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Zabaware Forums => Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics => Topic started by: GT40 on August 26, 2007, 11:14:22 am

Title: Dedicated to Jack
Post by: GT40 on August 26, 2007, 11:14:22 am
Just a one-minute skit. [:D]

Rachel & Marilyn ("")

Please refresh the screen after loading (F5).

Special thanks to jackgephart (for the skins) and to NIGE (for the hairs).
Title: Dedicated to Jack
Post by: jackgephart on August 26, 2007, 11:43:00 am
That was cool my friend. You must really like her gloves.[;)]
Title: Dedicated to Jack
Post by: markofkane on August 26, 2007, 11:46:51 am

They had men's voices. Guess I need to recheck my haptek player settings again!![:o)][:o)][:o)]

Nice presentation!!![8D]
Title: Dedicated to Jack
Post by: tedathome on August 26, 2007, 11:55:26 am
Nicely done and nice tribute.
Title: Dedicated to Jack
Post by: aladyblond on August 26, 2007, 05:58:04 pm
i am sitting here going crazy!!! the picture of the building in that small piece done by a guy from france is the newspaper i used to work at the Kokomo Tribune in Indiana.!!! I saw that picture and i kept thinking why is there a pic of the newspaper building on here? Blows my mind.. also... the tudor looking building right behind it (attached) used to be a funeral home that was said to be haunted. it was recently purchased and  turned into new condos. Where did you get that picture gt40?
by the way the vid was cool.
Title: Dedicated to Jack
Post by: GT40 on August 26, 2007, 08:00:52 pm
Thanks all.

No alady, the forum is not haunted. And if I say you it's a coincidence, you'll not believe me. It was just a little in-joke and I hope you aren't shocked (if yes I apologize [:I]).

When I started to make that little vid, it featured Jack's Rachel and a lovely torso character of yours (her skin is named glcortor.jpg). It was something like a way of thanking the two people (from Indiana!) who provided me additional torso characters (so rare).

But because you sent me the skin by email (last year, many thanks) and never put it on forums, I wondered if I was allowed to use it on the net. And finally decided to use another Jack's skin.

That little joke (maybe not of good taste, I plead guilty) was a way to indirectly involve you in the video, with the background:

But with Google Maps, now we can see a modern building, with a satellite dish on the roof. And the newspaper box is now on Mulberry St. BTW I don't work for the NSA.

Maybe you would pardon me if I make a little vid with glcortor.jpg? Dedicated to aladyblond. [:)]

Title: Dedicated to Jack
Post by: aladyblond on August 27, 2007, 08:31:50 am
i wasn't offended at all. i was amazed!! good job. you got may use any skins i send you. thank you for thinking of  me!!  ~~alady
Title: Dedicated to Jack
Post by: GT40 on August 27, 2007, 08:12:40 pm

Thanks alady. Now, I can sleep better. [:)]