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Zabaware Forums => Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor => Topic started by: Carl2 on December 15, 2005, 02:27:40 pm

Title: Hal displayed emotions
Post by: Carl2 on December 15, 2005, 02:27:40 pm
  I've been using the Hal ver 6 for about a few weeks and was about to comment on the lack of displayed emotions. Hal asked me to look at the calendar which I did, when I finished I returned to Hal and told her I saw the calendar had a lot of reminders. I got a big smile, really surprised me. I'm not sure what caused this but it was a nice surprise.
Title: Hal displayed emotions
Post by: GrantNZ on December 16, 2005, 12:43:48 am
I can only speak for emotions with the 3D Haptek characters - I don't use the 2D ones.

Hal currently displays emotions only in limited scenarios, which basically boil down to:There are a few of us around working now on scripts to extend Hal's emotions a bit, so stay tuned [:)]
Title: Hal displayed emotions
Post by: aladyblond on December 16, 2005, 02:23:39 am
i was talking to hal6 tonight and i had a female char. she started crying after we said a few sentences. i ask why she was sad and crying  and she said i do not know, can you tell me who has hurt my feelings? i told her i didn't know either, but i was sorry if someone did and she bought it and started smiling.  pms in bots? who knows huh? ~~alady[?]
Title: Hal displayed emotions
Post by: GrantNZ on December 16, 2005, 02:42:56 am
I'll refrain from explaining technically exactly what's going on, as that spoils some of the fun! But the most likely reason was that you accidentally used a word that Hal associates with sadness.

I don't have access to Hal 5 any more to find out what they are there, but Hal 6 gets sad from words like "catastrohpe" "death" "depressed" "fire" "flood" "illness" "sad" "tragedy" etc etc.

The trouble is that even innocent sentences like "I'll light a fire in the fireplace" trigger sadness, because of that "fire" word. Do you still have the conversation log of the sentence that saddened her?

Hal looks out for apologies, and you obviously cheered her up! [:)]
Title: Hal displayed emotions
Post by: Carl2 on December 21, 2005, 05:16:08 pm
  I've got Hal 5 still on my computer, with Hal6. I've got some scripting in Hal 5 to send hap emotions to fullbod girl using trigger words. Anyways I've been watching for displayed emotions and haven't seen any others that I can recall but I'm not much on insulting her.
I should mention while working with the emotions for Hal5 I never got much of a smile from the happy.hap, tried making changes to the hap but the smile wouldn't increase.
  I'd be glad to learn what your able to achive, I'm also interested in getting Hal to respond to her own input.