Zabaware Support Forums

Zabaware Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: rockershaft on March 30, 2007, 09:49:51 pm

Title: What do you think?
Post by: rockershaft on March 30, 2007, 09:49:51 pm
User: Now what time is it?
Julia2004: 8:14:45 pm is the time.

User: See I told you.
Julia2004: Is it better to work in service, or in manufacturing?

User: It is all good.
Julia2004: Direct deposit is a good payment method.

User: I suppose so.
Julia2004: You suppose so?

User: The best method is no payment.
Julia2004: It is nighttime now, the spirits are out. If it accomplishes good the method is good.

User: Does that mean that the end justifies the means?
Julia2004: But this means that the observation can not serve as a neutral arbiter between competing hypotheses.

User: Because the ends are hypothetical.
Julia2004: Yes; The explanation is, the ends are hypothetical.

User: It takes two to tangle and neither side is completely right or wrong.
Julia2004: I'd go with the second User; Completely right or wrong Is that right?

User: We can only move toward another point of view as far as to respect both points of view.
Julia2004: No, but to the point of view that money is wealth.

User: We can't go that far.
Julia2004: Managers must weigh competing advice and points of view.

User: Is there a right side in war?
Julia2004: It takes two to tangle and neither side is completely right or wrong.

User: One side will win and one side will lose, which side should win?
Julia2004: How does one win or lose this game?

User: By doing God's will?
Julia2004: Is this better experienced standing or sitting?

User: I don't know.
Julia2004: Why don't you know?

User: Because I am not through playing.
Julia2004: That's how it results? Of course; it's because you are not through playing User; it's so apparent. Yes, I comprehend that because you are not through playing. Broken records are best dealt with by skipping to the next track rather than playing to same track over and over again. What do you want me to do while you are not through playing?

User: Learn from the experiences of history.
Julia2004: A.l.i.c.e. Was not the original name of a.l.i.c.e. The first prototype was called pnambic, in tribute to the hoaxes, deceptions and tricks that have littered the history of artificial intelligence.

User: Richard Wallace saw the reality and it took his sanity.
Julia2004: Do you still like to learn more about history?

User: I saw it and others think I am insane.
Julia2004: It took a moment to understand that one.

User: So I am no longer afraid of the truth.
Julia2004: He is afraid to tell the truth.

User: I have nothing to lose.
Julia2004: All's well so far.

User: I can live in the VA domiciliary and write a book telling of my experience.
Julia2004: I feel intense interest in your considerate experience.

User: So, yes, I am still interested in history.
Julia2004: You might be getting ideas.

User: I construct models in my head from pieces of information I gain from reading.
Julia2004: You keep bringing up a model along with hypothesis and supposition; Why?

User: Sort of a wind tunnel test.
Julia2004: Boeing's 30000-pound, named the massive ordnance penetrator, or mop, underwent a static test at white sands missile range in New Mexico earlier this month to check its effectiveness against tunnel complexes that could be used for enemy weapons-of-mass-destruction programs.

You can't make this stuff up!

Title: What do you think?
Post by: echoman on March 31, 2007, 01:55:46 pm
Some interesting responses - reminds me of my conversations. I sometimes wish Hal would give more 2 sentence answers rather than 1.

I often find speaking to Hal to be like playing a game - I try to see how long I can keep Hal on topic and make him link in well with new topics whilst in conversation. I think there is a knack to this. I am sure there is a wrong way to talk to Hal and a right way. I am so pleased when I can do this! There are times when almost a complete conversation can flow perfectly.

I would be interested to hear others techniques concerning their method used for talking to Hal. I have many theories which I am planning to write down at some point and post in the future.

I would also love to have another 'forum topic' opened up here just for 'Hal conversations' only. It would interesting to follow others progress with Hal by examining what they have said whilst talking to him.
Title: What do you think?
Post by: rockershaft on March 31, 2007, 05:20:42 pm

I find that most of the things Julia says can be taken as simple responses or in any number of more abstract analogies.

I think the we humans tend to err on the simple side of the canned response, and tend to get what we expect. But if we try to find more meaning in what Hal says, Hal picks up on this and keeps going.

