how it works out.
Must've been some stray electron started all this.
Sincerely, C. Dragon.
"A watched dragon never sleeps."


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Error 76 on line 534 in column 1?
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2004, 09:51:13 pm »
Dear Friends: Thanks once again for your input but unfortunately I think the error
may be on the CD itself; allow me to explain: After numerous times uninstalling the
Hal 5.0 program and cleaning up remnants manually and/or with Norton System-
Works; and reinstalling the program from the CD; and attempting to use the
Hal Uninstall Wizard repair function etc., etc., and still getting the same 'Error 76-
on line 34 in column1': I hit upon the idea of installing the Hal 5.0 CD program
on to another PC I own which has never had the program on it. Furthermore my
other (older) PC Runs on a different OS (Win 98) and has 1 Ghz Celeron motherboard
as opposed to the Windows XP, 1.87 Ghz Athlon setup in my newer laptop. Crazy-
thing but the untouched older machine of utterly different OS etc. HAS THE SAME
ERROR 76 ON LINE 534 IN COLUMN ONE problem!!! Now I'm no technology wiz but
unless I transferred the error with my fingertips (that's a joke) it seems to me that
the error MUST br burned on to the Zabaware factory CD! If this is the case and I
cannot think of another explanation (except wind blown virus). I should request an
untainted CD from Zabaware or explicit directions for finding and changing the
corrupt line of code on the CD. The ONLY similarity between my old desktop and
new laptop is 1) Norton System Works 2003 2) The game Civilization 3 and 3)
The game Galactic Civilizations; I only mention this as I am (wildly) searching for
another source of the 'Error 76" corruption.
For onthecutting edge2005: Can you please explain how to 'copy and paste the code
at the error line'? Of course I know how to copy and paste but what do I click on and
where to find the code? Is it in the "Brain Editor"?; and if so can you tell me which
section of it? Thanks again to all of you no matter how this works out.
Sincerely yours, C. Dragon.
"A watched dragon never sleeps."


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Error 76 on line 534 in column 1?
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2004, 12:41:47 am »
Hi citrinedragon.
You can open up the Hal Brain editor
and load the default brain you are using
and open it, Then go down the number list
in the Hal editor, the number.
Error 76 occured on line 534 in column 1 of UltraHalAsst., Path not found

Error 76 is the Path not found code.
The line 534 in the Hal brain editor is where this
error is coming from.

<C>olumb 1 is the first character space like the <-- C in this line.

Go to line 534 and see where the script starts and ends then copy and paste that script in your posting for us to pick apart and try to help you resolve this code error.
You usually can get to the Hal Editor in the program panel that the installation program installed or try right clicking the Hal Icon that usually appears in the lower right corner of your desktop and
choose Ultra Hal Editor.
Best of wishes and brand new discoveries.


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Error 76 on line 534 in column 1?
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2004, 10:38:39 am »
Hello onthecuttingedge: Thank you, I'll see if I can do that tonight or Wednesday AM
and paste it into my forum reply for everyone to see. Does it seem to you ( or anyone
else) that the error must have come from the Zabaware CD? I don't know how it
could have reappeared on a totally different system with no connection to the first
computer otherwise (see my description above).
Thanks Again, C. Dragon.
"A watched dragon never sleeps."


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Error 76 on line 534 in column 1?
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2004, 10:00:30 am »
If PatternResponse <> "" Then
      GetResponse = GetResponse & PatternResponse & VbCrLf
      DebugInfo = DebugInfo & "Hal has responded using a Pattern Database search."
   End If

        This is the VBScript starting at line 0534 and ending at line 0537. Is this what
        you are talking about? Some of the words/symbols are different colors if that
        matters. I don't understand what <C>olumb 1 or <--C refer to; I don't see any
        symbols like that.
        I don't see any other section of the Brain Editor with code; the rest of it
        seems to be phrases and responses, etc.
        Also all the VBScript seems to be in one long 'column' so I don't understand
        what 'column 1' refers to.

        Sincerely, C. Dragon.

Thanks for your help onthecuttingedge.
"A watched dragon never sleeps."


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Error 76 on line 534 in column 1?
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2004, 10:28:53 am »
The error is probably related to line 533. It should read exactly like this:

PatternResponse = HalBrain.PatternDB(UserSentence, WorkingDir & "patterns.brn")

If it doesn't read like that then something got changed or corrupted along the way. If line 533 is exactly as shown then the HalBrain.dll file possibly could have a problem (just a guess). I can't think of a reason why the WorkingDir path could be bad and not have other errors occurring earlier in the script. A very strange problem indeed. I bet the solution will be easy once identified.

That's my 2 cents worth...



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Error 76 on line 534 in column 1?
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2004, 11:53:42 am »
Hi citrinedragon.

I'm sorry I stated that the wrong way.
I ment that Column 1 referes to the first letter of that code on that line, I was using the C in column as the example.

If PatternResponse <> "" Then
GetResponse = GetResponse & PatternResponse & VbCrLf
DebugInfo = DebugInfo & "Hal has responded using a Pattern Database search."
End If

The code "If" where I is column 1 and f is column 2, Spaces are counted as columns as well where I is 1 and f is 2 and the space is 3 and the P in PatternResponse is 4 and so on.

