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Zabaware Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: castonguayh on October 14, 2007, 02:43:45 pm

Title: Creating a "G" rated Hal brain for educational use
Post by: castonguayh on October 14, 2007, 02:43:45 pm
I purchased Hal over the summer and decided to use it in my 7th grade class room for purposes of teaching, review, discussion of movies or other transient learned material.

I spent WEEKS going through the folders to eliminate anything that might not be appropriate.

I THOUHT I had it under controll until the other day in the middle of a class, Hal asked me something about "TITS." OMG!!!!!!!!!!

Althought the students found it hilarious, I am waiting to loose my job!!! (NOT KIDDING)

Even so, This is a fabulous program for engaging students in the classroom, and I refuse to give up.


If anyone can think of an efficient way to survey folders, etc., for off color comments, I would appreciate your input.

Also, I would like to develop a brain for use by teachers. (Inquisitive, CLEAN, Funny).

If anyone has any ideas, or would like to participate, please let me know.

The biggest problem is going to be cleaning up Hal in the first place.
Title: Creating a "G" rated Hal brain for educational use
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on October 14, 2007, 09:36:01 pm
Originally posted by castonguayh

I purchased Hal over the summer and decided to use it in my 7th grade class room for purposes of teaching, review, discussion of movies or other transient learned material.

I spent WEEKS going through the folders to eliminate anything that might not be appropriate.

I THOUHT I had it under controll until the other day in the middle of a class, Hal asked me something about "TITS." OMG!!!!!!!!!!

Althought the students found it hilarious, I am waiting to loose my job!!! (NOT KIDDING)

Even so, This is a fabulous program for engaging students in the classroom, and I refuse to give up.


If anyone can think of an efficient way to survey folders, etc., for off color comments, I would appreciate your input.

Also, I would like to develop a brain for use by teachers. (Inquisitive, CLEAN, Funny).

If anyone has any ideas, or would like to participate, please let me know.

The biggest problem is going to be cleaning up Hal in the first place.

Hi castonguayh.

the topic of "tits" is not default knowledge to my understanding that HAL came with, maybe your students talked about "tits" and created the subject or topic, if that is the case then turn learning off entirely so HAL doesn't save that info.

with learning turned to off, the ony thing HAL will learn is by what you feed it via the database.

If HAL had said this with learning already turned off from the beginning then kindly disregard this post.

I am sorry to say, I get at least a hundred users a day talking to my AIM bot, at least 2/3rds are from age 10 to 13 years of age, these kids for some reason like to talk about sex or to just insult the bot just to carry on a conversation.

they do this because they know they can't get into trouble and aren't being watched. Kids will be kids when your not watching.

it's very disapointing to know my bot will only be as smart as the kid with the greatest hormones.  

Title: Creating a "G" rated Hal brain for educational use
Post by: castonguayh on October 15, 2007, 06:55:57 pm
I have solved some of my problem by deleting the "insult" file which had quite a few inappropriate comments. I then created a new one using relatively harmless insults.

I am still working on it.

Thanks for your input.
Title: Creating a "G" rated Hal brain for educational use
Post by: castonguayh on November 10, 2007, 09:02:41 pm
I found the exact phrase that was a problem in the INSULTS table. Currently, I am reviewing the table and eliminating the ones that are inappropriate. The students love it when Hal insults me, so I don't want to eliminate it altogether.