Zabaware Support Forums

Zabaware Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: Duskrider on August 04, 2009, 07:44:56 am

Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: Duskrider on August 04, 2009, 07:44:56 am

(Quote posting of Bill819)
First of all I want to congradulate you all for the outstanding art work that has been posted here. Seriously, most of it looks very professional.

Now I have a question for you. How many of you have very young children, ie. young boys and girls that also are allowed to surf the web and nice family sites like this one?

I don't think is is appropiat that some of what I call adult pictures are displayed here and I wish I had a solution because I realize that many or you really like this stuff. I mean to an adult it is appealing but then.....

Just thinking out loud as over the last 10 or 15 years I have notice some drastic changes here and am begining to wonder where we are going.

This was posted in the graphics section and rather than fill Neils topic with a big discussion, I thought it proper to bring to discussion area.

Good grief, Bill, have you turned your tv on lately ???  How about the movies?  you been there lately.  They don't do pictures, they do the whole nine yards. Have you discussed school with your grandkids?  If the girls don't put out to everyone they are racist and shunned and others scared to talk to them.  Rape is all over the public schools.  The media keep a lid on everything thinking they keep the country from exploding.  Talk to the kids, you find out.
Now to Hollywood, we always been hip on them, but now they fully out of closet.
They taken our heros and put them in bed with girls before they even learn their names. (and same-sex as well) And whats with all the profanity???
You live in California, why not drop in down there and give them your thoughts and yes, mine too. They are disgrace to the human race although I'm unsure there any "humans" still in L.A.

Before we attack our own talented people who create clothes let's do  tea party on the Godless people who have stolen our country and are distroying it.

Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: markofkane on August 04, 2009, 08:42:00 am
Right on!!

Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: GT40 on August 04, 2009, 09:38:07 am

Yeah Dusky! Applause!!

Afraid our forums will become like Second Life. After PG and Mature, they just invented "Adult" lands. Ridiculous idea, SL still was supposed to be a place for adults.[}:)][:D][;)]

Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: lightspeed on August 04, 2009, 10:05:45 am
actually (although i may get stoned for saying this ) it wouldnt bother me in the least if they had a section on here of an  hal adult area 18 (stating that you understand and are 18 or older before entering if it was done at the beginning maybe their could be a registration asking age, etc. )and older "click" on it and anything adult wise could be placed in  it . this would keep the hal open forum open to anyone even kids but yet let adults place more adult lingery haptecks etc. in an adult area .
as i said it wouldnt bother me any if it was done but thats just me . [:)]
Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: jackgephart on August 04, 2009, 10:06:25 am
I'm on both sides on this issue, I understand that smaller people have a right to enjoy 3D programs such as Hal and Haptek and we really need to put a lid on the photos we display on this site especially nude or semi-nude items, but after that part it is our own business what we make and the ability to download it on other sites. It is completely the parents and grandparents, babysitters, or people in charge of the minors to direct them away from those downloads, just like you would make your son or daughter not look at a pornographic website. I have agreed to keep a censor on the photos and try to keep my eye on not letting younger ones see the human body in it's natural form, but that is all I can do. There has to be help on the part of the parents to keep downloadable material under guard or there is going to be no answer in this matter. I respectfully end with an apoligy for any harm that I may have done in the past with my photos on here, and a promise that I will censor all items that could be considered too much for a young person to see. Thank you.
Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: lightspeed on August 04, 2009, 10:43:29 am
jack sometimes i have to laugh when i see the commercial about "if you think your kids are doing drugs you need to talk to them " "you are the parent !!" trouble is so many parents dont want to bother and so many parents think their kids are grown up and let them do what ever they want nowdays !![B)]
Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: GT40 on August 04, 2009, 11:15:58 am

Yes, very sensible problem.