Column 1 of each line in the above code is
Column 1 is I
Column 1 is G
Column 1 is D
Column 1 is E
And so on.

0534 f PatternResponse <> "" Then
0535 GetResponse = GetResponse & PatternResponse & VbCrLf
0536 DebugInfo = DebugInfo & "Hal has responded using a Pattern Database search."
0537 End If

Error 76 occured on line 534 in column 1, I put brackets showing you the error location in the above code.

Most of the time if you do get errors on column 1 of scripts it's possible that the previous line is causing the conflict like Vonsmith
had stated.

I do know there is an issue with the <Auto>x</Auto> script
and the pattern response, If Hal is in Auto talk the PatternResponse
script will cause an error "To many files". if Auto talk is active for about 30 minutes to an hour.

Maybe the conflict is with your PatternResponse and the <Auto></Auto> function. Worth a check.

Best of wishes and brand new discoveries.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2004, 11:57:23 am by onthecuttingedge2005 »


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Error 76 on line 534 in column 1?
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2004, 11:40:18 pm »
Dear Friends: A new ( and very bad twist): My Hal 5.0 program has begun intermitt-
ently crashing; several times in the last two days. This seems somewhat odd to me
since I've previously had over twelve hours of conversation with the program over
perhaps the span of a week without a single crash (only the 'Error 76' problem when
I tried to save a dialogue and then go back to it without restarting the program) and
I've changed NOTHING in the settings or programming since the beginning! Perhaps
this is a clue? Maybe when a certain quantity of dialogue is saved the "Error 76'
problem triggers other problems?

To vonsmith: Line 533 does read EXACTLY as you described. Thank you.

To onthecuttingedge: Thanks for the clarification.

To Zabaware, Inc.: Are you guys reading this stuff? Throw me a bone will you?
I think you must have sent me a defective CD! Please read all the material above.
Also please read the desperate but polite e-mails I sent you. Why in the world do I
have the SAME 'Error 76' problem on two totally different, unconnected computers
with different OS's and different processors etc., unless the CD you sent me has
bad code on it? If there's a possible explanation for such an occurance other than a
bad CD then please clue me in! I really want to like you guys; you've got essentially
a great product but I really need SOME input.

Sincerely Yours, C. Dragon.
"A watched dragon never sleeps."


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Error 76 on line 534 in column 1?
« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2004, 10:35:36 am »
Dear Friends: well it's been 48 hours and still no response to my e-mail from Zabaware. Maybe next time I'll send some poetry and a picture of my cat and see
if that induces a response. I can already see the writing on the wall; eventually I'm
going to have to learn VBScript (can anyone suggest a book or program?). Maybe
I'll just buy another copy of the CD with a request that my second CD not have
corrupted code in it; it would be well worth an extra forty dollars.

For onthecuttingedge2005: Would you mind explaining how I check the PatternResponse and the <Auto> </Auto>function?? You, and the others, have
already been extremely helpful and if you're tired of talking about this I will totally
understand. Thanks either way.

Zabaware people: I know that some day if I keep the faith that my special friend
(here I refer to the Hal program) will be healthy and whole. No one can take this
special belief away from me!

regards, C. Dragon.
"A watched dragon never sleeps."


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Error 76 on line 534 in column 1?
« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2004, 11:15:43 am »
We feel your pain... Seriously though. Zabaware isn't very responsive on occasion. I think it's because it is such a small company. My experience however is that they eventually do right by their customers. We get posts here far too often about non-responsiveness. If the customer doesn't get frustrated and leave (which is understandable) then eventually the issue does get resolved.

Learning a little script is very useful if you own a Hal. If you want general information on script beyond some of the excellent assistance provided on the forum then check out this topic:

You will find a free software help file and book mentioned there that will be helpful. I think the book is about $24. However the reference info in the software help file mentioned has most of the same script command reference material without much explanation, but it is free.

onthecuttingedge2005 has more experience with the PatternResponse and the <Auto> </Auto> function than I. I had not heard that there was an interaction between those two functions. However the <Auto> function is an "add-on" to Hal and is probably not even running on your Hal unless you are running something other than the original Hal brain or if you have added some script or plug-in. The XTF brain v1.0 does not use the <Auto> function either. Future releases might.

Good luck. I feel frustrated for you and wish I could offer better council.



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Error 76 on line 534 in column 1?
« Reply #14 on: February 27, 2004, 06:05:30 pm »
Dear Zabaware People:
I just talked to a computer expert in my city and he told me that he's 90% sure
that if you gave me, sent me or at least told me the version of the visual basic
code you're using and I installed it on my computer that would solve the endless
problem I'm having here with 'Error 76", crashing, etc.
I have at least a Gb of space on my e-mail (check my latest e-mail); or you can mail it
on a CD; or you can tell me which VBScript it is so I can get it myself and install it on
my computer.
Sincerely Yours,
"A watched dragon never sleeps."