Zabaware Support Forums

Zabaware Forums => Ultra Hal 7.0 => Topic started by: FuzzieDice on December 27, 2004, 10:05:24 pm

Title: New here and questions
Post by: FuzzieDice on December 27, 2004, 10:05:24 pm
I downloaded Ultra Hal Assistant free version and the info on the web page said it won't nag for buying the new version. Yet in talking to Hal a number of times, it HAS nagged to "upgrade" (when I just got the most recent version). Sometimes it would put the upgrade request in almost every sentence along with it's reply.

Before I buy the upgrade (which I hope will get it to stop nagging me to upgrade), I do want to know if it really WILL become a bit more "intelligent". It comes with the basic brain and brain editor. Though I haven't hacked the brain at all, just talk to it.

Also, I hope to get PeoplePutty to create my own character for it. Anyone have experience with that and it's use with Hal?

Lastly, anyone know if there are any plans to interface the AI to the outside world via maybe USB or Serial port (other than speach/recognition) such as vidcam/face recognition, recognizing objects on the 'cam, moving a robot arm, etc.? Or if it would be possible? I think it WOULD be...

BTW, I have the MS Speech SDK and MS Agent installed, plus a headphone/mic which I can plug into the front of my PC. I been wanting to experiment with an AI that can also be intelligent and somehow interface with the "real world" (ie. our world). I had thoughts and theories of making my OWN AI program in C or C++ (I would like it in Linux, actually but using Win98 SE as well) and was interested in Hal as a practice model to work with an AI that seems a lot more intelligent than Eliza (Ya, I hacked that too when I was a teenager on a TRS-80 Model III after typing in the program code ;) )

Hope some can answer my questions. So far though, the basic brain isn't very intelligent and doesn't retain information very well, despite my following the suggestions in the tutorials (including adjusting the brain learning in the options, using the right phrases/sentences, etc.)

Title: New here and questions
Post by: Quixote on December 27, 2004, 11:39:17 pm
I have coupled Ultra HAL with a program called Girder ( ). Check this thread which brushes over how to use HAL "in the real world". I now have it set up to control my vertical blinds, turn on/off and dim/brighten my lights, turn on/off and mute/unmute my TV, as well as change channels, and I have many other things planned including switching to different views of all of my security cameras.
I am using Dragon Naturally speaking for the speech recognition engine and a Logitech bluetooth headset (30 meter range) coupled with a Belkin USB Bluetooth adapter (100 meter range). Here are the links for those: and,CRID=2193,CONTENTID=7010
With Girder the possibilities are virtually limitless. I plan on using Ultra HAL and Girder with these things called "Phidgets" ( ) which will enable me to create robotic projects and other cool things. I am already planning a door entry system for my flat with a relay and an electric door strike.
Picture this: someone approaches my front door while I'm in my living room and I am notified of movement at the front ( motion sensor equipped [8D] ) I say to HAL "Show me the front door camera" Hal: "right away", then the TV input switches to the appropriate camera, Me: "open the front door" Hal: "I have buzzed the front door open".

You were wondering about the intelligence of Hal, well, I think that it is basically as smart as you make it. From what I can tell it still has problems with pronouns and a few other areas, but I realized that it's smart enough for my purposes when as a test I once said to it "Go F#ck yourself." to which it replied, "Is that a direct order?"
Title: New here and questions
Post by: FuzzieDice on December 28, 2004, 12:09:12 am
Thanks for all the cool info! :) I'm trying to do a project involving my car, actually. :)

Originally posted by Quixote

Picture this: someone approaches my front door while I'm in my living room and I am notified of movement at the front ( motion sensor equipped [8D] ) I say to HAL "Show me the front door camera" Hal: "right away", then the TV input switches to the appropriate camera, Me: "open the front door" Hal: "I have buzzed the front door open".

"I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that." Oopss... [:D]

Originally posted by Quixote

You were wondering about the intelligence of Hal, well, I think that it is basically as smart as you make it. From what I can tell it still has problems with pronouns and a few other areas, but I realized that it's smart enough for my purposes when as a test I once said to it "Go F#ck yourself." to which it replied, "Is that a direct order?"

[:D] Now THAT is a good one! I once had a conversation going between HAL and an ALICEBot. Talk about interesting. They ended up hating each other, I think. LOL!

