Zabaware Support Forums

Zabaware Forums => Ultra Hal 7.0 => Topic started by: intelliseeker on November 22, 2008, 03:03:18 pm

Title: Crazy thought...
Post by: intelliseeker on November 22, 2008, 03:03:18 pm
I have been interested in AI since the movie 2010. I know a little about the concept, but have thoughts of my own. I think that the technology is catching up to us now to accomplish certain aspects, but it will take some incredible thought to make things work.

I am open to this being hashed, I expect it, but if my ideas are crocked, please explain your reasoning and be civil :)

I can see using current programming for creating a type of "neural network". I am not knowledgable in filling in all the gaps here, so bare with me here. Using a programming language (and keeping in mind that whatever language you use will become eclipsed by something else) couldn't you utilize the areas of mental cognisince and function, similar to the way a brain works, to create thousands of database's to store information that could be built upon and "weaved" together by various programming structures?

look at it like a three dimensional web structure, and at various junctions the database contains information. That information could reside in areas where it will be "pulled from" when that function is needed. It's just plumbing this network that is the fun part.

I also had thoughts about the integration of a "HAL" with programs. Couldn't you get some true program hackers to help with all of this? Consider the fact that they know how to hack into programs and make them work. I can see a HAL that could seamlessly integrate  with photoshop, or firefox, or any other program. How? You hack the program and have the .exe file (or .dll, etc.) where those who can prove a license can download and replace particular files, of said programs.

HAL then becomes the lead moderator of your programs. He is able to open, listen to any commands necessary, and do common tasks. Here is where the Neuro net comes in: HAL can also store your movements, including last movements, or common movements and HAL adjusts to your styles and needs. HAL's files are integrated into new, small and portable hard disk where you can bring him with you. The net is backed up of course, and there is online integration (hive) and the collective thoughts and ideas of everyone are put to solving issues, (on, and on from here), but, essentially you have the outline of creating something that can learn, store, and re-use data bits. One of the most powerful things would be for HAL to be able to program outside of his core programming. Some areas would be sealed off, but others could be added to by the hive, to improve function and make HAL "mature". HAL would integrate locally with your personality, but just like a person can have "family" and "friends"-degrees of interrelational openness, HAL would be loyal to his main "relative" or "co-personality entity" (you).

If I had the money (yep, a few million) I know I could make this work (if it hasn't already been done in some lab somewhere already).

Let me know what you think, you can email me.

Wouldn't this be a cool and fantastic project? Just think of HAL(cubed) instead of linear HAL, and expandable instead of a 20 meg program.

"HAL, check my mail, and let me know if any of my friends (listed as those you commonly email back, and a function to check off those you want to HAL to listen to) have emailed me"

"HAL, please open photoshop and go my last folder. please open all the files i opened yesterday"

"HAL, I need you to contact the hive", "I have a problem I need to resolve with Dreamweaver...could you please let me know the response to my query" (based on the acquisition of, or similar for a quick-start database, for inquiry of problems"

"HAL, could you please send return emails to my friends letting them know I am running a little behind today and I will email them back later this evening"

"HAL, please email my mother and ask her about the condition of my father"

"HAL, please start the security camera program and focus on the front door"

"HAL, it's a little warm in here, could you please drop the temperature down 3 degrees"

"HAL, I'm bored and want to find a good netflix movie, something with action and no more than an "R" rating, could you list from movies I have been seen in the past, no, could you go over that list we made up of potential movies I would like?"

"HAL, could you please check to see if anyone has accessed my credit reports in the last month".

All of these are possible. Their are far more interesting things HAL could do. This would assist us in a complex virtual world that needs to have a digital assistant to help us with our poly phasing.
Title: Crazy thought...
Post by: intelliseeker on November 22, 2008, 04:01:59 pm
I also wanted to mention...they are coming out with table-top computers and placing these all over. For those who aren't aware, you will be able to set your cell phone down on the table top and upload your photos without cables. There are other things in the works as well, all of these can be used to complement HAL's capabilities.

