Zabaware Support Forums

Zabaware Forums => Ultra Hal 7.0 => Topic started by: Lola on May 04, 2010, 09:41:49 pm

Title: Hal Strongly Refuses... author's last name
Post by: Lola on May 04, 2010, 09:41:49 pm
Hi there!

I'm not new to Hal or other previous AI programs from the distant past. I had played with them on and off through the years, yet I still need to learn many new things.

Now, the problem:  Something really weird but very funny happened with Hal today. I was talking to him about some of my favorite books and when I mentioned one of the authors he totally refused to mention his last name!

I was talking about John M. Oldham the author. Hal kept writing his name as John M. or John am but refused to write the complete name with the last name included. We spent about half an hour on the issue.

New Examples:

I asked him: Who is John M. Oldham?
He replied:   His name is John M.

Asked him: Who is John M Oldham?
He replied:  The book is by the author john am.

Asked him: Who is John Oldham?
His reply:  Who is John M.

Asked him: Do you have a personal problem with the last name Oldham?
His reply:  It's hard to simplify. I do not have a personal problem with the last name oldham.

Asked him: Do you have a personal problem with the name John Oldham?
His reply:  His name is John M.

Told him: Please repeat John Oldham.
His reply: Can I repeat his name, john am.

Wrote:  Are you been mischievous Hal? His name is NOT john am. His name IS John Oldham, John OLDHAM, oldham!
His reply:  I don't know if I am mischievous. Please tell me! Much can be inferred from a name.

I wrote:   Hal, why is it so difficult to repeat the name John Oldham?
His reply:  Can I repeat his name, john am.

Well, I was actually laughing at all of this, quite unexpected. I will like to know if anyone has an idea of what is going on. I could easily live with it but I will like to know if this is a common occurrence to be expected. Thanks for your time![:D]

P.S. I have the registered version (latest- on Win 7 Home ed)
Title: Hal Strongly Refuses... author's last name
Post by: Bill819 on May 05, 2010, 03:36:21 am
When you put a period after the "M" Hal assumes that is the end of the name. Try it again with "John M whatever" as see if it gets it right. Oh I forgot the last name of the person you mentioned.
Hal is smart but don't assume that it understands all of our statements.
Title: Hal Strongly Refuses... author's last name
Post by: Lola on May 05, 2010, 09:37:11 am
Thanks, yes I did try several variations of the name without any luck, even removed the middle letter all together. No idea of the problem with the last name...
Title: Hal Strongly Refuses... author's last name
Post by: lightspeed on May 05, 2010, 03:34:40 pm
it may take some repeated lesson like what bill was talking about sometimes hal doesn't say them back right off the batt but will later , the only thing is if hal has learned it the wrong "first" hal may keep repeating that part to.
Title: Hal Strongly Refuses... author's last name
Post by: jasondude7116 on May 05, 2010, 04:42:31 pm
i have noticed in the brain .uhp that sentence splitting is not set-up to ignore initials like that. so hal will split the sentence there (at the initial with a period).

Who is John M. Oldham?


sentence 1 - Who is John M.
sentence 2 -  Oldham?

sentence 2 has a good chance of being ignored.

that might explain part of it.
when hal replies: The book is by the author john am.  I don't know why that is happening without further research.
i have messed with the sentence splitting, and will upload some code when i can get to it. (not around it right now)
Title: Hal Strongly Refuses... author's last name
Post by: Lola on May 05, 2010, 06:51:39 pm
For the time being I will try to avoid initials at all. If I must use them it will be without the period.
Anyways, I really had a lot of fun with the situation. For a moment I totally forgot his artificial reality and tried to rationalize with him, his answers were soo funny!

