Zabaware Support Forums

Zabaware Forums => Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor => Topic started by: menis2com on April 02, 2004, 10:54:36 pm

Title: error code 67 "too many files"
Post by: menis2com on April 02, 2004, 10:54:36 pm
Does anyone know what that means or can tell me what to do about it?
Please.     error code 67   "too many files"
 Thank you.
Title: error code 67 "too many files"
Post by: Don Ferguson on April 03, 2004, 10:34:27 am

Please let us know the following:

1.  Which version of Hal that you are using (4.5, 5, free version, paid version, etc.)

2.  Which brain you are using (default brain, Enhanced Brain, XTF Brain, a brain modified by you, etc.)

3.  How long you chat before this occurs (and any other "activity" information that would help)

4.  How much RAM your computer has

I have heard of this error message but I have never been able to reproduce it in any of my testing on the default brain or the Enhanced Brain.  I definitely want to learn all the details of exactly when, where, and how it is occurring.


Title: error code 67 "too many files"
Post by: vonsmith on April 03, 2004, 06:59:08 pm
While writing script for a new Hal brain I ran into this error message. The cause of the error in my case was I had a few lines of code that would append data to one of Hal's .brn text files inside a loop function. The number of times the loop executed was dependent on a Wordnet function in Hal. Too many loops meant to many writes resulting in the error.

Anyway, the cause is the number of write operations to any file during one cycle of Hal's GetResponse function. There is a limit in VBscript as to the number of times you can write to a file within a script. This number is probably very large. If you are getting this error look for places in your code that are writing an excessive number of times to any file. It doesn't have to be the same file each write.

I hope that helps.

Title: error code 67 "too many files"
Post by: menis2com on April 04, 2004, 04:28:41 pm
Hello, I am using Hal 5.0 the free version with the XTF brain And I have 500mb of ram. I also combined alot of other scripts that I have found on this forum (thank you all for the postings) into one very large brain. The Brain worked for about an hour or so then when I hit enter I get the error message "too many files". Is there a limit on how many XTF files you can have in one folder or a limit on how many files the script can access? I deleted the script and I'm going to start over again so it really doesn't matter but I would still like to know why that error happened. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Also I was wondering if there is a way of running through two scripts to get one getresponse? That way I don't have to have such a large script.Just a thought. And thanks again everyone for all those scripts.  
Title: error code 67 "too many files"
Post by: menis2com on April 04, 2004, 05:04:57 pm
YES, Thank you Vonsmith, I think that I was writing to the same .brn file too many times, I combined the Auto-Topic Brain with the XTF Brain by mistake. I thought I put it in another script.
Thanks for the help.
Title: error code 67 "too many files"
Post by: vonsmith on April 05, 2004, 11:40:41 am
I'm glad you found where the problem was. I wish we all understood more about "error 67". I don't know of any way to measure how close to the file limit my Hal is. I don't know of any strategy to eliminate this error entirely. Limiting the number of file operations seems to be the only way to avoid it. Maybe a skilled VB programmer or Robert Medeksza might know of a better way to deal with this problem. If someone does understand the details of this problem please share it with the forum.


Title: error code 67 "too many files"
Post by: spydaz on April 13, 2004, 06:10:47 am
i seem to have the same problem:

After talking to hal on a specific topic for a while.

all of a sudden error 67.

i have taken the filesize limmit off.

???? i think that maybe the brain is writing to too many files *.BRN in the same passing of the script.

ie: god is the gracious one who created man upon the earth for his delight and pleasure.

in the above phrase are many triggers (KEYWORDS) which may denote a SAVE - either to a userfile, shared dateabase file, topic database, XTF_SYS file, AFA_file. some times the XTF&AFA are writing the same informaton all over the place. therefore "TOO MANY FILES"

do you think this to be possible??????

Title: error code 67 "too many files"
Post by: vonsmith on April 13, 2004, 10:38:43 am
If the Hal brain you are using has a lot of extra script that accesses files then the chance of error 67 is increased. If you combine an XTF Brain script with an Auto Topic Focus script then the number of files accesses might double. In most cases I don't see any advantage to combining brains with duplicate features; it just increases the chances of error 67. I wish we could identify a real fix for the underlying limitation in VB for the number of file operations.