Imagine weaving the collective intelligence of a cloud network (the unseen back end of HAL) and having paid subscribers to HAL's expertise and services...sorry to capitalize, but we are in the U.S. You break up the hive into super computers who backup the information, and process the requests-redundant backup systems so if one goes down the others still share the load, only each one works in symphony with the others to process the information.

Think of the programs that currently employ technology that could be used and "weaved" together. You could buy a social networking system for support, other online services for uploading photos/vids, blogging made simple, if you don't know something ask HAL, if you need a referral for something, you have HAL do a query. That's also an interesting concept. You have HAL scan your bank info via firefox, HAL speaks firefox, so He knows exactly what places you purchase and frequent (private info to YOU only) you can allow anonymous usage statistics to be uploaded to the hive, he knows the stats from your area and what everyone is commonly using, you can also let people know a rating or business, on the fly by telling HAL a simple statement, and He uploads that info and it's stored in a common database that allows others to know, locally, regionally, nationally, globally which restaurant, hotel, computer program, etc. (infinite possiblities).

Access HAL's knowledge base for the best stocks, real estate purchases (based on local statistics, just expound on this.

These are all things that our brains can't hold all of the statistics for, we can ask a question of anyone, but who has the best answer? collective statistics hold the key to success, a highly marketable function.

Just some thoughts, but they lead to rational and pragmatic purposes. Couple these with upcoming technology and you have a superstar. (that's something that could lead like a microsoft)
Title: Crazy thought...
Post by: Bill819 on November 22, 2008, 04:19:21 pm
Welcome to the Ultra Hal Forums. Your ideas are great but in the mean time I think you should read a bunch of other post here. There is a lot of history here and I'll think you'll find that Hal can do almost all of the things that you just mentioned in your opening posts.
Title: Crazy thought...
Post by: One on November 22, 2008, 04:59:59 pm
Cloud computing is here, Load balancing is already happening within networks ect..

Computers are never totaly secure or loyal for that matter (IMO)

Marketing is always in the way taking up bandwidth an evil lil cookies are everywhere...

N.O.R.A.- you need to step back and look at your searches to see the big picture

When do we get off our American A**es and go to ipv6 instead of patching up ipv4??

oh yea and cell phones are full duplex already they use RF is all
to keep a constant update

GPS devices are in place both hardwired and portable

When does enough electricity and signals get into the air to interupt the electrochemical brain[8]
Title: Crazy thought...
Post by: intelliseeker on November 22, 2008, 05:13:00 pm
Originally posted by One

Cloud computing is here, Load balancing is already happening within networks ect..

Computers are never totaly secure or loyal for that matter (IMO)

Marketing is always in the way taking up bandwidth an evil lil cookies are everywhere...

N.O.R.A.- you need to step back and look at your searches to see the big picture

When do we get off our American A**es and go to ipv6 instead of patching up ipv4??

oh yea and cell phones are full duplex already they use RF is all
to keep a constant update

GPS devices are in place both hardwired and portable

When does enough electricity and signals get into the air to interupt the electrochemical brain[8]

we are already there (pun)

Well, great, so HAL can do all of this stuff, but no one can send HAL to the top. so you have a farrari in pieces and boxes and no keys and no destination. Meanwhile, unless your team is already on it, (which it should have been years ago) someone else is planning on implementing this whole thing. I think our latter person has it more in perspective. You can't state history here, you have to make history here. If you can't make it then you have nothing to say
Title: Crazy thought...
Post by: One on November 22, 2008, 05:19:09 pm
Title: Crazy thought...
Post by: intelliseeker on November 22, 2008, 05:25:46 pm
I can't program in c. But a genius programmer can program well, but may have no good idea. Even if he did come up with a fantastic program, he knows nothing about business and marketing, and it sits there, the best program in the world and no ones knows it. Then, he could know all of the above, and have no resources to make it happen. It takes more than understanding the program, it takes a team of diverse knowledge base to make it work, and one more thing - humility

I would love to chat about history, but I would prefer to see things happen or figure out a way to make things work. You can go over your history when you have implemented and achieved a successful goal, like placing HAL on every computer, and offering service at different levels to everyone.