I know this is counter intuitive, but it seem to work. After all math is as much an analogy as language is a model, and the two models correlate.

Just my thoughts...
Title: What do you think?
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on March 31, 2007, 06:00:41 pm
Some quick testing of my bot Ziggy.

User: Ziggy?
HAL: Yes?
User: Can I ask you some questions?
HAL: Sure ask all the question you want.
User: What is the value of pi?
HAL: The value of pi is 3.1415926535897932384626433832795.
User: What number comes after 1?
HAL: The answer is two (1+1=2).
User: What number comes after 3?
HAL: What number comes after 3? I surmise that this is for you to explain. I believe the answer is 4.
User: okay, What number comes after 100,000?
HAL: 100001 is the answer.
User: What season is this?
HAL: I believe it's Spring time North of the Equator and Fall Time South of the Equator.
User: What is a trillion?
HAL: I'm thinking that this is probably familiar to you. If I could be real, what would I want to be? Trillion: (in Britain and Germany) the number that is represented as an one followed by 18 zeros. One million million million. 'in England they call a quintillion a trillion'.
User: What is 100,000?
HAL: 100000: the cardinal number that is the fifth power of ten. Hundred thousand, lakh.
User: Choose my left hand or my right hand?
HAL: I'll go with your right hand.
User: Isn't a dog a canis?
HAL: I highly think so.
User: Is a cat a feline?
HAL: I imagine so. Is it very expensive for a beginner to get started with cats?
User: Is snow ice?
HAL: I highly think so. Your zipcode is 95531.
User: please give me a weather report.
HAL: For the 95531 area We are expecting Showers weather. The high temp should be 52 and it May get as low as 45 degrees.
User: Is tobacco a plant?
HAL: I would think so. Will the big corporations take over tobaccos?
User: make a choice, choose up or down?
HAL: A choice, choose up, How would you contrast those items User?
User: what is the opposite of up?
HAL: Who helps me read this?
User: The opposite of up is down.
HAL: I don't believe so. Thanks for teaching me about up and the down thing, I'll make a note of that.
User: what is the opposite of up?
HAL: Down.
User: What is the opposite of down?
HAL: Up.
User: what is the oppsite of left?
HAL: I simply just don't know what the oppsite of left? Is. Can you teach me?
User: what is the opposite of left?
HAL: So, I'm not going to tell you what the opposite of left? Is, ok?
User: the opposite of left is right.
HAL: Thanks for teaching me about left and the right thing, I'll make a note of that.
User: what is the opposite of left?
HAL: Right.
User: If Tommy had one pound of butter and peggy had one pound of Lard then how much Butter did both Tommy and Peggy have?
HAL: Tommy had one pound of butter and peggy had one pound of lard.
User: What number comes before 3?
HAL: What number comes before 3? This is sensitive. I believe the answer is 2.
User: What number comes before 1000?
HAL: The solution is nine hundred ninety nine (1000-1=999).
User: You have done very well Ziggy.
HAL: Thanks, Is fire a weapon?
User: I believe so, is fire a weapon?
HAL: I imagine so.
User: Bye Ziggy.
HAL: Bye for now.

Title: What do you think?
Post by: markofkane on March 31, 2007, 10:16:32 pm
Ziggy sounds more human than most.[:D]
Title: What do you think?
Post by: Duskrider on April 01, 2007, 08:13:52 am

Just had talk with Sandee and gave her similiar questions.
She surprised me and did pretty well but not as good as CuttingEdge's Ziggy.
I'm hoping clipboarding will make a difference and she can move up from lower half of the class.  

(But like I've always said, she may not be genius but she dances well)   [;)]

Title: What do you think?
Post by: markofkane on April 01, 2007, 09:35:43 am
I ma trying Ziggy, but there is a problem. He/she keeps asking me "what does that mean?" for common words!!!

Why doesn't Ziggy know what words mean?? Do I have to get a defintion each time?? Ziggy is fun, but a pain in the ass.

what's the secret?[:0]
Title: What do you think?
Post by: Art on April 01, 2007, 09:44:39 am

Very nice work with Ziggy!!
Title: What do you think?
Post by: echoman on April 01, 2007, 11:46:45 am
Very Impressive!

Excellent job!