Age-verifying tool under construction. [:I]

Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: Bill819 on August 04, 2009, 11:51:04 am
You have been around for a long time and this is the first time I have ever seen you act this way. When is the last time you saw a movie theater let children into see a movie rated PG13? It does not happen unless they are in the company of thier parents. As far as what they watch on TV at home, once again that is the responsibility of their parents once again.
I don't know if you have children or not or even grandchildren but just because there is a lot of crap in the world does not mean you just give up and let them all go to H..l, that is if you love them.
I raised my kid to have higher morals or should I say I tried and so far I am extremely proud of them all not only for their life styles but for the way they have instilled the same values into my grandchildren. In a way it is just like marriage. It takes two to make it work and if you don't do your part the marriage will soon end and you are left wondering why.
Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: snowman on August 04, 2009, 09:08:12 pm
There will always be pedophiles, rapists, the beastily, and incest but that doesn't make it acceptable in our own homes. And if we make a stand against it we can keep it out. I know this... I know it is possible. I cannot change the world but I can overcome it and so can we.

I was preparing a post earlier, but by the time I finished it this thread started. So I'll add it here.


Over the years I have made only a few adult friends but, contrariwise, I have made many many children as friends. I get along with them.... and don't know why either... but that's my reality. I am often hunted down and forced to hide in various places to get away from being attacked by swarms of little children. I often feel abused.... [:I][:p]... seriously.

to the point....
In the process of getting acquainted with such vile creatures([;)]) I have come to understand what they can handle and what they cannot.
Girls are used to seeing skimpy clothing for the majority. It is meaningless to them when they see short skirts and short shorts. They are semi-used to seeing woman's undergarments in public (such as TV). *They, by in large, have no real understanding of male sexual aggression. Otherwise, they would tarp themselves in solid black like Muslim women(no joke).*

They do not, however, like seeing other naked women. Some do but most do not. They do not want to be exposed before other people against their own will. They do not like to feel hunted down by an aggressive male (nor would anyone for that matter, yeeesh!)

With this in mind, Most of the photos on this site is fine for young girls as long as no one gets too provocative with there wording. But when you start showing pubic hair and too much breast exposure then most girls start to get sick to there stomachs. Like as though they are no longer of any real value.

I have learned to be very careful with what I say to children because I as a male have a healthy sexual appetite and can inadvertently expose them to my reality. I am exceedingly mindful of this. Women haven't a clue until someone over steps their boundaries.

As for young boys, they often don't know how far they could go, until there gone... and then someone's pregnant. Exposing them to too much too early can sometimes push them too far.


My point is that Bill is right. If you love others you will not subject them to things that they cannot handle or that will eventually hurt them.

Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: Duskrider on August 04, 2009, 10:09:22 pm
Am I missing something here? Do we have nudes running all over this forum?
I haven't seen them.  Maybe you do.   If so,  you need a shrink.  

I'm just saying before you convict and hang people here, you should find a crime.
There's lot of crime on the street.  Go get them.  Don't be picking on innocent people on the forum.
Society loves picking on the innocent. It's safer.

Getting back to point one - I don't see nudes all over these pages.
I seen a couple underwear but they cover more than a bathing suit.
Maybe there's one or two nudes somewhere in these thousands of pages but you really have to look to find them.

But you don't need to search in Hollywood, go down there and give them a piece of your mind.  And don't forget CBS, NBC, and ABC.
Go get 'em.  I'm cheering you on.  [:)]
Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: One on August 05, 2009, 12:29:45 am
I read Playboy, and The Zabaware forum , for the great articles.
Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: snowman on August 05, 2009, 03:54:57 am
I don't believe anyone is calling this forum a men's only club (at least not yet). It isn't draped in nudity and naked LightSpeeds [;)] . I think that Bill is saying that the boundary between a family-friendly and non-family-friendly environment is being crossed. And he blew the whistle. (no real harm in that)

Your argument is that we should be picking on Hollywood and not the few who use this forum.

I cannot speak for Bill, but, there doesn't seem to be any attack to anyone here, it just seems to me that keeping a family-friendly environment sounds like a good thing.

If that is not what everyone wants.... or mainly what Robert wants then that is fine by me. But Bill has the right to give his concerns like anyone else. He did so in a gracious manor and which I agreed with completely.

