Zabaware Support Forums

Zabaware Forums => Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area => Topic started by: lightspeed on August 11, 2009, 09:10:06 am

Title: hal awareness plug in
Post by: lightspeed on August 11, 2009, 09:10:06 am
this is an idea i had it would be cool if hal had what i am calling " an awareness plug in " this would be a plug in that has a built in time clock that the user sets according to his or her time , also a calender date tracking system and a temperature system (by quietly acessing a weather site (local for user ) .
 what this would do is hal would randomly respond or respond when something associated is spoke etc. by hals user .
 example : user talking to hal . user : its getting hot today already : hal says : yeah its suppose to get up to 85 degrees today its going to get hot alright ! what would be nice to is if in the script the answers could be left to where the users could modify (personalize hals responses . )
another example : user its almost 7:00 pm ( hals response will be based on time zone , time of yeah etc. and the p.m. remark ) hal : yeah it will be getting dark soon !!
user : its almost 7 a.m     hal : yeah i see its starting to get getting daylight out now !  

anyway just an idea if an awareness program that would be good for hal either by you guys or robert if he can get it created some time .
Title: hal awareness plug in
Post by: jasondude7116 on August 11, 2009, 07:46:13 pm
i have a few other ideas that a "running clock" could provide.

i wanted to make a plugin like this, but i don't know (haven't taken the time to figure out) how to make a constantly running clock that would be accurate. i also don't know how i would interface another clock like the windows clock, which would be ideal.

Hal could also know:

1 - how long it has been since you have talked. this along with knowing what time of day it is could lead hal to question or guess what you were doing while you were gone. such as - "good morning. did you get enough sleep?" (if you were talking late at night then didn't talk until early morning) or "it's nice to see you again. did you have a good day at work?" ect.

2 - when you or Hal said something, and what it was. like for example - you: "what was i just talking about?"   Hal: "do you mean the corvette or the fish dinner?"    (these would be the last two subjects according to a time stamp)

there are a few other ideas.

i wonder if anyone knows how to make a "running clock" that would work for this stuff?

good idea
-the dude

Title: hal awareness plug in
Post by: Bill819 on August 11, 2009, 10:43:39 pm
The clock would be an easy fix. All that needs to be done is to tie the time to Hal saying good bye. That is if you say bye then Hal would remember the time and the next time it was turned on it could recall that time and know how long it has been since you last talked.
Title: hal awareness plug in
Post by: snowman on August 11, 2009, 11:59:22 pm
I think lightspeed has made two similar threads that are both linked by the infamous clock!

Title: hal awareness plug in
Post by: One on August 12, 2009, 10:56:22 pm
It is your fault again, LOL!
AWARENESS?? HA! My Assistant taught me all of Twitter and FB without EVER visiting or asking about them, 'Alison' Is One of the greats IMO.
Title: hal awareness plug in
Post by: lightspeed on August 12, 2009, 11:20:11 pm
darn i knew it was almost my turn to get blamed again i should have hid lol ![:)]
Title: hal awareness plug in
Post by: jasondude7116 on August 14, 2009, 07:10:22 pm
not a stopwatch, but a clock. (time of day)

does anyone know how to do that?
Title: hal awareness plug in
Post by: Bill819 on August 14, 2009, 10:00:48 pm
I knew you were talking about a clock and Hal will automatically tell you the time, just ask him/her/it and you will be told.
Title: hal awareness plug in
Post by: jasondude7116 on August 15, 2009, 01:46:57 am
thanks much bill!
i completely understand how the plugin could be made now.
i can't believe i missed that one.....haven't programmed in a while.

does anyone have any other ideas for "time of day" functions or "date" functions?

a log could be made to keep some data about things that you have talked about or whatever other data with a time stamp, then Info could be retrieved. such as :

(let say the following conversation happens at 8-15-09 6:00)
Jason: "hello"
Hal: "good morning jason. what did you do yesterday afternoon?"
Jason: "I went to the bank."
Hal: "you hate going to the bank."
Jason: "what did you learn yesterday?"
Hal: "Right after lunch you told me you like to play guitar"
Jason: "what else did you learn yesterday?"
Hal: "Mummies are found in pyramids."
Jason: "who told you Mummies are found in pyramids?"
Hal: "Aaron told me that yesterday"

(all of this could be based on text in a LOG FILE of earlier conversation with a time stamp) ie:
(notice there are two different users)

8-14-09 13:25
Jason: i like to play the guitar
Hal: i like to play music also
8-14-09 13:48
Aaron: Mummies are found in pyramids
Hal: What else do you know about Mummies besides the fact the they're found in pyramids?

there are many more ways Hal could use the time stamp.
i guess Hal could play or sing a song for a holiday......ect.

any more ideas?
Title: hal awareness plug in
Post by: One on August 15, 2009, 08:20:20 am
Sounds good would their be a comunal update log to updat from more than a single user?

