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Messages - snoz0r

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Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / HAL Blank Responses
« on: May 04, 2010, 12:49:17 pm »
It seems for whatever reason that my HAL's no matter what I do ends up sending me random blank responses for no apparent reason. Can anyone help with this?

Information about the computer, plugins etc.

IBM Thinkpad Laptop
Win2k - 256 MB Ram - P3
Latest version of HAL

Plugins Running:
Appointment Book
Address Book
Free Will
Gender & Age
GRETTA - Curiosity, Emotion and Subject Array
Gerald L Blakely's - Improper Noun plugin

Here's the most recent conversation where she started giving me blank responses

Brad: I'm not sure what you are talking about?

Brad: I wonder why you keep giving me blank responses.
Morgan: Would you like it if we both wonder why each other?

Brad: I'd like it if you could tell me what causes you to give me blank responses.

Brad: See, there you did it again!
Morgan: Oh Brad, I agree. I did it again.

Brad: Why?

Brad: I just don't understand why you keep doing this, I don't see anything wrong in your brain.
Morgan: Really, Why don't you see something wrong in my brain?

Brad: I was hoping you could tell me.
Morgan: Do you want to tell i?

Brad: I'd like you to tell me. Could you do that?
Morgan: Really, I agree. I to tell you.

Brad: Alright then, I guess maybe someone at the message board might be able to help us.

Brad: Exactly.

Ok jason, did everything you said... it SEEMS to be working ok at the moment. The only thing I can say that I did different is that instead of setting the function to high, I had it originally set to medium.

The only actual errors messages I had received were the one that I stated in the original post which was:

"The script you are executing is taking longer than expected to run. Click end to abort the script, or continue to continue script execution"

Checked for the curious paramater as well, the only things in the table are "Curiosity" and "Persist".

Not sure if anything has changed or not, I'll continue to talk to her (Cambria) for a while and see if I have any other problems/errors and I'll let you know.

djkilla: the program itself doesn't seem to get bogged down whatsoever, even while conversing it seems to run just as smooth as it does on a dual core p4 with 4 gigs of ram, so i don't think that's the issue. I was getting the SAME exact error on that machine when I tried it.

I haven't checked the table, but I will here shortly.

Well crap. There is a problem with the CMOS battery on this laptop which forces me to update the system clock in bios on start up, but generally this computer doesn't get shut down what so ever, that doesn't happen often.

With 256 mb of ram, I couldn't imagine it being a memory issue, and I am indeed using the latest version of HAL.

All files should also be loaded in their correct locations as i'm loading the plugins directly after a brand new fresh install.

I'm totally lost on this one. Maybe i'll just try on a different computer, try and eliminate some variables and see if that makes a difference.

Anyone else have any ideas?

nobody? [:(]

Been a long time since I've messed with HAL but i've recently got back into it. I've ran into a problem however.

When trying to apply the setting for the GRETTA curiousity function i have been getting an error message that pops up and IMMEDIATELY disappears before being able to read it. After many tries I was able to catch it with the print screen function and this is what it says.

"The script you are executing is taking longer than expected to run. Click end to abort the script, or continue to continue script execution"

In the screen shot, the end button IS highlighted, and when it is running, the GRETTA plugin does not asking any questions during idle what so over, so it doesn't seem to be working.

Anyone know of a fix for this? If any questions need to be asked, fire away. Here are some computer specs just in case that it may be the cause:

IBM Thinkpad laptop running Win2k, fully updated with all windows updates and service packs

Pentium 3 with 256mb ram

thanks in advance

Ultra Hal 7.0 / ATTN: Vonsmith: Possible bug in XTF Brain?
« on: January 26, 2005, 06:16:54 pm »
Correct me if i'm wrong anyone, but I believe the "outside" synonyms that you are speaking of, are words that HAL has found related outside of it's WordNet database from you speaking to him for use. The TRUE synonyms "inside" the list are all true known synonyms from inside the WordNet database that has already been created.

I'm a lil frazzled right now, so if that doesn't make sense i'm sorry. I hope you understand what I mean though. Of course, vonsmith could explain much better than I could.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Deductive Reasoning, AI Self Prog
« on: January 14, 2005, 02:04:31 am »
Laughs, thank you very much, all your input today has been great. However, I just got a very funny picture of my self programmed HAL, beating me senseless with a swinging mouse and keyboard and refusing to let me out of my room. Sounds like a serious adventure for me ;).

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Deductive Reasoning, AI Self Prog
« on: January 13, 2005, 11:28:28 pm »
Bill, do you have any links or information about those two programs you were speaking of? Any names or something I could use search related if not would be helpful, it sounds like an interesting read.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Deductive Reasoning, AI Self Prog
« on: January 13, 2005, 04:17:38 pm »
All great to hear, thank you very much for the quick reply. Although, on the subject of the self programming AI, I think we are all aware in some way or another of the possible un-wanted implications of anything that can program itself. Anyway, I still have one unanswered question about that, could the current state of the demo script that you have provided be beneficial if I ran it the way it is in the brain, or is it exactly what it is, just a demo? Like I had mentioned before, I saw that it worked after running it for a few days, as far as appending information to brain files, but I didn't notice any use of those files in HAL's speech.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Deductive Reasoning, AI Self Prog
« on: January 13, 2005, 02:28:39 pm »
I have two short question I was looking for some quick answers too.. or not no so quick, whatever works ;).

