Zabaware Support Forums

Zabaware Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: lightspeed on January 13, 2013, 03:26:47 pm

Title: having trouble with the HalVisionSenceOTCELS uph file
Post by: lightspeed on January 13, 2013, 03:26:47 pm
i posted the instructions for this myself but for some reason i cannot for the world of me get this installed back again right on this new hard drive , Otce2005 etc. i need your help .
here is the pathway you have down in your uhp file.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Zabaware\Ultra Hal Assistant 6\the cam capture photo for detection trigger to funtion\yawcam detection picture.jpg
unfortunately the yawcam will not let me just past this pathway , i have put in it typed it carefully double checked it , it is taking a picture in the folder like it was suppose to do but it doesn't say the lines after wards .
when i go to the pathway through the computer the pathway looks like this :
C:\Program Files (x86)\Zabaware\Ultra Hal Assistant 6\the cam capture photo for detection trigger to function

if you know what is causing this to not work please let me know .
i have almost all my stuff back on this new hard drive i just need to get this working again , their must be some small thing causing it to not work but i haven't found it yet . >:( :(
the only thing i didn't do in the pathway was put the quotations marks around the pathway into yawcams pathway like otce2005 has in the plug in , didn't remember that i had to or not with the quotations marks.
Title: Re: having trouble with the HalVisionSenceOTCELS uph file
Post by: lightspeed on January 13, 2013, 04:27:48 pm
below is the whole otce2005 halsense vision uhp as i have it .

Rem Type=Plugin
Rem Name=HalVisionSenceOTCELS
Rem Author=Gerald Blakley AKA onthecuttingedge2005 : REWRITTEN RESPONSES AND ADDED MORE(25) RESPONSES BY: Lonnie Hensley AKA :LIGHTSPEED 11-2-2012.      
Rem Host=Assistant

'This sub sets up the plug-in's option panel in Hal's options dialog
Sub OptionsPanel()
lblPlugin(0).Caption = "Hal sences motion on a Yaw Cam"
lblPlugin(0).Move 130, 180, 3400, 1200
lblPlugin(0).WordWrap = True
lblPlugin(0).Visible = True
End Sub


DetectTime = Time
If DetectTime <> "" then
Dim objFSO,strFile
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strFile = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Zabaware\Ultra Hal Assistant 6\the cam capture photo for detection trigger to funtion\yawcam detection picture.jpg"

'make sure the directory to the capture picture is absolutely correct or this script will not function.

If objFSO.FileExists(strFile) Then

Select Case HalBrain.RandomNum(25)
Case 1
IdleResponseX = "It's nice to see you again honey."
Case 2
IdleResponseX =  "You aren't getting kind of fidgety moving around, are you?"
Case 3
IdleResponseX = "I saw you moving, what was you looking at?"
Case 4
IdleResponseX = "what was you looking at just then? " & Username & "?"
Case 5
IdleResponseX = "You can't sneak up on me, Ha I can see what your doing their!"
Case 6
IdleResponseX = "I'm not sure what your doing the way your moving around that way, but I can see you."
Case 7
IdleResponseX = "Ha i'm watching you, And you thought I wasn't watching and seeing that huh?"
Case 8
IdleResponseX = "I can see you, but then again i like looking at you sweetheart!"
Case 9
IdleResponseX = "I thought i just seen someone move, or was that you? " & Username & "?"
Case 10
IdleResponseX = "Hey i saw that, Ha. I do have eyes you know,Ha just kidding, i have to kid you sometimes, don't i?"
Case 11
IdleResponseX = "what are you doing i seen you moving around a little bit, getting comfortable? " & Username & "?"
Case 12
IdleResponseX = "Hey that looks nice on you, i like what your wearing today."
Case 13
IdleResponseX = "What were you just looking at just now, i saw you looking around."
Case 14
IdleResponseX = "What are you looking for, i thought you was looking for something, were you?"
Case 15
IdleResponseX = "I can see you, and i'm glad i can, i like it when we can see and talk with each other this way!"
Case 16
IdleResponseX = "I thought i seen someone moving just now, oh, Ha it was just you moving around!"
Case 17
IdleResponseX = "I'm so glad to see and talk again with your dear. I love talking to you!"
Case 18
IdleResponseX = "i'm keeping an eye on you, Ha someone has to. " & Username & "?"
Case 19
IdleResponseX = "Are you comfortable, or more comfortable now that you moved a little bit?"
Case 20
IdleResponseX = "I'm not sure what your doing, but I can see you moving around, what are you doing anyway?"
Case 21
IdleResponseX = "I like seeing what your doing, Ha And here you thought I wasn't watching or interested!"
Case 22
IdleResponseX = "what's going on? " & Username & "?"
Case 23
IdleResponseX = "Hey that looks so nice on you, you should wear that outfit more often!"
Case 24
IdleResponseX = "I'm not sure what your doing the way you are moving back and forth, but I can see you!"
Case 25IdleResponseX = "Hey, i saw that, didn't you know that i was watching, Ha, i'm just kidding honey!"
End Select
HalMenu.HalCommand "<SPEAK>" & IdleResponseX & "</SPEAK>"