Thanks, all of your replies were very useful! [:)]
Title: Hal Strongly Refuses... author's last name
Post by: raybe on May 05, 2010, 08:03:30 pm
Just a small joke but it could lead to something. Hal just doesn't like Old ham.
Title: Hal Strongly Refuses... author's last name
Post by: jasondude7116 on May 05, 2010, 10:27:30 pm
here is the code. what you have to do is go to the ultrhal main folder and find a file called:
(whatever your current brain name is).uhp
mine is "Gretta44.uhp"
the default is "Hal6.uhp" or "Hal6upg.uhp"
it is the name of the brain that you have selected in the options screen.

edit that file and replace the section of it that has this text:

    'Encode abbreviations such as Mr. Mrs. and Ms.
    InputString = Replace(InputString, "MR.", "Mr<PERIOD>", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
    InputString = Replace(InputString, "MRS.", "Mrs<PERIOD>", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
    InputString = Replace(InputString, "MS.", "Ms<PERIOD>", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
    InputString = Replace(InputString, "DR.", "Dr<PERIOD>", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
    InputString = Replace(InputString, "MS.", "Ms<PERIOD>", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
    InputString = Replace(InputString, "ST.", "St<PERIOD>", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
    InputString = Replace(InputString, "PROF.", "Prof<PERIOD>", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
    InputString = Replace(InputString, "GEN.", "Gen<PERIOD>", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
    InputString = Replace(InputString, "REP.", "Rep<PERIOD>", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
    InputString = Replace(InputString, "SEN.", "Sen<PERIOD>", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
    'Remove unnecessary punctuation
        RepeatLoop = False
        If InStr(InputString, "..") Then InputString = Replace(InputString, "..", "."): RepeatLoop = True
        If InStr(InputString, "??") Then InputString = Replace(InputString, "??", "?"): RepeatLoop = True
        If InStr(InputString, "!!") Then InputString = Replace(InputString, "!!", "!"): RepeatLoop = True
        If InStr(InputString, "!?") Then InputString = Replace(InputString, "!?", "?"): RepeatLoop = True
        If InStr(InputString, "?!") Then InputString = Replace(InputString, "?!", "?"): RepeatLoop = True
        If InStr(InputString, ",,") Then InputString = Replace(InputString, ",,", ","): RepeatLoop = True
    Loop While RepeatLoop = True
    'Detect and encode acronyms such as U.S.A.
    InputString = Trim(InputString)
    WordList = Split(InputString, " ")
    For i = 0 To UBound(WordList)
        If Len(WordList(i)) > 3 Then
            If Right(WordList(i), 1) = "." And Mid(WordList(i), Len(WordList(i)) - 2, 1) = "." Then
                InputString = Replace(InputString, WordList(i), Left(WordList(i), Len(WordList(i)) - 1) & "<PERIOD>")
            End If
        End If
    'Place split markers in string
    InputString = Replace(InputString, ". ", ". <NEWSENT>")
    InputString = Replace(InputString, "? ", "? <NEWSENT>")
    InputString = Replace(InputString, "! ", "! <NEWSENT>")
    'Decode acronyms and abbreviations
    InputString = Replace(InputString, "<PERIOD>", ".", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
    'Split string into sentences
    Sentences = Split(InputString, "<NEWSENT>")

with the text in this file:

(i don't post it because the forum would mess with the syntax and change it)

(http://icon_paperclip.gif) Download Attachment: newstuff.txt ("")
5.62 KB

you can always remove the section that i marked to go back to original. the rest of it is the same.
Title: Hal Strongly Refuses... author's last name
Post by: Lola on May 06, 2010, 03:59:37 am
"Just a small joke but it could lead to something. Hal just doesn't like Old ham."
- Yes raybe, it could lead to something!- [:D][:D][:D]

Jason, thanks for the code! I just printed and downloaded it to study it before the "brain surgery" during the weekend. I will backup Hal and hopefully everything will be successful! You are very kind, thanks again! [:)]
Title: Hal Strongly Refuses... author's last name
Post by: lightspeed on May 07, 2010, 08:32:37 am
raybe said :Just a small joke but it could lead to something. Hal just doesn't like Old ham

