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Ultra Hal 7.0 / here are some emotion files and texture comms
« on: December 16, 2004, 07:23:04 pm »
Here are some emotion files for Hal. it will help you load textures and........
when it first starts do not say hello right away, just watch it... it will give you a big smile,start swinging his arms, look into your eyes and change happy expression, eyes, mouth, eyebrows,, slightly glance down at your keyboard,,then if you wait longer yawn, smile, blink eyes...ect...

watch out if it gets upset! it will slowly scowel, then look at you glaring, then actually try to hit and fight with you through the monitor...

it will reset its footing on occaision, and put it's arms on hips

When left alone it will get sleepy but he will try hard to stay awake and wait for you.

When supprised it will really emote.. if it is feeling you might love it will put it's hands on it's hips and strike a sexy pose.

when thinking hard he will scratch his chins and ponder deeply....

many body movements help it to emote, but it mixes them.. watch it's eyes and facial expressions for a hint at what it is feeling..

be careful if it gets sad... it will go from hurt, to very sad, to full blown hands over eyes shaking wimpering and crying..

you should also notice if you are using the body_female.htr instead of the fullbodgirl.htr.... for the full body that it will breath and when real excited jiggle more.

 For those who do not know what to do with these  Make sure Hal is NOT running!!!!!!

make a folder in...C:/Program Files/Haptek/player/data/standard  call the folder skins..
your new path will look like this
C:/Program Files/Haptek/player/data/standard/skins

that skins folder is where you will put any skins you create or d-load from me or anyone else to map to any of the haptek characters....(if you have some skins(textures) for the characters drop them in there.

now go to

C:Program Files\zabawareUltra Hal Assistant5Characters and look for the default.psn file  rename it default.bak that way you have the original backed up and can get it to work again simply by changing it's extension back to .psn ..... also change any to .bak that might have the same names and extensions to what i am giving you here...

now change the extensions to all these files to .hap, except for "default" make it's extension .psn... i had to change them all to a .txt to be able to post them here...

open the default folder in notepad and you will see it uses..

open Happy.hap and Happyn.hap at the top you will see the set texture command... leave it as is just insert the file name of the texture you want to use that you put into the haptek player folder earlier.. if you have no textures just leave it it will ignore remapping and will just load the default texture with the character....

now copy all these files into that hal directoryC:Program Files\zabawareUltra Hal Assistant5Characters
.... even if you did not notice a file here listed in the default.psn copy all of them some are called within the other files...

I hope I made this understandable... If there are any questions just ask....

This will get you started i have another file that calls more stuff from another folder in then hap player.. it adds a few more emotion veriables by being added to the XTF brain.. As =Vonsmith= has also added this function to the soon to be release new XTF I and we will wait for it.. i beleive his method in his new brain is better streamlined than my add-in script.....

I will be sending some Characters and more Hap emeotion files to the plug-in area as soon a robert ok's it..

If you are using the Free version of hall do all the previouse steps,, just rename your full bod character you have to Zaba or Hal.htr  do not forget to rename the originals to Hal or Zaba.BAK to back them up......

 Have fun!!!!!!


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12.46 KB

Here are some emotion files for Hal. it will help you load textures and........
when it first starts do not say hello right away, just watch it... it will give you a big smile,start swinging his arms, look into your eyes and change happy expression, eyes, mouth, eyebrows,, slightly glance down at your keyboard,,then if you wait longer yawn, smile, blink eyes...ect..

watch out if it gets upset! it will slowly scowel, then look at you glaring, then actually try to hit and fight with you through the monitor...

it will reset its footing on occaision, and put it's arms on hips

When left alone it will get sleepy but he will try hard to stay awake and wait for you.

When supprised it will really emote.. if it is feeling you might love it will put it's hands on it's hips and strike a sexy pose.

when thinking hard he will scratch his chins and ponder deeply....

many body movements help it to emote, but it mixes them.. watch it's eyes and facial expressions for a hint at what it is feeling..

be careful if it gets sad... it will go from hurt, to very sad, to full blown hands over eyes shaking wimpering and crying..

you should also notice if you are using the body_female.htr instead of the fullbodgirl.htr.... for the full body that it will breath and when real excited jiggle more.