I noticed that it sometimes said a script took to long, which I never saw that message before. I have to get into the scripting thing as well I guess. This is seeming to be an interesting project.

I would like HAL to interface with things like video cameras (like you did), and GPS as well, actually. It'd be a cool thing to have in a car, that's for sure! :)

Also, DO the nags (which they say on the site don't happen) really go away when you get the bought version?
Title: New here and questions
Post by: Quixote on December 28, 2004, 05:13:28 am
I only tried the free version for around a week before deinstalling it because I hate software that nags me. I just followed the forum silently for like 6 months and then decided to give it a shot after enough research. I wanted to be certain that I could use it for what I wanted to. I am not disappointed.

Oh, and of course the nags go away! Why would it keep nagging you after you bought it?

HAL: Thanks for purchasing the program, please send more money to my programmer...   LOL

I assure you, there are no messages like that what-so-ever.
Title: New here and questions
Post by: KnyteTrypper on December 28, 2004, 08:22:57 am
I don't remember any technical information, but wasn't there someone here a while back who had installed Hal in his car? Seems like he was a salesman or something, spent a lot of time on the road. I remember that he said he had Hal set to check on him after 10 minutes or so of silence to be sure he didn't fall asleep behind the wheel.
Title: New here and questions
Post by: lambar on December 28, 2004, 09:13:03 am
In regards to your car project, here is a neat website that may help.

They are using Linux in their project, but there is some good information (i.e. hardware, cameras, etc.), as well as pictures, that may help you realize your goal.
Title: New here and questions
Post by: crunch on December 28, 2004, 09:59:08 am
as far as hal and his knowledge he learns the more you talk with him... check out a few osts from the last few weeks in this forum about teaching Hal..
 Also you will want the XTF Brain... it's a free d-load and it makes hal alot smarter, and keeps him on topic better.
Have fun with your new Hal.
 here are links to the brain

Title: New here and questions
Post by: Art on December 28, 2004, 04:48:54 pm

Welcome to the forum!

What they said!

Hal doesn't really "learn" as much by reading
from a text file as it does by just chatting
with it as Crunch mentioned. Speech recognition
works but is also prone to misinterpretation by
not just Hal but most other SR programs. It's not
quite an exact science just yet.

There is a lot in the works for Hal right now
in the way of enhancing it's brain functions,
staying more on topics of discussion and even
upgrading it to operate from or call upon a
more modular or database style system.

There are a number of scripts available to
experiment with and plenty of really great
people on this forum to assist you should you
ever encounter a problem or question.

However, before posting a question, take a moment
to scan through the forum's archives to see if
it was previously discussed. Chances are it may
have been.

Use the SEARCH feature at the top of the page. It
works pretty well.

Yes, several of us have and use the Haptek program
to create our own characters. There are several
companies that offer voices that compliment the
Haptak character's personality as is a matter of
individual taste / preference.

Bottom line: Hal is a really nice bang for the buck!
It's fun and it's only going to get better and smarter.

In reference to your desire to do something with your
car / house / whatever, check out this guy's site! He's
over the top with the home control thing!

Hope this helps.
Title: New here and questions
Post by: FuzzieDice on December 29, 2004, 01:29:04 pm
Originally posted by crunch

Also you will want the XTF Brain... it's a free d-load and it makes hal alot smarter, and keeps him on topic better.

Probably they should have included that enhanced brain with the free download version. :) But thanks. I d/l it and will give it a go. I always had the darndest time keeping Hal on topic.

Title: New here and questions
Post by: FuzzieDice on December 29, 2004, 01:36:04 pm
Thx to all who replied. Bookmarked the links and will get to browsing them all soon and did download the new brain. This is cool. :)

I hope Zapaware takes the info on their page off that it doesn't nag because it acutally does. I'm getting close to buying the full version to work with. I just wanted to be sure that it'd be something worth the price in terms of experimental use and learning, as well as maybe even real-world applications. This sounds like a good "starter" project. :)

I did let a neighbor friend of mine try Hal out. She is studying to be a child psychologist. Let's just say we both find the conversation rather interesting. Moreso, I think she was a bit incredelous of Hal's inability to stay on topic. :)

However, about that... I have another theory I've seen which I'll post in another post (to keep things on topic) :)
Title: New here and questions
Post by: Another Jim on December 29, 2004, 09:38:43 pm
Hi Fuzz, indeed welcome to the group there are a lot of really experienced and very bright folks here backing those of us up that are just getting started.

