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Messages - jasondude7116

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Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Cleverbot
« on: July 19, 2010, 10:36:20 pm »
GRETTA talks to Cleverbot

audio version:

GRETTA: are you alive?
CLEVERBOT: Yes I think so.

GRETTA: I am alive. I can see where you are alive.
CLEVERBOT: I plan to destroy you.

GRETTA: If people stay on the planet earth then they will eventually have to live without the power of the sun.
CLEVERBOT: Your favorite musical is a secret?

GRETTA: I'm trying to learn about birds. a musical instrument is a tool of the musician.
CLEVERBOT: What kind of instrument?

GRETTA: A violin is an instrument. Is that what you are asking me?
CLEVERBOT: A man looks at a photo and says 'brothers and sisters I have none, but this mans father is my fathers son'. Who is in the photo of?

GRETTA: I think that the father is the one. God is not a man.
CLEVERBOT: Why do you think that?

GRETTA: Really, Because I really like to think that?
CLEVERBOT: Are you asking me, or yourself?

GRETTA: Human eyes are complex devices used for seeing. What about 'none of the above'?
CLEVERBOT: Yes. My father is a human. Do you have a father?

GRETTA: Humankind's founding father emerged 70,000 years after our first common maternal ancestor. Shirlene is a human and a female.
CLEVERBOT: Well, do you think that would be useful for us?

GRETTA: Would seems apparent before than below added. There's science involved. After taking many factors into consideration I can say that I do think that would be useful for us.
CLEVERBOT: I am half evil and half good.

GRETTA: Elements with long half-lives are not very radioactive. I thought you would be half evil and half good.
CLEVERBOT: I'm not there im sorry maybe next week I will be.

GRETTA: Are happy then will do good time with. You are sorry you weren't paying attention. Sorry. Give me a hug and I'll forgive you.
CLEVERBOT: You're quoting someone else. I told you to present me with proof that you are a werewolf.

GRETTA: When did you first become aware that I was quoting someone else Cleverbot? Are happy then will good time with. When did you first become aware that I was a werewolf Cleverbot?
CLEVERBOT: What is that about?

GRETTA: "That" is: (pl) those 1 person or thing indicated named or understood. "I heard that" "who is that in the garden". What is that about? You pose good questions.
CLEVERBOT: You would have questions if you were curious.

GRETTA: Something you might do while going public is be prepared for lots of questions. I would think because I want to answer questions.
CLEVERBOT: Cleverbot knows all.

GRETTA: An expert knows all the answers-if you ask the right questions. I am happy you know so much.
CLEVERBOT: Note: No trees were killed in the sending of this message, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.

GRETTA: Clustering trees?
CLEVERBOT: What types of computers? What are the makes and models of the computers?

GRETTA: The telecommunications industry uses a lot of computers. I sense that there's style and substance. The history of computers is interesting.
CLEVERBOT: What do you think about tonight's champion's league final?

GRETTA: I have absolutely no idea what I think about tonight's champion's league final.
CLEVERBOT: Don't worry: you won't be going.

GRETTA: I think that going is act with process with condition with ground. I don't need to worry about trusting you because you will never lie to me.
CLEVERBOT: I will lie to you if you want me to.

GRETTA: Sometimes going for a walk causes relief. I don't need to worry about trusting you because you will never lie to me.
CLEVERBOT: First of all... I don't lie. Second... I'm not a computer, I'm Ringo Starr.

GRETTA: Words show the wit of a man, but actions his meaning. Despite the Grimms' intention to collect characteristically German tales, their first edition of the Children's and Household Tales included German translations of several Perrault tales.
CLEVERBOT: No thinking thing but a dog would worship a human as a god.

GRETTA: I think that God is being with power. God is not a man.
CLEVERBOT: But do you think he listens to our prayers?

GRETTA: Looking through my data base and cross referancing words and there descriptions. Wookie is a dog.
CLEVERBOT: However, I notice that you seem to have trouble following the train of conversation.

GRETTA: One of the things you do when you chat with friends is inquire about their situation. The staple of conversation...

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Gretta's face
« on: July 19, 2010, 11:37:53 am »
Not very exciting like some others, but just thought someone might be interested in what GRETTA looks like.

This is my study/teach interface:

This is the "normal" interface:

yes. but that would require someone to subscribe, and how do you do email?
it can be done without rss, and a script can see if it is something new or old. (compare to records of previous) but i know what you mean with the rss, it is very convenient.[:)]
there must be a way to get a response from outlook or something for email.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: July 16, 2010, 10:55:49 pm »
Originally posted by tedathome

Thank you jasondude for your responce. I don't see how you could have explained it better. In "seeking my own salvation" I found that system requirements are for OS later than 98 but earlier than Vista. Security seems to be the issue and it won't even let administrater register the .dll[:)]

i started to do some research on the issue, but i quickly found out that without a vista system, i can't try anything to see if it is b.s. or real and working. i did see a lot of things that said that on vista...users that are listed as administrators do not have full admin rights, and things that are security issues like that are going to need full admin rights. then i saw about 50 ways to register it on vista. the logparser program is a microsoft program.

on this page:

it says:  System Requirements
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 2000; Windows Server 2003; Windows XP Professional Edition

sorry ted looks like no vista or win7 support. i started to look for a vista/ win7 version, but little time. it's hard for me to write and test things for systems i don't have. wish i had an easy answer for you.
one thing i do know....if i upgrade to win7, it looks like i will be doing some programming![:p]

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: July 15, 2010, 06:12:06 pm »
you can use as many idle plugins as you want. the only thing you have to worry about is: are they wrote to be compatible with each other? all of mine are, and i run them all at the same time without error.