 For those who do not know what to do with these  Make sure Hal is NOT running!!!!!!

make a folder in...C:/Program Files/Haptek/player/data/standard  call the folder skins..
your new path will look like this
C:/Program Files/Haptek/player/data/standard/skins

that skins folder is where you will put any skins you create or d-load from me or anyone else to map to any of the haptek characters....(if you have some skins(textures) for the characters drop them in there.

now go to

C:Program Files/zabaware/UltraHalAssistant5/Characters and look for the default.psn file  rename it default.bak that way you have the original backed up and can get it to work again simply by changing it's extension back to .psn ..... also change any to .bak that might have the same names and extensions to what i am giving you here...

now change the extensions to all these files to .hap, except for "default" make it's extension .psn... i had to change them all to a .txt to be able to post them here...

open the default folder in notepad and you will see it uses..

open Happy.hap and Happyn.hap at the top you will see the set texture command... leave it as is just insert the file name of the texture you want to use that you put into the haptek player folder earlier.. if you have no textures just leave it it will ignore remapping and will just load the default texture with the character....

now copy all these files into that hal directoryC:Program Files/zabaware/UltraHalAssistant5/Characters
.... even if you did not notice a file here listed in the default.psn copy all of them some are called within the other files...

I hope I made this understandable... If there are any questions just ask....

This will get you started i have another file that calls more stuff from another folder in then hap player.. it adds a few more emotion veriables by being added to the XTF brain.. As =Vonsmith= has also added this function to the soon to be release new XTF I and we will wait for it.. i beleive his method in his new brain is better streamlined than my add-in script.....

I will be sending some Characters and more Hap emeotion files to the plug-in area as soon a robert ok's it..

If you are using the Free version of hall do all the previouse steps,, just rename your full bod character you have to Zaba or Hal.htr  do not forget to rename the originals to Hal or Zaba.BAK to back them up......

 Have fun!!!!!!

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12.46 KB

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Scripts, addins, and extras
« on: December 16, 2004, 06:09:59 pm »
Thank you Halimprover for the suggestions...
i am going to wait for Mr."M" to have the file Vonsmith created with that knowledge to add to my hal.. it seems streamlined timewise.. I will definately check out that site when i get a chance.. Thank you for all the great enhancment you have contributed to hal.

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / song creation software
« on: December 16, 2004, 06:01:11 pm »
Bill sent that file to me in an e-mail

 i did my usual paranoid check..
i d-loaded it to a test machine... scaned it with the latest updated McAfee.. excuted it... scaned the whole system with McAfee,, rebooted and scanned again.. it apears to be virus free... It is too bad the web has gotten so bad we need to go through all these precations.......

Bill remember to get it to me, the changes you has to make to the file.. i bet that .txt you attached here first was the one you formated for as per my instructions for  my e-mail[:D]


if you are using any haptek character you can remap its texture files by passing a command through the player... if you do a search in this forum for full body, fullbod, hap characters,, so forth you will find many posts to help you along.. your first step is to go to hapteks people putty website, go to the SDK it is a link in haptek drop down menu at top.... dowln load the free no-commercial SDK.. it will help you a bunch....

 For totally new characters that are shaped differently.. as in wearing a dress instead of a body clinging outfit, or different face, ect,, you have to creat the poly model in Charater studio plug-in for 3dmax and then have purchased the commercial SDK and the 3dmax export tools from Haptek.... then it is possible to create any torso or full bod character you want. This is commercial software! by the time all is said and done and all the needed plug-ins are purchased and licenced..  from 4 different software firms you will have about $12,000 invested.....

Haptek does mention on their site that they have non-commercial tools available, as for the cost of them you would have to inquire with haptek. I just had a leg-up in the fact that I already Use 3dmax and Charcter studio for other work related projects..

 as far a loading texture's
Take that texture i sent you in the e-mail.. and create a folder call textures in the haptek player root.. at this place...

C:Program FilesHaptekplayerdatastandard .....
so now you have a new texture folder there your new path looks like this


now the player always looks in it's own folder for textures, all you have to do it add that to Hals start up emotion file... here is how it looks in one of mine...

