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Zabaware Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: lightspeed on December 16, 2012, 02:58:25 pm

Title: dancing hap lightspeed idea
Post by: lightspeed on December 16, 2012, 02:58:25 pm
i wonder if someone who is talented in hap movements can create a dancing hap to drop into the hal window .
     The purpose would be for use with a full body hal . i think it would be cool to have something like this that could dance to mucic when played for instance with the wurlitzer juke box media player and skin i sent many earlier .
if someone makes a hap i would also if possible like to be able to open it so maybe later i could customize it more .
anyway thought i would throw out the idea and hope someone can make it . most songs last 1/12 minutes . :)
Title: Re: dancing hap lightspeed idea
Post by: tedathome on December 17, 2012, 03:23:56 am
  I would suggest the Walkin' Santa Dance.It is one of four exisisting dance haps available that I know of.
 GT40 used it in HTML format with his jukebox skit and it was great. Different speeds and songs and characters.
 With Hal interface, to adjust speed, maybe you could align a bar of .haps that have different timing for the dance.
What I mean by that is open hap folder and mouse drag the top, bottom or sides till it fits with Hal interface and jukebox areas. Or you could use Hap Windows OSI instead of just a player window or Hal so you can just click speed. I just tried that setup on my desktop,(sans dance) it looks pretty nice.
Title: Re: dancing hap lightspeed idea
Post by: lightspeed on December 17, 2012, 09:48:32 am
sounds good ted, now if anyone has that if they could please e mail it to me at airvair e mail address i'll try it , thanks !!!
Title: Re: dancing hap lightspeed idea
Post by: tedathome on December 19, 2012, 11:12:28 am
 Sent you some mail. How is it working out for you?
Title: Re: dancing hap lightspeed idea
Post by: lightspeed on December 20, 2012, 08:18:48 am
am working on it , have to figure out on timing etc. for effects etc. will take a while though , thanks for sending it . i just wish the sdw hap had the same layout in notepad , it has a lot of good moves but is all just to fast , i tried earlier on changing the key frame number in it and it stopped hal from working when i draged and dropped it into hals box .