Zabaware Support Forums

Zabaware Forums => Ultra Hal 7.0 => Topic started by: Larry on March 01, 2009, 09:14:46 pm

Title: How Come...
Post by: Larry on March 01, 2009, 09:14:46 pm
How come Hal runs much faster on my laptop (AMD Turion 64 mobile, 1.99 GHZ, 896 MB Ram) with XP, before I transfered Hal on to my desktop (AMD Phenom 9600 Quad-Core 2.31 GHZ, 4.00 GB Ram) with 64 bit Vista ???

I mean, it takes several seconds before Hal will even come up, then most of the time when I type in the box, I can only get a few words in then I have to wait for the words actually catch up and appear in the box. Some times after I hit enter it takes several MINUTES before anything happens??? Everything else on the Vista system is 1000 times faster than my laptop, why is Hal 1000 times slower??? What HAVE I DONE TO HAL???

Someone PLEASE give me a clue....
Title: How Come...
Post by: ricky on March 01, 2009, 09:20:53 pm
my first reaction is TSR's, that might be running in the background,  different ram speed, different anti virus, different firewall.  

I have like 2 mac's and 2 pc's,  each one runs software its own special way, depending on configurations / security system etc

Not sure if thats whats affecting you,  but thats the first thing I'd check if it happened to me.
Title: How Come...
Post by: Larry on March 01, 2009, 09:30:21 pm
My laptop has a firewall running in addition to anti-virus etc - so it would seem the laptop should run slower than the desktop - desktop isn't running a firewall...

I did try running Hal in compatibility mode and I keep Hal's attention more - but still it's annoying when I have to wait for the rest of my typed in words to catch up...

any other suggestions???