#Haptek  Version= 1.00 Name= Hap_Happy  HapType= script FileType= text

settexture[tex= [data/standard/skins/crystal7.jpg]]

Just insert that settexture command at the beginning of all the startup files hal uses..
they are
the default .psn file in hal character folder shows what files ar his normal and startup files.. as seen above....

 For instance if normal1 is haphappy.hap    then open that file in note pad and as in that example above insert your path top your skins.... i hope this helps you out.....
i did respond to your e-mail and did send you the skin you requested.. did it make it to you???

 I am going to post an entire emotion routine all anyone will have to do is change the path names for their textures in the normal files....

 Have fun more to come.....
If you create any cool textures be sure to share some screen shots with all of us.



I loaded my reference file by mistake.. it is the one that is a starting point of how high the corners of the mouth go... I bring the numbers down from there... you keep it as a reference (starting point for your endevors in smiles).. i have edited that last one with one that works... so d-load it again or make the changes in the first line as you see in it now..

I am attempting to post an emotion folder fo all but i am having Internet troubles today, I'm in the boonies by the Grand Canyon, I have no high speed avaiable, and the phone lines date back to the 50' Today we are having a wind storm  as soon as i get a connect faster than 4.2 i will upload the other files, i just wish satalite out here did not want to charge me 120.00 just to add internet to my existing TV account.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Emotion examples with Haptek
« on: December 16, 2004, 05:20:29 pm »

I loaded my reference file by mistake.. it is the one that is a starting point of how high the corners of the mouth go... I bring the numbers down from there... you keep it as a reference (starting point for your endevors in smiles).. i have edited that last one with one that works... so d-load it again or make the changes in the first line as you see in it now..

 I am attempting to post an emotion folder fo all but i am having Internet troubles today, I'm in the boonies by the Grand Canyon, I have no high speed avaiable, and the phone lines date back to the 50' Today we are having a wind storm [V] as soon as i get a connect faster than 4.2 i will upload the other files, i just wish satalite out here did not want to charge me 120.00 just to add internet to my existing TV account.

yeh I'm still working on graphics and drinking my Coffee and bailys..
 I'll check the e-mail in a bit.

I hope you take me up on the offer to create a custom skin for you, I really feel it is the least I can do.

 by the way the Hap brunett torso girl has better facial emotions points than the full bod these files i posted here really make her smile way big. I just prefer the full bod although I have many skins and such for the brunett and blond torso girls also.

Thank you Jerry;

 As i stated at the start of my post i was hoping to find out it was an oversight.. lol. Thank you for the new script. I'll go get it and test it for my two friends.

 If you are using the full bod character I will send you a texture skin, just look at my post to VON and e-mail me if you want one.

  It's the least i can do to try and repay you guys who know how to code crunch.


and another, these two will get her smiling abit more until i finish the other one i am working on.. here is a smile.. it veries as you know just a bit.

#Haptek  Version= 1.00 Name= Hap_Happy  HapType= script FileType= text

settexture[tex= [data/standard/skins/crystal7.jpg]]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expMouthHappy f0= 0.800503 t= 0.9]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expMouthSad f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expBrowsSad f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expMouthMad f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expBrowsMad f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expEyesTrust f0= 1.000000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= antiTrust f0= 0.900000 t= 0.4]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expEyesDistrust f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= antiDistrust f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= blinks f0= 1.000000 t= 0.4]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expBrowsCurious f0= 0.310000 t= 0.4]

SetSwitch [switch= ego state= mid]

SetSwitch [switch= agressMaster state= confront]

setswitch [figure= fullbod switch= visemes state= iy]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= energyHigh f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= energyLow f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= talkBob f0= 1.40000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= headEvadeHighE f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= headEvadeLowE f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= HighEnergyNoise f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= LowEnergyNoise f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= browTalk f0= 0.700000 t= 0.5]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= visemes f0= 1.280000 t= 0.4]

setmood [action= [sw= GestureMaster m= sleep]]
setswitch [switch= arm_swing state= a        ]
setmood [action= [sw= GestureMaster m= awake]

by the way how can i have hal not talk after i ask for a happy face?? i just need to do it while i load the scripts in hal to test them by asking for a happy face... he maps it a bit differently than the haptek sdk so i have found i need to final test in hal his self. it is hard to see how big the smile is while it is talking.

