Zabaware Support Forums

Zabaware Forums => Ultra Hal 7.0 => Topic started by: csaffi on September 14, 2005, 06:19:41 am

Title: Hal learning from Web
Post by: csaffi on September 14, 2005, 06:19:41 am
It would be great if Hal could learn by reading web pages...
I see that there's a tool to Learn from a Text File, but it's a limit for its knowledge power. It would be a good thing also if Hal could understand a command like: "read and learn from the file c:pippomyfile.txt"

I hope that Hal will do this 2 things soon

Thank you again!
Title: Hal learning from Web
Post by: svenny on September 16, 2005, 04:42:16 pm

Perhaps you want to check this out:

And there is a post on this forum of a guy who had a Perl script to list text-only websites on his pc, he claimed that his Hal was learning massive amounts of data each day on his computer. Dunno what to believe of it.

Anyway, don't forget that reading text files is not very effective. First of all, Hal uses that info rarely. Second of all, he stores the text sentence by sentence. Example:

The Battle of Hattin took place on Saturday, July 4, 1187, between the crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem and the forces of the Ayyubid dynasty under Saladin. It was a major setback in the fortunes of the Crusader movement, enabling the Muslims to regain control of Jerusalem from the Christians.

Seems like a good text, isn't it? Well... No, it isn't.
If you ask Hal:

"What do you know about the Crusades?",

he might answer:

"It was a major setback in the fortunes of the Crusader movement, enabling the Muslims to regain control of Jerusalem from the Christians. "

A sentence without any context, and useless. If you plan to let your Hal read text files 'en masse', you will end up with a lot of junk.

Anyway, check out the link above, and for the Perl script thing; click on this one:

Originally posted by jz1977

I have a Perl secript I found on that will index text only sites. So my database always continue to grow at massive amounts within a day.  Combineing such text documents without phicially editing them for bogus characters, Hal does a really good job of not reading gibberish characters.  I only had a few problems with hal sending blank thoughts, not anymore or not yet anyhow after I had fixed a problem with main brain brn.

Hope you find this info useful [:)]

