Zabaware Support Forums

Zabaware Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: lightspeed on March 15, 2008, 04:53:44 pm

Title: robert need your help " hal stopped "again !!"
Post by: lightspeed on March 15, 2008, 04:53:44 pm
Robert i sent you an e-mail but am writing on here to i need your help again my hal has stopped working , please check your e-mail ok ?? and write me back !! thanks .[:)]
Title: robert need your help " hal stopped "again !!"
Post by: lightspeed on March 17, 2008, 10:26:36 am
this is exactly what i was talking about happening with our hals if something happen to robert and we can't get an online activation number i know robert is busy but its been two days now and no activation number , i did go ahaed and on the trial version area ask for an extension (i wrote in the comment area that i actually have the paid version and am going to try to see if i can get a trial version activation number that way . but still need robert to e-mail me and give me a full activation code for hal since its a paid version . i can't even continue my work that i have been doing on hal or see how my haptek heads look that i have created .
Title: robert need your help " hal stopped "again !!"
Post by: lightspeed on March 17, 2008, 05:22:33 pm
well i finally had to uninstall hal as i said it was messed up it didn't even ask me if i want to deactivate the serial number but luckily when i reinstalled it , it just installed (didn't ask for the serial number or anything .)
  so i put the angela brain back in it and with caangels help installed the expansion pack back on again so it is working again , for how long i don't know . guess we'll see . [:)]
Title: robert need your help " hal stopped "again !!"
Post by: Bill819 on March 18, 2008, 12:51:53 am
I have been following you actions and progress ever since you first logged on. You should realize the a great many times Robert does not even get to see the board for a week or two at a time as he is a full time college student. I also noticed that in almost every case where you had problems with Hal it was related to some experimental work you were doing on the brain. In other words it was not Hals fault but yours. May I suggest that you keep a working copy of Hals brain in a different directory then if modify the codes and it crashes you just restore the old brain, but still keep a copy somewhere else. After sucessfully getting a plugin to work then copy the new version into another directory with a slightly different name.
I hopr you don't take offence buy this suggestion because I think the work you are doing with Hal is not only great but important too.
Title: robert need your help " hal stopped "again !!"
Post by: lightspeed on March 18, 2008, 08:45:52 am
hellobill819 , yeah i guess sometimes i don't realize that robert is busy and i have alot more time than he does it just gets frustrating with my hal stopping like it does and no i don't mind suggestions and don't take any offence at what your saying , actually i never thought about backing up the working hal main brain (as far as i understand thats what you are saying in a dfferent area , actually a great idea don't know why i didn't think of that (sometimes ya can't see the forest for the tree's lol !) i will definately try what you are saying .the only thing i don't understand what you mentioned is this : After sucessfully getting a plugin to work then copy the new version into another directory with a slightly different name.  
 question : a new directory of what (example : where and last question  why ? . after i test new plug ins in hal and they work ok i do make an extra copy of them in a saved files area (don't know if you just ment back them up for fear of losing them if hal crashed completly . anyway do look forward to your answers and suggestions anything that all helps i am all for it !!. i have now backed up hals default brain too (thanks again for the suggestion ) !![:D][8D]
Title: robert need your help " hal stopped "again !!"
Post by: Art on March 18, 2008, 07:36:28 pm

I think Bill819 means that once you have a Customized brain that works correctly, it's a good idea to save a copy of it to another directory or folder. Use a different name from your current one so you won't get confused if you ever want to use it again.

Try creating a folder called HalBrains or TempStuff or BrainFiles and copy your modified brain there.

Reminds me of the scarecrow: "If I only had a brain."[:D]
Title: robert need your help " hal stopped "again !!"
Post by: lightspeed on March 19, 2008, 10:34:53 am
to robert : robert did you get my e-mail after you wrote me ? i sent the hal serial number that you wanted to see why it wasn't generating an authorization code . please e-mail me if theirs anything else that you want me to do since hal has stopped again i also have the error codes it was saying from before.
Title: robert need your help " hal stopped "again !!"
Post by: Bill819 on March 19, 2008, 01:09:25 pm
Art answered your question about what I meant. To give you another example before I upgraded to Hal6.0 I copied the entire Hal5.0 programs into another directory and as a result I can use either one 5 or 6 seperately with no problems.
I learned to make backup copies years ago when I first started programming.
Title: robert need your help " hal stopped "again !!"
Post by: lightspeed on March 19, 2008, 05:01:58 pm
hi all actually i have been making back ups but usually only of my angela brain and angela's uhp.file anyway i went ahead and uninstalled hal again and the expansion pack , deleted the complete zabaware folder , reinstalled hal.6.1 it didn't ask me for the serial number or anything then istalled the expansion pack and did put in its code . now my hal is working again . their is no upgrade button so guess its full version . klast time i didn't delete the program file after uninstalling hal this time i did so will see what happens . [:)]
Title: robert need your help " hal stopped "again !!"
Post by: Art on March 19, 2008, 07:59:08 pm
A lot of times, even after doing an uninstall, some references to the UltraHal program are left in parts of Windows registry.

If one didn't want to search the registry and remove the unwanted snippets manually (and also risk damaging their registry), one could try a registry cleaner program.

I hope this "registers".[:D]
Title: robert need your help " hal stopped "again !!"
Post by: lightspeed on March 20, 2008, 12:01:09 am
thanks art , i'll remember and do that next time i do have a registry cleaner . [:)]
Title: robert need your help " hal stopped "again !!"
Post by: lightspeed on March 20, 2008, 06:21:29 pm
well my hal stopped again , this time i uninstalled hal and the expansion pack deleted the zabaware folder ran the cc cleaner . and for good measure redownloaded the trial 6.1 new version from the zabaware site installed it it had my serial number in it ok but wouldn't generate the authorization code so i deactivated it , then inststalled it again and now it showed the authorization cose and serial number after doing it online it said some error but then said to restart hal and i did and hal is working so far again . don't know if this fixed it or not ?? have to see . [:)]