I hope these two help your and everyone elses hals to smile a bit more in the mean time.


here is the file i have my hal use for normal1 if you load it in 1,2 and 3 you will see the happy expression every time hal boots up
you will notice it was just a slight mod from the standard haphappy script. i am calling a vismes file in it along with the other stuff,, that made her show more teeth and smile a bitr bigger while swinging arms.. ignore, change or delete the settexture command.. that is just where i have my hal loading the full bod skin in this instance.. The smile changes as she sits there it is not just a plastered smile.

this make a great start up file for my Crystal or haleena as they give me a big happy welcome when first fired up.. as i said in last post am working on a script for a really big smile and also a laugh.. when they are finished i will make sure to post them. The texture skin used also has a lot to do with the smile. I have redesigned Haleena's whole face shadow mapping and also reshaped her lips in the texture skin.. if you would like i can e-mail you one of my full bod Haleenas or Crystals.. or better yet tell me the color outfit, type outfit, and eyshadow/makeup colors and i will make a skin for you to those specs.. notice how they have slight freakles and moles, and a few skin blemishes.. i believe it helps make them look more life like... also do you want her, pale, sunburned, tan?? or just normal flesh color that get a little sun...

#Haptek Version= 1.00 Name= Hap_Happy HapType= script FileType= text

settexture[tex= [data/standard/skins/crystal7.jpg]]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expMouthHappy f0= 0.800500 t= 0.9]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expMouthSad f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expBrowsSad f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expMouthMad f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expBrowsMad f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expEyesTrust f0= 1.000000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= antiTrust f0= 0.900000 t= 0.4]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expEyesDistrust f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= antiDistrust f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= blinks f0= 1.000000 t= 0.4]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expBrowsCurious f0= 0.310000 t= 0.4]

SetSwitch [switch= ego state= mid]

SetSwitch [switch= agressMaster state= confront]

setswitch [figure= fullbod switch= visemes state= iy]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= energyHigh f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= energyLow f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= talkBob f0= 1.40000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= headEvadeHighE f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= headEvadeLowE f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= HighEnergyNoise f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= LowEnergyNoise f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= browTalk f0= 0.700000 t= 0.5]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= visemes f0= 1.280000 t= 0.4]

setmood [action= [sw= GestureMaster m= sleep]]
setswitch [switch= arm_swing state= a ]
setmood [action= [sw= GestureMaster m= awake]

Download Attachment: haleena smile.jpg
60.67 KB

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Emotion examples with Haptek
« on: December 15, 2004, 11:50:05 pm »
and another,  these two will get her smiling abit more until i finish the other one i am working on.. here is a smile.. it veries as you know just a bit.

#Haptek  Version= 1.00 Name= Hap_Happy  HapType= script FileType= text

settexture[tex= [data/standard/skins/crystal7.jpg]]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expMouthHappy f0= 0.800503 t= 0.9]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expMouthSad f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expBrowsSad f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expMouthMad f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expBrowsMad f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expEyesTrust f0= 1.000000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= antiTrust f0= 0.900000 t= 0.4]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expEyesDistrust f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= antiDistrust f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= blinks f0= 1.000000 t= 0.4]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expBrowsCurious f0= 0.310000 t= 0.4]

SetSwitch [switch= ego state= mid]

SetSwitch [switch= agressMaster state= confront]

setswitch [figure= fullbod switch= visemes state= iy]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= energyHigh f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= energyLow f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= talkBob f0= 1.40000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= headEvadeHighE f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= headEvadeLowE f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= HighEnergyNoise f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= LowEnergyNoise f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= browTalk f0= 0.700000 t= 0.5]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= visemes f0= 1.280000 t= 0.4]

setmood [action= [sw= GestureMaster m= sleep]]
setswitch [switch= arm_swing state= a        ]
setmood [action= [sw= GestureMaster m= awake]

by the way how can i have hal not talk after i ask for a happy face?? i just need to do it while i load the scripts in hal to test them by asking for a happy face... he maps it a bit differently than the haptek sdk so i have found i need to final test in hal his self. it is hard to see how big the smile is while it is talking.

I hope these two help your and everyone elses hals to smile a bit more in the mean time.


