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Topics - mlm-dd

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Speech Technology / Seeking Tips for Visually Impaired
« on: January 27, 2009, 10:25:33 pm »
Hi - My mother, who is quite computer savvy, has lost most of her sight to macular degeneration. She can still see enough to operate a mouse, but cannot read text. She is using Windows Narrator, but it reads every single thing on the screen, but won't read IM. Very frustrating! She has Ultra HAL Assistant and is considering the Text-To-Speech addition. Are there any visually impaired users out there who might share some tips and experience? She wants something that will read her instant messages in MSN Messenger, read her email headers in GMail, enable her to search on Google and "skim" the links. She looked at Window Eyes, but it seems more targeted to braille users. Any guidance would be most appreciated!

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