Zabaware Support Forums

Zabaware Forums => Ultra Hal 7.0 => Topic started by: lightspeed on July 01, 2010, 02:02:51 pm

Title: dragon speak 7 how do you make it default
Post by: lightspeed on July 01, 2010, 02:02:51 pm
i have installed dragon speak 7 and have been training it to use with ultra hal , but i am wondering i have the speach sdk5 microsoft voice recognizer already installed but i want to make the dragon speak 7 voice recognition as the default so i can use it with hal , how can i do that ?? i thought that i could just go into options in hal in speech and select "sr engine" but all it shows listed is :
microsoft engine recognizer v5.1 and a sample one . Does anyone know how i can get the draqgonspeak 7 as my default voice recognizer and use with hal ??
thanks in advance . [:)]
Title: dragon speak 7 how do you make it default
Post by: raybe on July 01, 2010, 10:09:35 pm
I'll just ask the obvious. Have you tried from 'Control Panel' to select & not sure if also the Haptek Config. gives you the option. Off the cuff because I haven't worked with voice recog. much. I'm waiting for the update of Hal.

Title: dragon speak 7 how do you make it default
Post by: Bill819 on July 02, 2010, 12:58:13 am
Instead of quering the members here why don't you just hit the search button in the upper right hand corner and seardh for dragon. I am sure that you will find many answers there as it contain tons of information by users.
Title: dragon speak 7 how do you make it default
Post by: freddy888 on July 02, 2010, 04:43:24 am
Or just Google it...better yet.... did you get a manual ?
Title: dragon speak 7 how do you make it default
Post by: lightspeed on July 02, 2010, 08:07:16 am
ok, thanks all i did get it working uninstalled it and reinstalled it and that took care of it .the voice recognition shows up now in hals option . i actually did do a search for ithe info but didn't see the answer i needed but yeah guess i should have googled it to , i have googled a lot of things to find out things that way . i am still a grasshopper , still alway's learning (kung fu show ) [:)]