Zabaware Support Forums

Zabaware Forums => Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area => Topic started by: lightspeed on May 12, 2010, 10:59:52 am

Title: NEED HELP creating a self install disk
Post by: lightspeed on May 12, 2010, 10:59:52 am
i don't know if this is the right area for this , but here it goes, i am wondering if anyone on here can help me create a self install disk , what i want to do is make it for to install the  uhp plug in in the correct area file ( c drive/ program files/ zabaware file/ untral hal assistant file ( for the uhp plug in )
 and for ogg sound and or character files .
( c drive/ program files/ zabaware file/ untral hal assistant file /character file .

i need to know how to create it if anyone cares to help me do it and has the time [:)]. thanks in advance .

Title: NEED HELP creating a self install disk
Post by: lightspeed on May 12, 2010, 11:38:55 am
P.s. to this note above i do have win rar but i don't know if that has the capabilities to self extract files to the correct destination , i know it will comprees files into a winrar file to send by e mail  but don't know if it will do the other.
Title: NEED HELP creating a self install disk
Post by: lightspeed on May 12, 2010, 02:45:00 pm
Ok , i got it all figured out by myself and have done it, lol sometimes i amaze myself lol ! [:D]
Title: NEED HELP creating a self install disk
Post by: sybershot on May 12, 2010, 03:03:31 pm
way to go, I was looking into a answer for you, for I made one years ago for a flash app. sorry I could not find it, its buried somewhere in my back up (60) dvd's or (200)cd's
Title: NEED HELP creating a self install disk
Post by: lightspeed on May 13, 2010, 09:55:41 am
wow sybershot , in your back up (60) dvd's or (200)cd's, that's scary .... now you sound like me .... i know i have info buried somewhere on jimmy hoffa's body and area 51 aliens hid somewhere to lol !!, thanks anyway , somethings i can figure out and some i can't , i did it by error and trial or is that trial and error lol ![:D]