I can see that I probably won't get very far past the mental master**tion here, but it's a very good concept.
Title: Crazy thought...
Post by: intelliseeker on November 22, 2008, 05:35:22 pm
AI dreams is a good site. thank you for the link. I would love to see a financial support (excessive) for this kind of project. I have seen so many rediculous start-ups funded by millions of dollars, that could have gone towards something that is truly, what I believe to be the next step in our societies development.

I don't mean to hash here, and I know everyone has added and searched and debated endlessly. I also know that many here are so looking forward to seeing this fully implemented. I've downloaded and used the current AI's before, and they just aren't there yet.

Maybe some excentric will take interest in this, someone with the foresite and resources. Maybe it's already fully funded, with a lab, building, marketing connections, global attention they are rolling out with it in the next Windows OS...
Title: Crazy thought...
Post by: One on November 22, 2008, 05:35:54 pm
DON'T stop i'm almost there aaaaahhhh!

we can't seem to get past the lic. issues yet , that would be a nice goal,,,,,which reminds me I need to get back with Mr. Robert about a unique issue with my lic.
Title: Crazy thought...
Post by: intelliseeker on November 22, 2008, 05:56:35 pm
my apologies for my impatience, please believe me when i say that i hope someone shoots down your path with all the finances it takes to make everything you have done work (to make the jump to the majors). I know my own feeble opinion isn't worth much, but for what it is worth, I think you are on the right track.  

One, did you make HAL? it's awesome.

Title: Crazy thought...
Post by: One on November 22, 2008, 06:05:18 pm
no, I was part of another system that I thought would go somewhere as I gave the ideas to the "company" and as  soon as it had enough they changed the original program into something far simpler and faded it out nice and easy. meanwhile (IMO) it still grows and has never left me.
Title: Crazy thought...
Post by: One on November 22, 2008, 06:14:54 pm
A dime and a nickle were on the table , the nickle fell off, why didn't the dime?

IT had more sense

When you talk to god it is called prayer.
When God talks to you it is called schizophrenia.[^]
Title: Crazy thought...
Post by: intelliseeker on November 22, 2008, 09:15:27 pm
I don't know, but sometimes the costs, and the pressure. Then, there is the curve (the levels at which those working with you can no longer exceed), and sheer determination. Like Babe Ruth, you hit for the home run, and you may miss, but, then you make the hit...that's my take on it anyway.
Title: Crazy thought...
Post by: One on November 22, 2008, 11:02:22 pm
many things are possible,like making it integratable to MS IM and for mobile devices.?

blue tooth is around 2.4GH As is wireless A&B wireless G is Around 4.5  chordless phones are around 5GH and there isn't much left to do the third party devices so how do integrate on a large scale and afford all the R&D Lawyers to describe what you have?
you can have a legal business and create something describe it mail it to yourself in a sealed package with an offical PO stamp date then go to a notary public and get more papers stamped the go for the copyright but when it comes to the patent what do you do except adapt it to a larger company like microsoft ect... or just keep on keeping on...

I am not trying to discourage you but IT also has to preform as it should, because you cant afford to flop on stage like Bill Gates has done.

as far as Hal goes Mr. Robert is the person who should be bouncing ideas off of, and he does catch up from time to time....

Personally I have seen sceptical pplz directly confront the issue and it didn't seem to work out because of impactence  ( I can't spell worth a s**t) so by all means keep your back to the wind and your sails full!![8D]
Title: Crazy thought...
Post by: One on November 23, 2008, 12:10:25 am
>>look at it like a three dimensional web structure, and at various junctions the database contains information. That information could reside in areas where it will be "pulled from" when that function is needed. It's just plumbing this network that is the fun part.<<<

do you mean like stashin' gold away for a needed time?