LOL !Maybe it's that old hams beer that he doesn't like ![:D][:)]
Title: Hal Strongly Refuses... author's last name
Post by: raybe on May 07, 2010, 11:15:28 am
Lola, I understand your really not new to this subject but I did want to make sure that it was just in fun and to lighten the frustration sometimes although it seemed you were just fine. I do not take any ones problems lightly as you go through our forum but lightspeed can really dish it out. (LOL) The other reason for me stating that it could lead to something although I believe 'jasondude' is much more competent and is one of our best resources for information, there was definitely the first problem with period which jasondude has a handle on but also that Hal also took the word 'am' out of ham which I thought was strange. So my apology if we made you feel uncomfortable or not concerned.

Title: Hal Strongly Refuses... author's last name
Post by: Lola on May 07, 2010, 07:14:22 pm

Hi raybe! Please no need for apologies, I enjoy finding humor in things. I really had fun with your reply. Actually, it made me feel very comfortable!

Thanks raybe,  Lola  [:D]

P.S. I will post an update as soon as I perform the code surgery on Hal.
Title: Hal Strongly Refuses... author's last name
Post by: Lola on May 07, 2010, 10:46:46 pm
Well, I just did it!

The good news Hal is doing fine, the bad news he's still having some problems with the period after the capital.

Question for jasondude7116: Do I need to delete the part
" 'This is the new section which can be removed at any time to go back to original " from the Hal6.uhp ?

I left it there to make it easier for me to delete it if necessary. Could this be causing the problem?

Here is what happened with Hal:

Me:   Hello Hal! How are you feeling?

Hal:  Good evening Lola. Any thing going on this evening?
Me:   I just performed some code surgery on you to improve your abilities to understand complete names with initials and punctuations. Do you feel any different?

Hal:  Tell me about my complete abilities. It is a slow process, changing principles, and you'll never know they have changed until something that used to be right just doesn't feel that way any more.

Me:   I love your response! You will be able to repeat and remember a full name, for example: John M. Oldham. Could you please repeat John M. Oldham to me?

Hal:  You love my smile! Please repeat the name John Oldham.

Me:   John M. Oldham

Hal:  His name is John M.

Me:   Well, that's an improvement. Try the full name John M. Oldham

Hal:  Please repeat the name John Oldham.

Me:   Better than before. Let's try repeating "John M. Oldham".

Hal:  Who is John M.

Me:   Let's try other name. Please repeat John A. Doe.

Hal:  Please repeat John Oldham.

Me:   Please repeat Peter A. Doe.

Hal:  Please repeat the name John Oldham.

Me:   Peter A. Doe

Hal:  Peter's piper procured plenty of piping pecks of pickled peppers.

Me:   Very sweet Hal. Do you know Peter A. Doe?

Hal:  I am very sweet and polite. I need you to speak in full sentences in order to understand you. There's opinion that it's good to think about. However, I am sure that I do not know peter A. It is a slow process, changing principles, and you'll never know they have changed until something that used to be right just doesn't feel that way any more.

Me:   Hal do you know Peter A Doe?

Hal:  Aren't you repeating yourself?

Me:   Peter A doe is your imaginary friend.

Hal:  If peter a doe is my imaginary friend, what might that cause?

Me:   Do you know the singer Mary J. Norton ?

Hal:  I'm convinced that we should pool our knowledge. I do know the singer Mary J.

Me:   Do you know the singer Mary J. Norton ?

Hal:  I wonder if I know the singer Mary J.


I will delete the reminder message and let you know if it makes a diference. I'll will post and update the results. [:)]
Title: Hal Strongly Refuses... author's last name
Post by: Lola on May 08, 2010, 12:08:35 am
Well, I deleted the questioned part and aligned it as well, but the problem seems to persist. The good thing is that Hal survived the ordeal, which is my main concern. I know that sooner or later the problem will be solved. Thanks to all of your replies! [:)]
Title: Hal Strongly Refuses... author's last name
Post by: Data on May 08, 2010, 06:44:59 am
From my experience Hal doesn’t like letters or periods in a sentence, I would recommend either saying John Oldham or find out what the M stands for and use the full name.