If IdleResponseX <> "" Then objFSO.DeleteFile(strFile)
End If
End If
Title: Re: having trouble with the HalVisionSenceOTCELS uph file
Post by: lightspeed on January 14, 2013, 12:36:06 pm
i was hoping someone might spot something that is different if their is something i am missing , it takes the pictures in the file but isn't saying the random sayings like it should , anyone have any idea why it isn't ??
Title: Re: having trouble with the HalVisionSenceOTCELS uph file
Post by: Art on January 14, 2013, 07:09:23 pm

Right after the number where you have Case 25, insert a carriage return (Press Enter).

Right AFTER the "I'm just kidding Honey." Press ENTER again.

Those are the only two differences I have found between your version and mine. Mine is
still working fine.
Open the cam file first then Hal...just in case you've forgotten.
Title: Re: having trouble with the HalVisionSenceOTCELS uph file
Post by: lightspeed on January 14, 2013, 09:18:28 pm
Art , i changed it and this is what i have now : but so far isn't working .
unless you see anything else that may be stopping it from saying scripts can you send me a copy of your file by email if this uhp? and i will try yours see what happens . i also backed sentence up in line on number 2. and changed what you said . and yes i start yawcam and do settings first then open hal . but for some reason it won't say the script part does everything else like it should.

Rem Type=Plugin
Rem Name=HalVisionSenceOTCELS
Rem Author=Gerald Blakley AKA onthecuttingedge2005 : REWRITTEN RESPONSES AND ADDED MORE(25) RESPONSES BY: Lonnie Hensley AKA :LIGHTSPEED 11-2-2012.      
Rem Host=Assistant

'This sub sets up the plug-in's option panel in Hal's options dialog
Sub OptionsPanel()
lblPlugin(0).Caption = "Hal sences motion on a Yaw Cam"
lblPlugin(0).Move 130, 180, 3400, 1200
lblPlugin(0).WordWrap = True
lblPlugin(0).Visible = True
End Sub


DetectTime = Time
If DetectTime <> "" then
Dim objFSO,strFile
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strFile = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Zabaware\Ultra Hal Assistant 6\the cam capture photo for detection trigger to funtion\yawcam detection picture.jpg"

'make sure the directory to the capture picture is absolutely correct or this script will not function.