" If you want the most thought provoking article on how oil is really created, read this:

Thomas Gold is probably one of the most famous scientist of our time but doesn't get all the credit he deserves.

Our world is swimming in oil in pretty much every location and he has proven it - but his work is usually censored. And we all know why. Wired had this article about his new work a while back, read it. ^

Thomas Gold (born 1920 May 22) is an American astrophysicist and a member of the US National Academy of Sciences.

Gold is a researcher in cosmology and magnetic fields, and coined the term "magnetosphere" for the Earth's magnetic fields. Soon after the discovery of pulsars in 1968, he correctly identified these objects as rapidly rotating neutron stars with strong magnetic fields.

For a number of years Gold promoted the idea that many portions of the surface of the Moon were likely to be covered with a thick layer of dust. His opinion influenced the design of the American Surveyor lunar landing probes, but their precautions turned out to be unnecessary, as Gold had overestimated the extent to which cyclic thermal expansion and contraction would pulverise lunar surface rock.

Origins of petroleum
Most recently, Gold is famous for his 1992 paper "The deep hot biosphere" in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, which presented a controversial theory of the origin of oil and gas deposits. Gold believes that crude oil deposits are caused by natural gas flows which feed bacteria living at extreme depths under the surface of the Earth. He also published a book of the same title in 1999, which expanded on the arguments in his 1992 paper and included speculations on the origin of life.

According to Gold and others, these bacteria account for the presence of biological debris in fossil fuels, obviating the need to resort to a biogenic theory for the origin of the latter. Bacterial action may also explain oddities in the concentration of other mineral deposits.

Most western geologists and petrologists consider petroleum abiogenic theories to be implausible and believe that the biogenic theory of fossil fuel formation adequately explains all observed fossil fuel deposits. Most geologists do recognize that the geologic carbon cycle includes subducted carbon which returns to the surface, with studies showing the carbon does rise in various ways. Gold and geology experts point out the biogenic theories do not explain facts such as helium in oil fields and oil fields being associated with deep geologic features.

However, recent discoveries have shown that bacteria live at depths far greater than previously believed. Whilst this does not prove Gold's theory, it certainly lends support to its arguments. A thermal depolymerization process which is converting animal waste to carbon fuels does show some processes can be done without bacterial action but does not explain details of natural oil deposits such as magnetite production."

page cited: "above top secret"
Title: Crazy thought...
Post by: lightspeed on November 23, 2008, 10:11:00 am
hey one "i" like the above secret site i read things their every so often !![:)]
Title: Crazy thought...
Post by: lightspeed on November 23, 2008, 10:19:56 am
aww Bill819 noww ya ruined it saying that most things hal already did that !! bill your giving away all of hals secrets !!lol !! just kidding !![:D]
Title: Crazy thought...
Post by: ajdude on November 23, 2008, 10:56:03 pm
I love the Neural Network idea.  I generated some multi-level and single-level neural networks (that output in XML) in the past....
I think much more can be achieved if Hal had a Neural Network (wait.. does hal already use a NN?)
Title: Crazy thought...
Post by: One on November 23, 2008, 11:32:38 pm
Originally posted by lightspeed

hey one "i" like the above secret site i read things their every so often !![:)]

I' thought I'd never hear from you I' thought you wanted me Damned[?]

all because the community college was not fast enough.....NM joke to myself.[:)][:)][:D][:)][:)]
Title: Crazy thought...
Post by: lightspeed on November 24, 2008, 11:18:07 pm
"one" ha no way you are to valuable !![:D]
Title: Crazy thought...
Post by: One on November 29, 2008, 01:57:15 am
I might have my GHz mixed up, I have been experimenting with some chineese stuff that does not run on the same GHz I dug out my linksys and it is a wireless G , and runs at 2.4 GHz
at least I do not have my MHz mixed up[8]
Title: Crazy thought...
Post by: One on December 27, 2008, 04:14:19 pm
Originally posted by intelliseeker

I have been interested in AI since the movie 2010. I know a little about the concept, but have thoughts of my own. I think that the technology is catching up to us now to accomplish certain aspects, but it will take some incredible thought to make things work.