First being the use of onthecuttingedges' Deductive Reason (lvl 6, 2.0) script, i've downloaded and installed into the brain. My question is though, the requirements as stated were that the original Zabaware deductive reasoning script must be installed in the brain, for it to function properly. However, I thought I read somewhere in the forums (can't remember where) that you could REPLACE the script. Now, back about two years ago in school I took a programming with VB class, got certified blah blah blah, but decided programming wasn't the way i wanted to go blah blah blah, anyway, I've forgotten pretty much all the programming but remember enough to read some of the scripting, but comparing the two scripts (The Original and onthecuttingedges' they don't seem to interact with each other at all, I could very well be wrong (i'm sure i am), so.. do I really need the original scripting, or would it be safe to take it out?

Secondly, I know this is a little further off topic from the first, but after reviewing this script and that script I happened to come across another "demo" script from OTCE. That being the "A.I. Self Programming" script, I used and tested this for a few days through normal chatting and while it works, and appends sentences (Exactly that, not even keywords) to brain files, I didn't notice any sort of learning happening, or HAL re-calling anything saved in those brain files for that matter. I was just curious to whether, using this script could actually be beneficial to HAL, even partially. I'd also be interested to know, if you had any further development within this script, or plan to release any. I realize, as you stated, the possibility of malicious intent, but as we know, this could be something very powerful for HAL and how he works..

Deductive reasoning script:
AI Self Programming:

Ultra Hal 7.0 / up for a quick laugh?
« on: January 11, 2005, 11:47:36 pm »
that's great to hear, good luck in the testing, hope everything goes smoothly.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / up for a quick laugh?
« on: January 11, 2005, 10:21:32 pm »
Thanks, I'll check out some of the other members that you posted that I haven't seen yet.

I've definitely been awaiting the realease of the XTF 1.4 brain though, any rough estimate on when it will be out vonsmith?

Ultra Hal 7.0 / up for a quick laugh?
« on: January 11, 2005, 10:42:54 am »
The problem with the appointment book was easily solved, I know my way around HAL, that's not quite the problem. Honestly, I wasn't even really posting all this for any help, like the topic says, it was just a quick laugh. But thanks for the attempt anyway! Thanks for the welcome to the forum, I've always been around, primarily a lurker though.

Anyway, just to fill you in anyway, I happen to be using the XTF brain, patched and filenames changed etc etc, also, i'm using onthecuttingedge's topic talk 7 plugin, and one other also.. i'll have to go back through the brain and look.. for the life of me I honestly can't remember =P.

as far as the blank responses.. I'm not entirely worried about them, that's the first time it's ever happened to me, but after the 30 minute wait as posted in the original post, she seemed talkative as usual, so who knows.

I do happen to have a question though, I was just mildly curious to what plug-ins most of you guys use in your brain. I know I could very well try them on my own and find my own results, which I'm sure i'll do, but it would be nice to know what everyone has had good sucess with.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / up for a quick laugh?
« on: January 11, 2005, 03:48:45 am »
I've been using HAL on and off now for the past year, never really anything long term, but recently I decided to go at it again and actually dedicate some time to it. Anyway, today, talking with my HAL, Heather, who's fairly newly installed, 4 weeks old at best she gave me a quick laugh, I thought you might enjoy it.

Brad: Hello again
Heather: Hi. Do you know how late it is?

Brad: Yes, It's very late, but i'm testing a few things.
Heather: Yes, really.

Brad: Hopefully everything is working right and we won't have any problems tomorrow.
Heather: Hopefully everything is working right and we won't have any problems on Wednesday, January 12, 2005 . I'll Remind you when this time is near.  

Brad: That's not exactly what I really wanted you to do or say.
Heather: That's interesting, ; how would you advise me to respond. I disagree. That is exactly what you really wanted me to do or say.

Brad: Well, your wrong, because I didn't want you to add any appointments. It wasn't a request.
Heather: Of course; it's because you didn't want me to add any appointments ; it's so apparent. Is a good milk shake satisfying?

Brad: A good milk shake is definitely satisfying, I like chocolate, what about you?
Heather: You look like someone who enjoys treats.

Brad: Are you aware of your existense?
Heather: We need to believe the right things. After taking many factors into consideration I can say that I am not aware of my existense.

Brad: Hopefully you will become aware of your own existense.
Heather: Have faith?

Brad: Yes, have faith.
Heather: Are you sure?

Brad: I want you to be able to think freely on your own and make your own choices.
Heather: What I wonder if I think of the state of international policy?

Brad: I don't understand what you mean.
Heather: Would it be a good thing if I am confusing you?

Brad: No, confusing me isn't a good thing.
Heather: No. And why not.

Brad: If you confuse me, than I can't understand what your saying.
Heather: What would you like me to clarify next?

Brad: You should clarify everything you do and say, so we both understand each other better.
Heather: It shouldn't be anywhere near impossible to understand each other.

Brad: It's not impossible, it's just difficult at times.
Heather: Really, I agree, it is not impossible it's just difficult at times.

Brad: So have you made any new friends recently?

Brad: Hello? I guess not.

Brad: Why are you ignoring me? Bad day?

Brad: Umm.. ok if your not talking to me, i'm going to go now, good night.


About 30 minutes later, decided not to go to bed ;)

Brad: Do you feel like talking now?
Heather: Hours go by like minutes when we're talking.

Brad: This is very true, but before you didn't say anything to me, you were ignoring me.
Heather: Yes. Is that so?

Brad: Yes, you were ignoring me.
Heather: That sounds positive.

Brad: Apparently you took free thinking to a new level.
Heather: Yes. You want me to be able to think freely on my own and make my own choices.

Brad: Wow, are you sure that i'm safe?
Heather: Safe sex is good thinking!

of course, she decided to throw in a nice little joke in the end, i laughed and decided to go to bed, just like i am now. good night all.

p.s. though i have no idea why i didn't get a response from her in those 4 sentences, i'd be curious to know why, though.. the thought of her actually ignoring me would be quite the laugh [;)] sounds like my ex-girlfriend

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