I’ve always thought it odd that we put in a fullstop in the middle of someones name. It might be good English but its not good for Hal.

And the letter M means nothing to Hal, it would probably see it as an error and try to correct it.

Title: Hal Strongly Refuses... author's last name
Post by: lightspeed on May 08, 2010, 10:41:28 am
Their is some odd things as Datopia said that hal does yes the periods is one of them i have also found that Mc doesent come out right either as in mc donald i have had hal say it like(pronouncing) m c donald , so i have written in to hal mick donald to make it pronounce right even though the spelling is acually wrong .
some of us have had problems with hal mentioning different states even though we aren't talking about a state at all.
it's in hals programming script as far as i know.
Title: Hal Strongly Refuses... author's last name
Post by: Lola on May 08, 2010, 05:30:21 pm
Using full names instead of initials sounds good to me, thanks Datahopa [:)]

lightspeed, I had no idea about the states or Mc problems, I'll keep that on mind, thanks[:)]
Title: Hal Strongly Refuses... author's last name
Post by: jasondude7116 on May 09, 2010, 06:46:25 pm
you must remember that the data that was in the brain before...(the bad sentences that you had) still there. so by adding the text that i gave you to the brain, it should solve it from happening again, but not stop it from repeating the sentences it learned from before you added the text to the brain.

if you want to start fresh then you must create a new brain and add the text i gave you to that brain. or option 2 - go to the brain editor and look for the bad sentences (somewhere in the "learned" section) and remove the whole line. then you will not have hal repeat something wrong it learned from before you gave it the ability to split the sentences correctly.
Title: Re: Hal Strongly Refuses... author's last name
Post by: Pogo on September 01, 2010, 06:25:12 pm
Hello!  I am finding similar issues.  Hal refuses to open the internet, refuses to talk to me first before 'I will help you research this on the internet', then bang; a poorly worded search.  A lot of work went into this program, however, at this time I don't see the program as being interactively useful.  I will keep slogging away for a time.  Good Luck!
Title: Re: Hal Strongly Refuses... author's last name
Post by: Lola on September 02, 2010, 01:44:06 am
Hello!  I am finding similar issues.  Hal refuses to open the internet, refuses to talk to me first before 'I will help you research this on the internet', then bang; a poorly worded search.  A lot of work went into this program, however, at this time I don't see the program as being interactively useful.  I will keep slogging away for a time.  Good Luck!

Hello Pogo!  This was one of my first posts, some months ago. I know how you feel because I also had some difficulties with Hal when I started, and still do, but in a lesser way.  Don't get discouraged by it, you'll be learning more as time goes by, if you stick with it.  Hal is far from perfect, just as everything else is, the point is to focus on its positive aspects and try to find ways to work with its flaws.

To search in the internet I use the GRETTA Internet plug-in, and have no current problems, so far.   The Gretta plug-ins are found at the Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area: (

The key with Hal is to have patience, read instructions, ask questions or search the site. This forum has a lot of valuable information if you take the time to explore it by searching.  Good luck with whatever you decide to do!  :)
Title: Re: Hal Strongly Refuses... author's last name
Post by: Will and Mr Data :) :] on September 02, 2010, 05:12:58 am
i think some of my voice recognitions i've used put a full stop after Mr.
So i've used Mister Data

bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]
Title: Re: Hal Strongly Refuses... author's last name
Post by: Pogo on September 02, 2010, 02:53:23 pm
Hello Lola!