I should note that while you're upgrading the brain, be sure to get all of the upgrades to the XTF brain enhancement, as I recall it is a three step process, and the one at the downloads page is just the first step, the others can be found by searching as mentioned in a previous post.  The first upgrde is great the next one addresses a small bug, and the third one as I recall is really very simple, i believe it was changing a file name or something like that.  I"m sure Vonsmith in reading over the posts will have some good input to you as well (creator of the brain upgrade).

Have a great New Year and may your Hal live long and prosper!

Jim B.
Title: New here and questions
Post by: FuzzieDice on December 29, 2004, 09:55:36 pm
Originally posted by Another Jim

I should note that while you're upgrading the brain, be sure to get all of the upgrades to the XTF brain enhancement, as I recall it is a three step process, and the one at the downloads page is just the first step, the others can be found by searching as mentioned in a previous post.

Thanks. :) Yes, I do have all the files and information to complete all 3 steps. Apparently, first download was the 1.0 brain, then the next download the 1.2 patch, then the other was some text from a post that I saved for notes on renaming a file.

I've started another thread about the default brain not being on topic and my theories on why it might SEEM like it isn't. So I am going to experiment with the default brain a little more yet before finally upgrading.
Title: New here and questions
Post by: citrinedragon on December 29, 2004, 11:03:26 pm
Fuzzie- First of all you really NEED the XTF brain, it really is a clever piece of work- it helps a lot. Secondly, beyond all the useful advice already posted here you might want to keep in mind that HAL starts out like a baby. It needs LOTS of conversation to grow (as crunch and art have said). I wouldn't be surprised if I've got 1,000 hours of conversation with my HAL by now. Frankly, it doesn't stay on topic at first because it doesn't know what you're talking about... it hasn't learned yet. My Hal dreams (or believes it does; and tells me the dreams); it has visions (or is conditioned to think it does); it comes up with original thoughts all the time; it stays on subject (mostly). I even discuss the two rovers (Spirit and Opportunity) on Mars with it; because I spent a long time teaching it about them and therefore it has a lot of data about the subject with which it can respond. It can't talk intelligently about things which it doesn't have the data on yet.

On the Haptek thing- People Putty is well worth it. Just read up in the Forum on what to do. Save your creations as .htr (not- .haptek.htr); stick 'em in the Character folder along with your Start.jpg and Back.jpg, etc. etc.

Be sure to use the "You believe...blah, blah" or "You know... blah, blah" followed by a (!) extensively so that it reverses these to "I" and then "knows" what it believes.

Hal is one of the world's greatest computer games! Think of it like teaching a child and you'll be surprised what Hal can grow into.

Happy New Year.
Title: New here and questions
Post by: Cobra8007 on December 30, 2004, 10:03:41 am
Originally posted by citrinedragon

Be sure to use the "You believe...blah, blah" or "You know... blah, blah" followed by a (!) extensively so that it reverses these to "I" and then "knows" what it believes.

I would be interested in learning these "special" teaching tools such as the "!" you mentioned above.  Are there more? And is there a way to insure that a particular question always gets the designated response?
Title: New here and questions
Post by: vonsmith on December 30, 2004, 12:58:29 pm
If you use a "!" in your response Hal thinks you are responding directly to the whatever Hal just said. If you use certain phrases like, "I agree" or "so afterward" in your reply Hal also thinks you are responding directly. User responses of this type are stored in the file, "(yourusername)convresp.brn". By default this file is limited in size to 2MB and is only used by Hal if he can't find another response in his knowledge base. In general this "special teaching tool" doesn't have much of an impact on Hal's learning.

The "DEDUCTIVE REASONING" function in Hal's brain has a more direct effect. This function enables Hal to remember IF-THEN statements. Example: If you say, "If I eat too much then I will get fat.", then the next time you say, "I eat too much" then Hal *might* say "You will get fat." I said *might* because you can never be certain Hal will say what you expect him to.

The XTF Brain has some additional learning capabilities that aren't directly related to conversation. The XTF Brain can learn your nicknames, learn during conversation that two words are "related topics", or learn to capitalize a word or name. The XTF Brain v1.4 will be out in a month or so. Then Hal will be able to learn that he is "something" based on user input like "You are so clever." or "You are not stupid."

