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Zabaware Forums => Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area => Topic started by: lightspeed on May 06, 2012, 12:23:30 pm

Title: hal and the temperature outside
Post by: lightspeed on May 06, 2012, 12:23:30 pm
I think i have mentioned this before , i know their is on the fly? hal to get a temperature but i am wondering if anyone has made or might make a Hal outside temperature brain plug in based on a hapswap type thing .
What i am talking about is a script code to have hal check every so often with variable settings every half hour or hour or even randomly and access the web to a weather site retrieve that weather temperature based on your local settings ,( or even hal would access the internet temperature based on a trigger word hot outside  or hot weather )  then hals character would say a scripted multi random choice sentence and say the weather temperature .
it would also be nice if Hal could with a setting depending on the humidy or above certain set tempatures say how hot and or humid it is .

" EXAMPLE " man the weather sure is hot outside today !
HAL CHARACTER:  Yeah it is hot outside to day , well no wonder it's 97 degree's out and the humidity is high!

Anyway this is just some food for thought for those who could make something like this , it would be another cool plug in that would add to hals realism !  :)
Title: Re: hal and the temperature outside
Post by: freddy888 on May 06, 2012, 12:58:36 pm
I have a simple solution...

User : What is the weather like outside ?
Hal : Open a window and look !

Title: Re: hal and the temperature outside
Post by: lightspeed on May 06, 2012, 03:20:36 pm
LOL that's funny but not what i wanted lol!  ;D
Title: Re: hal and the temperature outside
Post by: Art on May 07, 2012, 06:21:32 am

User: it raining?

Hal: Let the dog in and see if he's wet!! :o
Title: Re: hal and the temperature outside
Post by: lightspeed on May 07, 2012, 11:20:26 am
I have it , i'll have her say " call up Art , don't worry if it's in the middle of the night he always knows about things LOL!
Title: Re: hal and the temperature outside
Post by: Art on May 07, 2012, 06:45:23 pm
Yes Hal, Tell Lonnie that the forecast for tomorrow will be, "Daylight with a chance of increasing darkness!" ;D
Title: Re: hal and the temperature outside
Post by: Art on May 07, 2012, 08:59:26 pm
OK Lonnie...


How's this?
Title: Re: hal and the temperature outside
Post by: lightspeed on May 08, 2012, 07:06:40 am
Art, i like that and it is probably using a plug in ? when you ask the weather ? but i am guessing their is no way to customize the answer sentence such as " the temerature gauge shows its 72 degree's outside ''.
what did you use to get this or the section of the code script .
before i had used one that would get the local weather quit a while back , am unsure if i still have it .  
Title: Re: hal and the temperature outside
Post by: Art on May 08, 2012, 04:16:25 pm
You could certainly modify the text based comments within the .uhp file if you wanted. The original offered a response in case the user asked for tomorrow's forecast but it appears that perhaps the RSS feeds are no longer valid or being broadcast so I omitted it from my script.

The script in question is one from around 4-5 years ago and was originally written by Bill DeWitt, a very talented member who explored the finer points of Hal and helped push some limits with several nice plug-ins.

You can find this weather plug-in and more at his original Wiki site.

Also, you will need to obtain the necessary airport call letters for your nearest local weather report.

You can find Bill's Wiki here:

Have fun!
Title: Re: hal and the temperature outside
Post by: lightspeed on May 09, 2012, 08:45:05 am
Thanks Art , yeah i remember bill he was very good at plug ins etc. it's to bad their was a falling out , but that's life . i will check out all of that web link . thanks again .