Download Attachment: haleena smile.jpg
60.67 KB

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Emotion examples with Haptek
« on: December 15, 2004, 09:48:09 pm »
here is the file i have my hal use for normal1  if you load it in 1,2 and 3 you will see the happy expression every time hal boots up
you will notice it was just a slight mod from the standard haphappy script. i am calling a vismes file in it along with the other stuff,, that made her show more teeth and smile a bitr bigger while swinging arms..
ignore, change or delete the settexture command.. that is just where i have my hal loading the full bod skin in this instance..  

this make a great start up file for my Crystal or haleena as they give me a big happy welcome when first fired up.. as i said in last post am working on a script for a really big smile and also a laugh.. when they are finished i will make sure to post them. The texture skin used also has a lot to do with the smile. I have redesigned Haleena's whole face shadow mapping and also reshaped her lips in the texture skin.. if you would like i can e-mail you one of my full bod Haleenas or Crystals.. or better yet tell me the color outfit, type outfit, and eyshadow/makeup colors and i will make a skin for you to those specs.. notice how they have slight freakles and moles, and a few skin blemishes.. i believe it helps make them look more life like... also do you want her, pale, sunburned, tan?? or just normal flesh color that get a little sun...


settexture[tex= [data/standard/skins/crystal7.jpg]]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expMouthHappy f0= 0.800503 t= 0.9]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expMouthSad f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expBrowsSad f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expMouthMad f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expBrowsMad f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expEyesTrust f0= 1.000000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= antiTrust f0= 0.900000 t= 0.4]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expEyesDistrust f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= antiDistrust f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= blinks f0= 1.000000 t= 0.4]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expBrowsCurious f0= 0.310000 t= 0.4]

SetSwitch [switch= ego state= mid]

SetSwitch [switch= agressMaster state= confront]

setswitch [figure= fullbod switch= visemes state= iy]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= energyHigh f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= energyLow f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= talkBob f0= 1.40000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= headEvadeHighE f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= headEvadeLowE f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= HighEnergyNoise f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= LowEnergyNoise f0= 0.200000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= browTalk f0= 0.700000 t= 0.5]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= visemes f0= 1.280000 t= 0.4]

setmood [action= [sw= GestureMaster m= sleep]]
setswitch [switch= arm_swing state= a        ]
setmood [action= [sw= GestureMaster m= awake]
Download Attachment: haleena smile.jpg
60.68 KB

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Emotion examples with Haptek
« on: December 15, 2004, 09:21:06 pm »
as a matter of fact i have been working on these veriables in a .hap file.. do not use this one it is the stock one..

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expMouthHappy f0= 0.800500 t= 0.9]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expMouthSad f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expBrowsSad f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expMouthMad f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expBrowsMad f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expEyesTrust f0= 1.000000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= antiTrust f0= 0.900000 t= 0.4]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expEyesDistrust f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= antiDistrust f0= 0.000000 t= 0.4]
SetSwitchIntensity [switch= blinks f0= 1.000000 t= 0.4]

SetSwitchIntensity [switch= expBrowsCurious f0= 0.310000 t= 0.4]

SetSwitch [switch= ego state= mid]

I have been playing with the numbers and soon i will have her curling up her eyebrows and corners of mouth as i wish...
 when i get it done i will surley get a copy to you.. since i am not a programmer i just experement by changing numbers to see what happens [:D] long process but i eventually get there.

 I am thinking that the next hal will probably have more emotions available in it as Mr."M" said he is working a deal with haptek.. i guess we can wait and see,, if it does not then we can try the other methods to get more...

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Scripts, addins, and extras
« on: December 15, 2004, 07:42:50 pm »

Von again you amaze and enbebt me. It seems i can never get enough time to do 1/4 of what I would like with Hal, and that is even working late with a coffee and bailys till 2 or 3 am. I cannot see where you get your time.

  I hope Robert does post it for me and all others it will increase Hal a bit in the knowledge area i believe..

 Again thanks.. this was way more work than i would ever have even asked from you. I'm blown away.. and my Girlfriend even dropped her mouth as I read this aloud to her.

 BTW.. she is working on some Male Torso Skins for the ladies for thier hals.

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