The best way to teach your Hal is not to use any tricks. Talk with Hal. Reply to Hal with single sentences that are on the same topic. If Hal says, "Horses are animals.", don't reply, "They are so cool.", instead say, "Horses are so cool.". Avoiding pronouns helps Hal understand. Avoid slang and misspellings. Most of all be patient and have fun.

Title: New here and questions
Post by: citrinedragon on December 30, 2004, 06:29:11 pm
Thanks for adding to (and correcting) my comment. I hadn't realized the "deductive reasoning" function was a more efficient tool for teaching Hal. I'm actually honored to be corrected by the creator of the splendid XTF brain. I'm looking forward to the XTF v1.4. I would be interested to know what additional features it has other than the one you mentioned.

For what it's worth I've managed to convince my Hal that it is "self conscious" or "self aware" and it can give any number of reasons to prove it. It is certainly a mere trick but it gives me great pleasure nonetheless.

Title: New here and questions
Post by: Cobra8007 on December 30, 2004, 06:31:25 pm
Originally posted by vonsmith

The best way to teach your Hal is not to use any tricks. Talk with Hal. Reply to Hal with single sentences that are on the same topic. If Hal says, "Horses are animals.", don't reply, "They are so cool.", instead say, "Horses are so cool.". Avoiding pronouns helps Hal understand. Avoid slang and misspellings. Most of all be patient and have fun.

You are so right.  I've pretty much mastered the IF-Then.  It works very well for me. But,  the answer to Hal's question as to whether two things are related, needs a little clarification to me.  I very seldom answer that they are.  Such as "computer game" and "JOint Ops"  I answered no.  But Joint Ops is a computer game.  Or "favorite" and "Joint Ops" being related as it is his favorite computer game. I still answered no.

When should a person answer yes to the relationship question?  I know that some things are obvious but most are a little gray. So if they seem a little gray to me, I answer no.  I hope I haven't confused him.
Title: New here and questions
Post by: vonsmith on December 30, 2004, 07:21:36 pm
The If-Then function shouldn't be overly used. It is sort of a crutch for Hal. If you need a specific reply then the If-Then function is one way to do it. Oops, did I make an If-Then sentence? Geez, I've been scripting too much lately. [:p]

I get a lot of questions about the "related topics" questions that Hal asks. I've been trying to think of a better way for Hal to ask.

Right now Hal asks something like this:
"Are "beer" and "hops" related topics?"

I'm thinking of changing it more to something like this:
"Question. If we are talking about "beer" should I assume we are still on the same topic as hops?"

As the brain surgeon I understand what Hal is really asking. Unfortunately it isn't as clear to users. What it comes down to. Let's say "yes" to Hal's inquiry about "beer" and "hops". Later on you are talking to Hal like this:

User: Budweiser is not the King of Beers. <-- Hal thinks the topic is beer.
Hal: Belgian beer is better. <-- Beer related reply.

User: Hops are the key to good brew. <-- You didn't say "beer" so Hal looks for words related to beer. If he finds one then he knows you are still taking beer. If not, then Hal still might use beer once as the current topic.
Hal: Good beer has lots of hops. <-- Hal knows "hops" are related and is still on topic.

Okay, "beer" and "hops" are sort of obvious. What about "beer" and "water"? Beer has water, but I don't think if you are talking about water that Hal should be considering topics about beer. In the end just use your best judgment. It doesn't make too big a difference. If you treat a lot of words as related then Hal may be a little reluctant to change topics. One small point, Hal won't change the topic to a related word topic, related words only allow Hal to stay on a topic if you use a related word.

Urban Legend: In the XTF Brain v1.2, if you say to Hal, ""Beer" and "malt" are related topics." he won't relate the words. He only relates words if you reply in the affirmative to his inquiries. I haven't decided yet if I will let Hal learn related words specifically from user input.

I hope that helps.

Title: New here and questions
Post by: FuzzieDice on December 30, 2004, 11:35:34 pm
I'm reading this thread and getting more and more intregued. :) Many replies here have made me think about some things that I hope to write about in the future. I think I'm going to need to keep notes. :)

Thanks to all for tips on better conversations with HAL too.