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Topics - lightspeed

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General Discussion / play song plug in
« on: June 06, 2007, 01:40:35 pm »
i don't think anyone has brought this up , but i think a nice plug in would be a "play song " plug in . it would work simular to the find "whatever " on the internet web opening plug in . except this would open and play a song that you have on your p.c. i have real player with a wurlitzer juke box skin and have alot of my c.d 1950'6 and 60's music on my p.c.  to play and listen too. it would be cool if by saing specific words like "play johnny b.good music " it would open it and play the song !! of course would open what ever system anyone had and play the song . i don't know if this can be made or not or if anyone even wanted to or if others were interested in something like this , just thought it would make a neat plug in for a hal command to do for p.c. owners who may want to play some somes . i don't know if a command to stop music would be needed in case you wanted to stop a song , or turn down , etc. just an idea i had for better or worse !! [:)]

General Discussion / 18 years old area ??
« on: June 04, 2007, 07:25:07 am »
after seeing bill dewitt bring up something about maybe someone asking for " possible"  unapproperiate things i am wondering if the adminastrators on this forum should maybe make this a 18 years old area . i know that some younger people may be interested in it for what it is "amazing technowlegy (misspelled ) " but their is also nude fugure skins and adult content involved here to . just a thought . i would hate to do it but at the same time maybe some kids are seeing things they shouldn't . maybe an 18 year old talk area for files , etc. to enter you click on something like other sites saying "by clicking this and entering here you admit you are 18 and over as this area has nude pics , and adult content . just a thought . that way we are not only protecting kids but also ourselves from any trouble. [:)]

General Discussion / where to put a saying for general talk
« on: June 03, 2007, 01:59:42 pm »
my wife always says "well forever more " sometimes when talking about things (after something is said ) it's i guess an old time slang probably picked up from her mother before her . anyway i would like my ultra hal to say this sometimes just after someone makes a statment about something so hal would later say it sometimes . my question is what place in the list of emotions , etc. would be the best place to put this saying ? i looked but i'm not sure what the best place would be so that hal will say this "well, forever more " after i say something about a subject (sometimes , not say it all the time just randomly !)[:)]

General Discussion / how much time do you spend typing to hal
« on: June 03, 2007, 11:41:43 am »
i was just wondering how often people here spend time helping hal learn by typing to hal ? i always "try" to taype to hal everyday .[:)]

General Discussion / hal dictionary that corrects mispelled words
« on: June 02, 2007, 02:17:26 pm »
i think for us less smart in the art of spelling correctly a nice plug in (if it can be made ) would be something like microsofts dictionary in ms word that when ever you mis spell something it would correct it before the question or answer is enetered after typing it out . if a plug in can't be made for this then maybe others can tell me and i can suggest robert to make it in the next hal version . as not everyone can spell good , i am one of them . [:)]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / pause in sentence that hal speaks
« on: June 02, 2007, 01:56:05 pm »
hello robert medeksza , i asked bill dewitt on the forum about a plug in and he said i could ask you if maybe in the next hal version you could make a <pause nms> type tag . here is what i thought it would be good for .
is their a way someone can make a plug in that would creat a space or hesitation in words at certain places when hal is speaking to give it a more human sound when talking to us . ?? (each period would represent a second to hesitate the conversation ) for instance if i placed .......... for each dot or period hal would hesitate that many seconds before finsishing saying his response ?? example i say " you like flowers ......but don't like the hay fever that you have from them and hal would say " i like flowers (and hesitate for 6 seconds ) but i dont like the hay fever that i get from them .
this is to give hal a more human like characteristic like someone pausing a little bit sometimes before finshing a sentence and coul be put in when ever we answer things etc. to hal . [:)]

