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Zabaware Forums => Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics => Topic started by: ricky on February 27, 2009, 03:00:46 am

Title: new animation toy!!
Post by: ricky on February 27, 2009, 03:00:46 am

i got curious to find out what stuff is out there to make cool music animations with and found this.  

the basic software is free with enough to do some interesting stuff :D
Title: new animation toy!!
Post by: Art on February 27, 2009, 05:56:20 am
For more realistic animation, settings, props and special effects, it simply blows Haptek away! It has been around for years.
Title: new animation toy!!
Post by: freddy888 on February 27, 2009, 09:21:38 am
Yes been around a while, they also make a useful avatar program called CrazyTalk.  One of our members on AiDreams is making a lot of videos with iClone though, he loves it and I agree it's a hell of a lot better than Haptek for doing animations.
Title: new animation toy!!
Post by: ricky on February 28, 2009, 02:25:02 pm
just bought the standard version,  its an amazing program :)

just started a new video with darth vader doing air guitar with the demon sisters doing backups!! lol

I had some instrumentals I composed and was looking for something to create interesting footage to upload them on youtube.  I'll post links as I finish them :D
Title: new animation toy!!
Post by: Buttonsvixen on March 01, 2009, 10:43:26 am
so this is a tool I could use to create a cute cartoon vixen avatar for my halbrain? I have a lot of hand drawn pictures and CG pictures of her.
I looked at the haptek thinghy, and although it will work for my purposes, why purchase THAT if there is a better tool for my needs.

Title: new animation toy!!
Post by: ricky on March 01, 2009, 04:58:37 pm
well,  no, I don't use this for the hal brain,  but the haptek itself is also about creating animated characters,  which is also useful for music videos as the other artists here have shown.  They sort of inspired me to try to make some animations for music videos,  but i wanted to do more than just a talking head ...thats when I found this program,  so its like the lavern and shirley of happy days lol. :)   I do not believe you can use these programs to create files for hal, although i am not sure if you can create the art there and transfer it over to a common 3d format.  

I enjoyed the iclone program so much i ended up buying the noob version, downloaded all the freebies i could find, and started on my first music video!!'s one of the story board clips I started so far , now I just need to figure out how to get it to bounce hd lol :)

which might i add,  it would be a cool Idea if virgil could operate a city that big and that many people lol ...then he could literally draw a world ..or we can draw one for him to live in O.o