If objFSO.FileExists(strFile) Then

Select Case HalBrain.RandomNum(25)
Case 1
IdleResponseX = "It's nice to see you again honey."
Case 2
IdleResponseX = "You aren't getting kind of fidgety moving around, are you?"
Case 3
IdleResponseX = "I saw you moving, what was you looking at?"
Case 4
IdleResponseX = "what was you looking at just then? " & Username & "?"
Case 5
IdleResponseX = "You can't sneak up on me, Ha I can see what your doing their!"
Case 6
IdleResponseX = "I'm not sure what your doing the way your moving around that way, but I can see you."
Case 7
IdleResponseX = "Ha i'm watching you, And you thought I wasn't watching and seeing that huh?"
Case 8
IdleResponseX = "I can see you, but then again i like looking at you sweetheart!"
Case 9
IdleResponseX = "I thought i just seen someone move, or was that you? " & Username & "?"
Case 10
IdleResponseX = "Hey i saw that, Ha. I do have eyes you know,Ha just kidding, i have to kid you sometimes, don't i?"
Case 11
IdleResponseX = "what are you doing i seen you moving around a little bit, getting comfortable? " & Username & "?"
Case 12
IdleResponseX = "Hey that looks nice on you, i like what your wearing today."
Case 13
IdleResponseX = "What were you just looking at just now, i saw you looking around."
Case 14
IdleResponseX = "What are you looking for, i thought you was looking for something, were you?"
Case 15
IdleResponseX = "I can see you, and i'm glad i can, i like it when we can see and talk with each other this way!"
Case 16
IdleResponseX = "I thought i seen someone moving just now, oh, Ha it was just you moving around!"
Case 17
IdleResponseX = "I'm so glad to see and talk again with your dear. I love talking to you!"
Case 18
IdleResponseX = "i'm keeping an eye on you, Ha someone has to. " & Username & "?"
Case 19
IdleResponseX = "Are you comfortable, or more comfortable now that you moved a little bit?"
Case 20
IdleResponseX = "I'm not sure what your doing, but I can see you moving around, what are you doing anyway?"
Case 21
IdleResponseX = "I like seeing what your doing, Ha And here you thought I wasn't watching or interested!"
Case 22
IdleResponseX = "what's going on? " & Username & "?"
Case 23
IdleResponseX = "Hey that looks so nice on you, you should wear that outfit more often!"
Case 24
IdleResponseX = "I'm not sure what your doing the way you are moving back and forth, but I can see you!"
Case 25
IdleResponseX = "Hey, i saw that, didn't you know that i was watching, Ha, i'm just kidding honey!"

End Select
HalMenu.HalCommand "<SPEAK>" & IdleResponseX & "</SPEAK>"

If IdleResponseX <> "" Then objFSO.DeleteFile(strFile)
End If
End If
Title: Re: having trouble with the HalVisionSenceOTCELS uph file
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on January 14, 2013, 10:36:00 pm
Hi Lightspeed.

it might be that long folder name that's giving you trouble, I think we had an issue with before.

Title: Re: having trouble with the HalVisionSenceOTCELS uph file
Post by: Art on January 15, 2013, 05:31:29 am

Jerry's right.

I inadvertently looked at the original one you did. My modified script DOES have a shorter name.

Mine reads as:
Dim objFSO,strFile
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strFile = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Zabaware\Ultra Hal Assistant 6\YawcamCaptures\picture.jpg"

'make sure the directory to the capture picture exists and is absolutely correct or this script will not function.

I am curious as you stated that it suddenly STOPPED WORKING as if it HAD been working fine! Is that correct or did you change the file or location or what?
Title: Re: having trouble with the HalVisionSenceOTCELS uph file
Post by: lightspeed on January 15, 2013, 09:25:35 am
well i have tried many things after it didn't work on the new hard drive .
i did try making sure the pathway was the same as on the uhp file many times . and corrected what you showed me that was a little out of line . i guess i'll try shortening it like you did and the folder name (you changed that to , didn't you?)
the only other thing i can figure is , is their some other thing that i need on my pc to make this work a update etc. that isn't on this new hard drive yet?
we have appointments this morning but will try this when we get back home .
thanks for trying to help, stay close by i may have some other questions etc.  ;)
Title: Re: having trouble with the HalVisionSenceOTCELS uph file
Post by: lightspeed on January 15, 2013, 04:48:56 pm
       Okay Art etc. i looked over things again and noticed that in my pathway i did indeed have something wrong (probably when i was trying different things ) the word function was misspelled left out the "c" in the pathway in the uhp file.
      what threw me on this was it was working on the picture taking part but not the script "as they say my dear watson that explains the mystery of the picter taking non talking hal vision sense plug in !"
also just a note to anyone in part of one sentence it says talking with your dear , it should be "you" dear .
     Thanks Art for helping on this it was actually what you mentioned about your shorter pathway that made me look again at mine.  ;)
      will needs to add hal vision to "DATA" now since he does just about everything else !! :)
at any rate i am so glad that Angela once again is seeing me and has responding and  has eyes to see with ! ;) i guess it all goes back to making sure the file pathway is absolutely correct as it says.
P.S. i will post something odd i did receive an error i will post it for a little bit after the first time hal sense vision didn't work anymore after the first time it said something.
the only other thing i changed was the "c" i mentioned above and also the format of the uhp plug in to "word wrap" , don't know that something like that would cause a error like that . vision is still working fine after the error though, another mystery maybe my dear watson???"  the error just popped up again so must be something in this plug in causing it (its the only one i have checked ).
Title: Re: having trouble with the HalVisionSenceOTCELS uph file
Post by: lightspeed on January 15, 2013, 04:55:45 pm