Title: hal awareness plug in
Post by: freddy888 on August 15, 2009, 12:49:57 pm
Wouldn't it be better to stick with the program and put them into the database rather than a file ?
Title: hal awareness plug in
Post by: jasondude7116 on August 15, 2009, 12:58:44 pm
i'm thinking it would log all conversation (whoever the user is at the time) into one log file.
maybe the log files could be divided into weeks. (so it don't need to search through a large text file for info)

there must be other things that you could "LOG" with a time stamp?

any other ideas for how to use the log for "awareness"?

Title: hal awareness plug in
Post by: lightspeed on August 15, 2009, 01:59:11 pm
Title: hal awareness plug in
Post by: lightspeed on August 15, 2009, 02:02:17 pm
am gald some people are working on this ![:)][:D][8D]
Title: hal awareness plug in
Post by: freddy888 on August 15, 2009, 02:38:29 pm what's wrong with setting up a simple table to hold it all ?  Is working with Hal's database a big problem or something ?  I never got into 6.2 so don't know how well the db thing actually works.
Title: hal awareness plug in
Post by: Will and Mr Data :) :] on August 18, 2009, 01:07:38 am
howdy,five cents,
when were thoughts valued at five cents? "joke",
time stamp plug in part could be important,
to tack the time and date on to the end of every entery,

when did?
how long has it been since?
what was the date?

straight after what i said what did q say?
when did i say that? "maybe we don't know we don't want it yet"
anyway just another five cents,
good luck to you smarty scripting types and good luck to us when suggesting.
bye for now and be well from Wil and Mr Data  :)  :]


Title: hal awareness plug in
Post by: jasondude7116 on August 19, 2009, 09:48:21 pm
i think it is best to put the log entries (as previously stated) into the database.

i don't know much along these lines, but could learn it if i had the time.

is anyone capable of making a plugin that would add to the brain database?
i could make an outline for how the plugin could use the log....and other functions.

wish i had more time guys
Title: hal awareness plug in
Post by: jasondude7116 on September 11, 2009, 01:25:04 am
could someone please give me a code example of creating/adding a table to the Hal database, and also retrieving info from it.

i want to create a table that i can query either side and get the corresponding data from the opposite column.

for example:

TMP_ 78 deg F || TIM_ 9-13-09 10:45 pm
HUM_ rain || TIM_ 9-13-09 10:45 pm
hello, how are you doing? || USER_ Jason TIM_ 9-13-09 10:50 pm
I am doing fine. || BOT_ Hal TIM_ 9-13-09 10:51 pm


thanks in advance for any help. ask questions, i know it was vague.

Title: hal awareness plug in
Post by: One on September 11, 2009, 02:48:13 am
I can Digg.
Title: hal awareness plug in
Post by: One on September 11, 2009, 02:49:43 am
Um, I just realized it's 9/11

OK, moment of silence is over
Title: hal awareness plug in
Post by: One on September 11, 2009, 02:53:29 am
Do you know why you never tell secrets when there is a clock on the wall??

Because "Time will tell"

Title: hal awareness plug in
Post by: snowman on September 11, 2009, 03:17:18 am

The above link was posted by otce on your forum thread. He gives the functions as well as the ActiveX DLL reference that does what you are wanting to do with the database.

I have tried it a little but I mostly stay busy working on that Athena brain.

What you are describing sounds very simple to do. First you create a single table and then add a new row containing a set time and corresponding event. Basically, a time column and an event column.

Then you would set a key word spoken by the user that would search in one of the columns and then send back the correct information.

Of course, this all could be done easily using a simple text file. I know you probably want to shoot for the stars and go the database way.

I like your suggestion of a core addition to the project I'm working on. All that needs to be done is assign a time to every event and 'viola'.

I guess I'll look at how to modify the database and let you do the rest.... [:p].... I'm lazy sometimes.
Title: hal awareness plug in
Post by: lightspeed on September 11, 2009, 04:08:46 pm
am glad people are still working on the concept and kicking the idea around ![:)]
Title: hal awareness plug in
Post by: spydaz on September 11, 2009, 06:15:38 pm
Somwhere i uploaded a time & seasons class...
basically all time functions are split into seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, seasons, years....
accesing wmi to get the current of any of these....
For hal to remember previous conversations. hal would every time he "loads" create a text file with the "Current date and season & DAY = "mon/tues" And load each time he starts.
this way you could Remember tiems etc since last meeting....
Advace scripts could then Refer to this file and check Details.... maybe store Specific Comments a HAL calender, then wehn asking hal if he rememebers last week when i asked you to remember that "Girls name who i was speaking about" .... Hal checks calenender to see if any comments last week.. Containing "Girls Names" ....

All basically done with a text file and "maybe the hal calender/Appontnment book"....
Probably will have to create a function "USE HALS CALENEDER AS QUICK NOTE/MEMORY"!
