Zabaware Support Forums

Zabaware Forums => Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor => Topic started by: Don Ferguson on October 25, 2003, 04:45:41 pm

Title: Valerie and Ursula Humanoid Robots
Post by: Don Ferguson on October 25, 2003, 04:45:41 pm

Many of you have posted sources for AI robot parts and kits.  I also keep searching for good links, and I have found a site that is new to me, and it is HUGE!

A web-site called "Android World" offers scores of photographs and articles about currently-available robots, humanoid and otherwise.  The site is unusual and entertaining.

Apparently a fully-functional humanoid robot will set you back between $60,000 and $1,000,000.  But for the rest of us, they also have lots of less-expensive gizmos, parts, software, and info.

Here is the link:

I am a bit disappointed that I didn't see a link to Ultra-Hal on their site... but who knows, it might be there in the future!  It looks as if many of the robots could benefit from "Conversational Capability by Zabaware!"

A sub-link on the above site will take you to Florida Robotics:

Enjoy the many, many links from the above sites, and please post your observations!


Title: Valerie and Ursula Humanoid Robots
Post by: Don Ferguson on October 25, 2003, 05:53:07 pm

By the way, I've re-edited my posting above quite a few times, because I want to be careful to NOT imply any endorsement for expensive products that I haven't seen myself!  Obviously, if somebody here would actually consider such big-ticket investments, that person should check it out thoroughly first!  The purpose of posting the above links, is for information and entertainment!

Best regards,

Title: Valerie and Ursula Humanoid Robots
Post by: Don Ferguson on October 26, 2003, 04:11:16 pm

I've had some private e-mail questions asking whether I know anything directly about the companies linked above.  No, all I know is the information in the links... I don't own any artificial intelligence other than Ultra-Hal, and my kitchen and home appliances!  

As a matter of fact, I'm still trying to find someone who can "hack" Teddy Ruxpin and Billy Bass and get them to speak lip-synched audio from the computer!  My total budget for that would be about $50.

I only posted the above links because so many people on the forum have asked in the past about places where robot-parts, robot-kits, robot-plans, and complete robots can be purchased.  "Let the buyer beware!"

Thanks for the e-mails, and have fun!