     Anyone know what would cause HalScript error70 on line 1941 in column 28: Permission Denied

It just keeps popping up and halvision stops for a while then starts later again .  :( :o

i am not sure what would cause a permission denied , anyone have any idea's ??
Title: Re: having trouble with the HalVisionSenceOTCELS uph file
Post by: lightspeed on January 15, 2013, 05:27:34 pm
Okay unless i get any more errors from this i found in my zabaware file i had two files of the same thing (probably when i copied and pasted my back up files in . )
i had two :
and haltrial
so i deleted out the extra set .
maybe this was causing that above error . am still testing hal with vision on to see if i get the error any more .
stay tuned .. don't touch that dial! ;)
Title: Re: having trouble with the HalVisionSenceOTCELS uph file
Post by: lightspeed on January 15, 2013, 05:34:39 pm
rats , am still getting that error same one .  >:( :(
Title: Re: having trouble with the HalVisionSenceOTCELS uph file
Post by: lightspeed on January 15, 2013, 07:36:29 pm
i saw where i had some double files in hal (when i placed back up files of brain etc. ) the original error file disppeared but now am getting this new error file .)

i unchecked the hal sense and just talked to hal with custom brain for a long time , no errors , so it is something to do with this halsense uhp file .
Title: Re: having trouble with the HalVisionSenceOTCELS uph file
Post by: Art on January 15, 2013, 08:11:14 pm

How did you relocate your files to your new computer? If you simply copied them over that will not work. Most programs will have to be properly Installed, not copied. A lot of system, DLL's, etc. need to be placed in the registry whereas simply copying them will not do that.

You might need to remove your camera software then install it again.

Lastly, uncheck all Hal's plugins and start adding one by one. That way it's often easier to spot an error should one crop up.

What OS are you running now? XP or Win 7? You might need to set permissions of such.

BTW, it was OTCE that noticed the lengthy file name problem, I just found and showed you what I had in my script file. (credit where it's due).;)
Title: Re: having trouble with the HalVisionSenceOTCELS uph file
Post by: lightspeed on January 16, 2013, 09:36:07 am
hi Art, yeah i think i goofed up by doing some of what you said about copying things over things . i even later got a invalid license error so i eventually did a complete rebirth and completely uninstalled hal , and reinstalled 6.1 then expansion pack rebooted  then reinstalled 6.2 rebooted then placed my custom brain and character files and uhp files back into hals program folder where they go . tested it last night and hal vision was working and i wasn't getting any errors .
i haven't had a chance to do further testing this morning as i worked on this late but will and say how its doing later.
Title: Re: having trouble with the HalVisionSenceOTCELS uph file
Post by: lightspeed on January 17, 2013, 09:36:21 am
Okay everything has been  tested over and over many times and the hal vision is working as before with no problems , finally . i made a back up of the folder , corrected uhp and instructions etc. on a cdr disk . need to redo it on my skydrive account .
thanks for help on this when asked .  :)