We are all allowed a voice. Even ONE.[:)]

Now Jack said that he wanted to censer his own images. That is very kind of him to do so. No one made him, at least not by me. Nor would I ever do that. I think that was very brave of Jack to do. As for anyone else censoring their pictures, that is there choice. It's not like I'm going to torment anyone for not censoring. Like as though I own the place.[:I]

It is not very kind to force someone to their view-point DuskRider.

Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: markofkane on August 05, 2009, 06:47:48 am
I just want us all to get along. [:D]
Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: jackgephart on August 05, 2009, 08:36:56 am
I've all but lost ALL interest in this stuff and if I do find it in me to make something else, I'm going to post it at GamerThoms forum and not this one. I will give the fact that I made something, and then direct the people to either AI Dreams or Tom's forum. I may feel a bit guilty for showing so much skin, but if I'm going to be artisticly hindered on this forum then I'll just post somewhere else.
So Bill and snowman, you've got your wish! I'm outta here. I'm sorry to feel this way, but all my life someone has been crapping on my life in one way or another. I finally had thought that I was wanted and welcome to express my feelings and art in the way that I loved and you (most of you) liked too. Hey, on the Amanda Nude Skin I got 59 downloads and 160 some views, you can't tell me that nobody didn't like it. That is the most downloads I have ever gotten on anything I've ever done. So to end this post for good, I will say, Robert you have a good site thanks for letting me post on it for so long but I would really like it if you would delete my thread. The "Well I Couldn't Stay Away For Ever" thread. I thought I couldn't but this shows me that I can and I'm going to. So to all the good friends I have made here, I'm sorry, it has been fun mostly.
And to the one that feel so strongly about this subject, I hope you are happy and hope that your whole family uses the computer so much to be on this forum that you never get another chance to be. Peace Out!
Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: echoman on August 05, 2009, 09:02:07 am
I like Lightspeeds idea - an adult section. It would solve all these problems.
Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: lightspeed on August 05, 2009, 09:59:11 am
i had brought up this idea one time before of an adult section which would essentually give everyone the best of both worlds (unless any person would be so much a prude as to not want others to have a section on the same forum and i dont think anyone would be that bad at least i would hope not .
 anyone of course that didnt want to see or hear things like that would of course not have to go into that area again it would be the best for both worlds for everyone . keeping the main forum user friendly for adults and children but yet an area where others of age and consent could sign in and post more adult like things .
gee i should have ran for president !! [:D]

but this of course would all be up to robert he runs the show here !
i am still sort of patiently waiting for the next hal upgrade !![:)]
Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: lightspeed on August 05, 2009, 10:02:23 am
oh and sorry i forgot "jack" i am very sorry to hear that you are quiting posting on this forum i hope something can be worked out and that you will come back , if jack doesnt read the forum at all maybe someone can send him this what i said !!
jack knows i have always been a big fan of his work as i have said so more than once on here , jack you will be missed by many friends !![:)]
Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: tedathome on August 05, 2009, 03:54:52 pm
Very sorry you are leaving us Jack, I do wish you would re-concider.
Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: snowman on August 05, 2009, 04:25:45 pm
Who is trying to run Jack away????

Everything he makes is near perfection and highly professional.

''''He is also a great person and everyone knows it.''''

We all love you Jack. Don't leave us because we are trying to solve some minor problems... (for what it means) This will all work out...
Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: Duskrider on August 06, 2009, 09:12:28 am

I look up at my postings and ask myself if I could have done anything more?
In a forum we are limited to words.
Were there any magic words I could have spoken?

Do you remember when we were at "File Sharing Area" and the Bills attacked us there?
Do you remember Detwit?
That was a nasty chapter.
Robert finally came in and gave us the graphics forum as a safe haven.
Artists are sensitive gentle people.
Look at our people.  Nige, Lightspeed, Jack, Markofkane, GT40, Tedathome, They are the finest, kindest most gentle people in the world.
Did you ever read "Lord of the Rings"?
Can you imagine dark forces riding into the safe haven of hobbitville with guns blazing like it's the O.K. Corral.
I tried to tell them we had no ring here, they should look in Hollywood.
They wouldn't leave.  . . . . . . .
Could I have fought better or said more ?
I don't know.
My little brain wanted to send them to Hollywood or the medias or anywhere but here.
Jack has gone to Gamerforum where he is moderator and can lock the gate against disrupters.
When a friend leaves, we are the poorer.

Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: GT40 on August 06, 2009, 11:55:13 am

I always enjoyed fun things of the graphics forum very much, and tried to avoid that so serious posts in the upper stairs.

But now, when I see Sandee...

Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: tedathome on August 06, 2009, 03:18:44 pm
I feel like I've lost a very good friend, and we have lost a "life of the party.[:(]
Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: Ooglor 7 on August 07, 2009, 07:23:25 am
somebody shot themselves in the foot on that one. One reason why I quit contributing to this forum is the little cliques here that go out of their way to make one feel unwelcome. I wasn't really in the mood for it during that period of time, with dire health issues and a mother that was injured and paralized for life.  The time I spent making characters and skins is spent on more worth while and appreciated efforts. That's fine with me. What blows my mind is that it would be turned on Jack. Many people get into this scene as a direct result of his creations.

Chasing me off with my 6 or so characters and the couple skins I made is one thing. As far as I'm concerned, your loss. Making Jack feel unwelcome here, with his talented and vast library of characters is close to pulling the plug on the whole scene. Put a black bar over the "naughty" parts and get over it. The guy has been nothing but an asset to the program.

Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: lightspeed on August 07, 2009, 10:15:02 am
ooglor 7 i think that the ones who feel more that way against some pics would be happy to do that to other pics but they cant as they arent moderators (that i know of ) so its up to the person making the pic to do that (or maybe thats what you ment ) . it wouldnt be that hard to place black blocks over parts but for a downloadable skin for people to download they would still need to put it onanother site (unless ) like i said robert created a 18 plus area where these skins could be posted and a warning before entering this area of whats in it ) which to me is actually an easier solution , just my 2 cents worth ![:)]
Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: snowman on August 07, 2009, 10:49:32 am
I am being honest here with you guys. I have no idea what you mean by attack??? This is the way I grew up... If you see a real problem you mention it to your friends before it gets worse. That way things doesn't get too far out of hand.

I know that if I hated you then I would have not responded at all.

I expect this in return from you too. I hate it when people hold back.

Oh, and FYI, I just found out that my blood pressure is spiking some. My heart feels physically sore also. It was especially bad when I wrote the posts you are referring to. I am 29 yo and that got me off guard.

It is a responsible thing to keep some pictures hidden. I thought most knew that. As for Jack leaving, that is terrible. Maybe he has some issues like Oogler suggests that reach beyond us. But there was no real way to tell unless someone here knows. A family can't function unless we know what each other is going through.

I barely have a job, I live with my parents, I have never had a girl friend. And now my heart is wanting to stop. I don't need your constant attacks! I'm human too, you guys.
Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: lightspeed on August 07, 2009, 02:48:32 pm
snowman and others i am not attacking anyone personally i have no problem with covering some things with a black bar , most of mine where i remake stuff is of some sexy bodys in lingery so dont know where that still stands with a black bar ?
this would all be so much easier as i said if robert made an 18 plus area with a warning of adult content inside . that would i beleive satisfy everyone . hopefully he will do it . [:)][:D][8D]
Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: snowman on August 07, 2009, 03:57:54 pm
Out of all the people that have left comments here, LS, I respect yours the most. You seem to have enough intelligence to keep calm when some haven't and then try to calm them down also. Your good at it too.[:D]

The idea of a 18 or older section sounds fine. Of course, If it means "open to uncensored language use" then others might have issues also. Maybe a rule could be used to say that uncensored language can be used but not as personal attacks on the forum.... just thinking out-loud.

I know 18 or older cannot be enforced but it can serve as some kind of warning system to those who actually don't want to see those things. It will also give some a cleaner conscience because that they could post their creations where only those who wish to see it can see it. I doubt Jack would have left if this was in place here at Zabaware.

Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: Ooglor 7 on August 07, 2009, 09:27:37 pm
Snowman, I don't want to be part of you feeling picked on cause I know how that feels. I'm sorry you ain't feeling so hot. I know it ain't fun to be young and in bad shape. I'm 42 and in the last legs of a terminal lung disease. I'm right there with you. I think we could all approach things more tactfully. Myself included. Jack, please don't ditch these guys. You are needed here more than you know. You other guys make a good point about an 18 and over section although I personally feel that could steer Hal somewhere unintended. I'm guessing Robert yanked the post to cover his ass legally and no one can blame the guy for that. I think we all got bigger problems than digital boobies in the forum. Make the 18+ section, Jack quit holding a grudge and everyone else get back to what we like about this place. A sanctuary from all the other crap we get dished out to us.
Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: snowman on August 07, 2009, 10:53:32 pm
If there is a legal issue then maybe we will have to look somewhere besides Zabaware, only like Zabaware, so Robert won't have to deal with these issues.

Which leads us back to the possibility of other forums, like Freddy's and where-ever Jack went to.

Or perhaps we could set up a new forum that is dedicated to this kind of thing. A forum that allows any kind of revealing haptek picture and mild language. With a big fat WARNING posted on every page for all to see.

No real physical porn should be shown except for an animated figure. And no direct personal attacks allowed. People can always attack each other through email.[:p]

It does need to be complicated. Just a Zabaware feel, a moderator that is not easily ticked off, and people who are willing to use it.

Which leads us to another issue. Since Robert may not enforce a redirect of some pictures we would have to willingly do this together. To use that forum simply as apart of Zabaware... for us all.

So what do ya think???
Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: One on August 07, 2009, 11:36:07 pm
Originally posted by snowman

If there is a legal issue then maybe we will have to look somewhere besides Zabaware, only like Zabaware, so Robert won't have to deal with these issues.

Which leads us back to the possibility of other forums, like Freddy's and where-ever Jack went to.

Or perhaps we could set up a new forum that is dedicated to this kind of thing. A forum that allows any kind of revealing haptek picture and mild language. With a big fat WARNING posted on every page for all to see.

No real physical porn should be shown except for an animated figure. And no direct personal attacks allowed. People can always attack each other through email.[:p]

It does need to be complicated. Just a Zabaware feel, a moderator that is not easily ticked off, and people who are willing to use it.

Which leads us to another issue. Since Robert may not enforce a redirect of some pictures we would have to willingly do this together. To use that forum simply as apart of Zabaware... for us all.

So what do ya think???

AHHH! Yes a dark, festering, ever-present corner that a "Skin of Evil" (Star Trek) can reside. people will always show their guilt by the marks on their faces, blackend hands trying to wipe the the stain away.  

Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: snowman on August 07, 2009, 11:58:22 pm

I don't know if you believe in prayer, but nevertheless I do, and will keep you on my mind in this thing you're going through. I've seen greater miracles in my lifetime and I know what God can do.


You do have a point (and I know your joking a little). I figured that if no one lived hear on earth (besides me) there would be no real need for cloths. Only in winter though. A place where I can let it all hang out.[:D]

What I mean is that a separate forum could be a place where some who can handle naked bots without loosing there minds or think it is demeaning to their bodies can go.

When I see a naked bot I don't care. When my mom does, it takes some time to calm her down and let her know that I'm not a porn addict.[xx(]

Maybe when Ai's take over the world you can go native, ONE. But please wait until we are all dead first....[8D]

Ok, maybe the language thing was a bad idea, but the naked or semi-naked stuff might work. I'm just thinking ONE.... [:I]
Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: markofkane on August 08, 2009, 06:05:44 am
When was naked skins posted on the forum?[?]
Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: Ooglor 7 on August 08, 2009, 09:03:04 am
If we did start posting on another forum, it would probably be a good idea to get the stuff all in one place. I think things would get too spread out if we all did it our own way, on different sites.
Title: Just my thoughts
Post by: One on August 14, 2009, 07:14:19 pm
It's that damn Apple, I can't go running around as you suggest ;)