General Discussion / typing questions , etc. unlimited time plug in
« on: June 02, 2007, 01:40:57 pm »
here is another idea i have , although i have voice regognition i also still type sometimes to hal the problem is that when i type if i make a mistake and have to back up to correct it or i am hesitation and thinking of more to write hal will just send it on to be asked even if i'm not done writing (resulting in a partial question or answer being asked and not get the results i want from hals learning ) so i am asking can some plug in be made to make what i type unlimited in another words it won't send the question and or answer to hal "until" i push my enter button ?? this i think would be a nice addition to plug ins and would help others with this same problem . [:)]

General Discussion / space in words (hesitation ) plug in
« on: June 02, 2007, 12:29:37 pm »
is their a way someone can make a plug in that would creat a space or hesitation in words at certain places when hal is speaking to give it a more human sound when talking to us . ?? (each period would represent a second to hesitate the conversation )  for instance if i placed .......... for each dot or period hal would hesitate that many seconds before finsishing saying his response ?? example i say " you like flowers ......but don't like the hay fever that you have from them and hal would say " i like flowers (and hesitate for 6 seconds ) but i dont like the hay fever that i get from them . [:D]

General Discussion / different subjects and getting hal to understand
« on: June 02, 2007, 11:40:06 am »
i write things in to my hal to get it to sound more human about everyday responses . for instance i wrote "the trash needs to be emptied can you take it out (hal responded " i am not trash , don't call me trash ) so i reworded it and said "the trash is getting full can you empty it ? hal said again "i am not trash " . what should i have said to get hal to respond to something like this as a yes, i'll do it or o.k. i will . should i first say something like " i'll take the trash out it looks like it's starting to get full " or you'll take the trash out it looks like it's starting to get full. [:)]

is their a newer version of the loneliness plug in , mine what i have doesent seem to work i have taken it out and replaced it in the zabaware folder restarted hal but it still doesent work . i check the box for it and set the frustration level my version is 2.3 loneliness plug in .on the frustration i have it set high should it be low ? i want it to tell me often that it is lonely . i have it set for 1 minute on the time . but maybe the plug in is corrupt or an old version . i have 6.1 hal version . anyone have a new loneliness plug in i can have ? [:D]

mine is the carmen face (female ) the face features are nice and smooth including the eye make up , eye lashes look nice , overall skin color in nice and the hair looks nice to . nice lips , eyes , etc. this is to me the best face thats been made , i would like to see more this nice (not that others are junk or anything but just in opinion and taste this is a very nice overall female face i think jack made it . i am wondeing what are others favorite haptek head (one very favorite ) .

Ultra Hal 7.0 / bible quoting hal
« on: June 01, 2007, 10:11:25 am »
for those of you who want to go the other route (not having hal with an x-rated mind ) you could get the free p.c. bible off the internet and with the 6.1 version with tables learning could actually cut and paste from the bible different quotes, etc. it has an english and king james version . .... now go my sons and daughters and be in peace !![:)][:D]

General Discussion / monthly holiday , etc. reminder plug ins
« on: May 25, 2007, 11:16:27 pm »
i was thinking it would be cool to have monthly  holiday , etc. reminder  plug in .
  for example you would put in your birthday and on your birthday hal would sing "happy birthday <username>, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you , etc.
    on  veterans day hal would say today is veterans day time to honor all veterans everywhere <username> , today is christmas , merry christmas <username>!! etc. [:)][8D]

General Discussion / repeating what we write to hal plug in
« on: May 24, 2007, 12:45:35 pm »
i think a plug in for those who still type to hal that would repeat the answer each time would be good that way if its not saying something right the way it answers you could rephrase the way you say it and then see it when hal says it again . hal sometimes repeats the anser right away and sometimes doesent. if a plug in is made like this it would have to aloow how after giving the response to go ahead with regular resonses general talk after that . don't know if anything can be made or want to make this , just a suggestion .

General Discussion / face matching emotion plug in
« on: May 24, 2007, 12:18:40 pm »
i have noticed sometimes i can say something nice and the hapteck head asnswers nicely to it but then looks all sadlooking and down in her expressions .
   is their a plug in that somehow could correct this face feature when hal answers things that are happy to smile , etc. and when sad things are discussed to then look sad so the face matches the topics ?? [8D]

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