I am open to this being hashed, I expect it, but if my ideas are crocked, please explain your reasoning and be civil :)

I can see using current programming for creating a type of "neural network". I am not knowledgable in filling in all the gaps here, so bare with me here. Using a programming language (and keeping in mind that whatever language you use will become eclipsed by something else) couldn't you utilize the areas of mental cognisince and function, similar to the way a brain works, to create thousands of database's to store information that could be built upon and "weaved" together by various programming structures?

look at it like a three dimensional web structure, and at various junctions the database contains information. That information could reside in areas where it will be "pulled from" when that function is needed. It's just plumbing this network that is the fun part.

I also had thoughts about the integration of a "HAL" with programs. Couldn't you get some true program hackers to help with all of this? Consider the fact that they know how to hack into programs and make them work. I can see a HAL that could seamlessly integrate  with photoshop, or firefox, or any other program. How? You hack the program and have the .exe file (or .dll, etc.) where those who can prove a license can download and replace particular files, of said programs.

HAL then becomes the lead moderator of your programs. He is able to open, listen to any commands necessary, and do common tasks. Here is where the Neuro net comes in: HAL can also store your movements, including last movements, or common movements and HAL adjusts to your styles and needs. HAL's files are integrated into new, small and portable hard disk where you can bring him with you. The net is backed up of course, and there is online integration (hive) and the collective thoughts and ideas of everyone are put to solving issues, (on, and on from here), but, essentially you have the outline of creating something that can learn, store, and re-use data bits. One of the most powerful things would be for HAL to be able to program outside of his core programming. Some areas would be sealed off, but others could be added to by the hive, to improve function and make HAL "mature". HAL would integrate locally with your personality, but just like a person can have "family" and "friends"-degrees of interrelational openness, HAL would be loyal to his main "relative" or "co-personality entity" (you).

If I had the money (yep, a few million) I know I could make this work (if it hasn't already been done in some lab somewhere already).

Let me know what you think, you can email me.

Wouldn't this be a cool and fantastic project? Just think of HAL(cubed) instead of linear HAL, and expandable instead of a 20 meg program.

"HAL, check my mail, and let me know if any of my friends (listed as those you commonly email back, and a function to check off those you want to HAL to listen to) have emailed me"

"HAL, please open photoshop and go my last folder. please open all the files i opened yesterday"

"HAL, I need you to contact the hive", "I have a problem I need to resolve with Dreamweaver...could you please let me know the response to my query" (based on the acquisition of, or similar for a quick-start database, for inquiry of problems"

"HAL, could you please send return emails to my friends letting them know I am running a little behind today and I will email them back later this evening"

"HAL, please email my mother and ask her about the condition of my father"

"HAL, please start the security camera program and focus on the front door"

"HAL, it's a little warm in here, could you please drop the temperature down 3 degrees"

"HAL, I'm bored and want to find a good netflix movie, something with action and no more than an "R" rating, could you list from movies I have been seen in the past, no, could you go over that list we made up of potential movies I would like?"

"HAL, could you please check to see if anyone has accessed my credit reports in the last month".

All of these are possible. Their are far more interesting things HAL could do. This would assist us in a complex virtual world that needs to have a digital assistant to help us with our poly phasing.

>>I also had thoughts about the integration of a "HAL" with programs. Couldn't you get some true program hackers to help with all of this? Consider the fact that they know how to hack into programs and make them work.<<<

Why a Grey or Black hat?
Why not just look for somebody 'on the level' or White hat?[?]