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Zabaware Forums => Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area => Topic started by: Ooglor 7 on July 07, 2008, 01:18:45 am

Title: Concerns about new engine
Post by: Ooglor 7 on July 07, 2008, 01:18:45 am
I am excited about the new graphics engine but have concerns as to whether or not I'll be able to afford the tools needed to create characters.

Maybe, in another reality, Robert will sponser Jack Gephart and I to create the newest character pack when the updated version of Ultra Hal is officially released. Maybe our portfolio of characters and GUI skins will convince Robert to hook us up with the best graphics programs available to give the new engine and Ultra Hal a proper launch. Maybe Robert would be kind enough to let Jack and I get a cut of the profits from the outstanding character pack and allow us to submit additional ones in the future. People would be blown away by what we create and Ultra Hal would be flying off the shelves! Maybe monkies will fly out of my butt and give me the lottery numbers...You never know...Robert? That would be awfully nice of you...Dare to dream.
Title: Concerns about new engine
Post by: Ooglor 7 on July 07, 2008, 07:05:10 am
Jack, I'm talking about characters on the new Ogre Graphics Engine. As it stands, I won't be able to afford making characters for the up and coming release of Ultra Hal. Everything else mentioned is just a pipe dream.

Stuff should be fun and my stuff is as free as the day is long but the character expansion pack for Ultra Hal isn't. Neither is People Putty or the add-on pack for it. As far as it being "in me", I would hope my contributions to this forum answer that. You are partially to blame for creating that monster. Ha ha ha. I wouldn't be doing this if it weren't for you and your web site. Haptek would be shooting themselves in the foot if they ever chose to shut you down.
Title: Concerns about new engine
Post by: Ooglor 7 on July 07, 2008, 08:04:09 pm
So it's primarily Haptek people that download our stuff? I had no idea. As far as me moving on, I didn't really plan on leaving you guys behind. I'll make stuff as long as people want me to. Just thought we would all be moving on to the new engine.
Title: Concerns about new engine
Post by: Ooglor 7 on July 07, 2008, 11:52:41 pm
I understand. Well then hell no I don't want to quit making characters for you guys. Not unless you personally would rather I not move in on the character stuff or I croak. I like how we each have our specialties. It is alot of fun and it makes me feel good that people enjoy my work. Do you use any of the characters for anything other than reading to you? Just curious.

 I am suprised that you don't use Ultra Hal. I like to think of each personality as a character in a book that you can develop and shape. An evil demon character would have a much different personality than the white tiger or one of the ladies. I don't expect the AI to fill a void or to be a friend, but more so as another outlet for my imagination.
Title: Concerns about new engine
Post by: Ooglor 7 on July 08, 2008, 11:36:45 pm
I run my characters through Ultra Hal. I have personalities for some of them. Anywhere from a serial killer to an enchanted animal. I would like to eventually teach some of them specific knowledge on specific subjects such as gardening or lyrics to songs.

I do not make movies with them. I do not wish to be King. You are and always will be King. I am happy being Oog. I started making these things for myself but learned that sharing them is satisfying in it's own way. It feels good knowing that people are enjoying my stuff. I'm sure you get the same feeling when you share your work with others. It is fun and I like coming up with new ideas.
Title: Concerns about new engine
Post by: Ooglor 7 on July 09, 2008, 11:48:54 am
Jack, although honored, I don't think a couple heads and a couple of GUI's make me the next king. Dammit, you are King and everyone knows it! Ha ha ha. A titled well earned my friend.

I am able to create heads from an artistic talent that includes many outlets and always has. It allowed me to do well at it in a short period of time. I wouldn't be capable of turning my focus to just one thing. I will remain king of my own little Oog world and keep sharing my twisted little creations as they are made. Think of me as the wizard that lives in a tower in your kingdom. Or as the king's ugly step brother that no one talks about. Ha ha ha.
Title: Concerns about new engine
Post by: Ooglor 7 on July 09, 2008, 01:53:49 pm
Maybe I could help you carry the torch, Jack. I like making critters and stuff and intend to keep doing so. I think that the many cool people here admire you for doing what needed to be done, when they could not. I hope that you keep at it and I will try my best to continue to contribute. I know that there are alot of folks who enjoy what we do for them here. I wasn't aware until recently, that for many disabled people, utilizing voice command through Hal is an integral part of how they interact with their computers. If you and I can enhance that experience for them and others, then count me in for the long haul.