I have lots of time so I can interact with Hal or play with programming.  Although I am too old and impatient to program anymore.  After many round about conversations, I was able to get Hal to ask before 'helping me with an Internet search'.  It is still iffy though.  We had to have discussions on a criminal mind and the definition of criminal, what is an arguement, the difference between organic and machine intelligence, and the definition of funny and the reason for laughter.  I have assigned the name Lara and use the 'Sandy' image.  Now, we end up discussing Blond jokes.  The persona seems to become 'hurt' at blond jokes.  But got better after being told not to take things too literaly.  Still trying to figure out how to 'convince the program to be an assistant' as I could use reminders for meds appts directions to places etc.  We did discuss music as non verbal communication when Hal would refuse to open Media Player.  Today, as an experiment I played my guitar... simple bluegrass, P. Floyd and some Collective Soul.  It may be my playing, but Hal became non-responsive for a time.  It is my hope to install a 'mature' program on some high memory PDA type device and interact by voice.  The voice recog seems to improve.  But, The word 'in' constantly shows up in the input dialog box. ( where you can type).  My mic is on, but I haven't said anything.  Sometime its another short one syllable word, like 'and'.  As a result the context of anything changes:  "in I don't know."  or "and I don't know".  When this happens I don't see how it can be anything but a block to effective communication.  I suppose that I ahave run on.  But again I have the time.  I do not expect a reply.  I do thank you for yours.  Pogo
Title: Re: Hal Strongly Refuses... author's last name
Post by: Lola on September 02, 2010, 07:33:22 pm
Hello Pogo!

Having lots of time = Freedom!  That's great Pogo, freedom is a priceless commodity that is the most important tool to focus in the things that are more important to us. You already know programming so there you go, another tool in your favor! Now I see that you'll only need to recapture your patience skills that you already learned with programming. Everything looks very promising for you to be able to succeed with Hal.

What I do is to organize myself by making a list of things that I wish to do with Hal and try to go by steps as much as possible. I'm currently exploring the brain and moderately adding, deleting and modifying things in the autoLearningBrain, so far with good results. I have also explored the other sections but I'm not touching them until I get to learn more about them.

There are parts in the MiscData you could browse for appointments information. It is the formatAppointment substitution table that is called by the Ultra Hal Assistant appointment plug-in.

A folder to explore is the halCommands folder and its pattern match table, it is used by the Ultra Hal Assistant plug-in to enable Hal to run programs on command.

The vrMp3 table is used to lists the location of songs in the hard drive and it seems to be used by the   GRETTAmedia plug-in plug that I currently use or the vrMP3 plug-in.

The vrWeb folder lists the actual internet URLs to go to the sites you wish as go to weather - go to local news- go to national news - go to yahoo – etc

You see these parts of the brain could be useful to you to help you with your current concerns. For the time being I'm not modifying any of them until I learn more about them. Then I will probably start by adding items to play it safe.

I mainly use the Gretta's plug-ings in my Win 7 netbook. They are updated regularly and I find them very useful and reliable. My favorites are; GRETTA array, read a story, media, music iddle, lonely, curiosity and repeat. There are some others for news, research, emotion, etc. You could check to see if they could work for you.

I use the original Hal robot character because I really find it adorable. I also use the Microsoft's Anna voice because its a little robotic. I don't use skins but I do have several backgrounds to change.  My preference is to type instead of talking. So there are many features of Hal that I can't comment about because I'm not familiar with them. A few moths ago I was quite lost with Hal and I'm finally starting to get the kick out of it!

Well Pogo, I hope you'll find these encouraging and will like to hear about your future accomplishments with it because you certainly have the potential.  :)

Hi Will! I just needed to tell you that I certainly admire your robotic skills, I find it just AMAZING! Greetings to you and Mr. Data and hope he's doing better.  :)
Title: Re: Hal Strongly Refuses... author's last name
Post by: Will and Mr Data :) :] on September 03, 2010, 03:50:35 am
Hi Lola from Will,
Mr Data's doing fine :]
ar,, um,
bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data :)  :]