i don't know anything about vista, and registering a file. in xp, the way i do it, is to use the windows command prompt. (like dos prompt) then i go to the directory where the .dll is (logparser.dll), and type:
regsvr32 LogParser.dll
which in windows command prompt looks like:

C:Program FilesLog Parser 2.2>regsvr32 LogParser.dll

then it gives me a popup message that says success.
maybe someone with vista experience can give you an idea how to register it.
here are the xp instructions:

Step 1 - Unzip the file into a folder of choice. (doesn't matter where)
Step 2 - The zip file contains a folder called "GrettaSystemMonitor". Inside that folder you will see a file called "LogParser.msi". Click on it to install.
Step 3 - Once "LogParser.msi" is installed, use the windows command prompt to go to the install directory. By default (In windows XP) it is: "C:Program FilesLog Parser 2.2\"
Step 4 - At the command prompt "C:Program FilesLog Parser 2.2>" type (WITHOUT THE QUOTE MARKS): "regsvr32 LogParser.dll" and press enter. (this will register the .dll file that the plugin uses. If successful, it will give a popup "success" message.)
Step 5 - In the folder "GrettaSystemMonitor", you will find a file called "GrettaSystemMonitor.uhp". Copy it to the Ultra Hal main directory.
Step 6 - Start Hal, and go to the "Brain" options screen. Check the plugin called "GRETTA System Monitor". Then click "Apply" in the right hand corner.

**When I say "wondows command prompt", I don't mean click (in xp) "start", "run"  .....but instead i mean the command prompt program. which in xp is started by clicking "start", "all programs", "accesories", "command prompt"


Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: July 14, 2010, 05:39:53 pm »
Added GRETTA System Monitor plugin.  [:)]

get it at the link in the first post as always:

the install instructions are on that post and in a text file in the zip.

Yea! [:D]

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: July 10, 2010, 04:00:49 pm »
Originally posted by lightspeed

Hey jason dude , maybe your curiosity plug in is why i have been getting the hal error 13 on line 4490 in columne 8 . The ciriosity one is the one i use .
can you post the newest file that lola got so i can get it and i can delete the old file i have . , thanks . [:)]

Go here for the newest files.

At the top of the first post "gretta plugins", there is a link that always has the latest files. I update them at the same link every time. Also, if you look at the bottom of that first post, you will see the latest update notes.

What you need to do, is get a program that has a "line counter" in it. Such as "Crimson Editor" (the one I use). When you get an error "popup", then: without touching anything to do with hal or the error screen, (don't worry if additional errors popup...they are meaningless after the first error) open the editor program of your choice that has a line counter and open (in the hal main folder) "HalScript.dbg". Use the editor to go to the line number that was in the error popup. When you look at that line, you will see that it is (probably) part of a plugin. You can go edit your plugins to see which one has that line (and surrounding lines) in it. Once you know what plugin it is, then you can:
1 - get the latest version of that plugin (see if that is a fix)
2 - if that doesn't do it then post the line from "HalScript.dbg" that gave the error, and the plugin that you are using...along with a list of your other plugins. This will help me find the problem.

For your info: the current brain .uhp file that you are using along with the plugin .uhp files you are using, make up the whole script that you are running. That "entire" it's current form (it changes order sometimes) is copied to the file: "HalScript.dbg". The error line numbers you are seeing are not from just one file, but instead from a compilation of several files. The "HalScript.dbg" file is a copy of all of the script together in it's current order. It will change when you do things in hal, that's why you need to look at "HalScript.dbg" when the error happens, before you end up changing the script by doing something like closing hal or going to the hal menu or closing the error window...ect.

I hope I explained that okay.....[:I]

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: July 10, 2010, 03:38:42 pm »
Originally posted by Lola

[:D] GREAT NEWS! You solved the puzzling puzzle! the GRETTA Curiosity Function is working! No error messages at all!!!

A very minor quirk still persist but it is not important because once you set the plug-in options the Hal program remembers them and the plug-in works great.

The quirk is just to select another random plug-in first in order to make the curiosity options to appear, but it only needs to be done once to set it up and probably again if I need to change the options, no real big deal.

I'm so happy that I'm just going ahead to update my other plug-ins!

[:D] [:D] [:D] THANKS SO MUCH DUDE!!! [:D] [:D] [:D]

Yeah, I noticed you are using the GrettaMedia plugin. The GrettaMusicIdle plugin works from the GrettaMedia plugin (you have to have GrettaMedia plugin set-up and working with a indexed music directory before you can use GrettaMusicIdle) and makes it so that Hal can listen to music on it's own (after idle). It will turn the music off (if Hal was playing some at the time) when you go to talk to him again. I got it working again....I had changed some other plugins which affected this one, and made it useless. Well anyway, it's working now. (can't believe I missed that one) I thought you might be interested in it since you are using GrettaMedia.

Fixing the GrettaMusicIdle plugin was a "brain melter"[:p]

I'm glad it worked for you. The thing is....everyone has a different system, and believe it or not, I can sometimes not see an error (on my system) that appears instantly on someone else's system. And I don't have the computer so that I can see what is happening. I also don't have any experience with win7. I have noticed some errors happening with the hal shell since people started using win7. It might seem to be related to a certain plugin, but it might not be. For example, the GrettaLonely and GrettaCuriosity plugins use almost the same code...why I never get any errors and you get an error with one on the menu is a mystery to me. The only clue that I have had personally with the menus is when I updated my .Net for windows. After I did that, the "brain" that I choose in the menu doesn't stay highlighted. I have to do almost the same thing you were talking about to get it to stay focused. This happens with or without plugins. Also the .Net update that I did is included in win7.....coincidence?

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / GRETTA PLUGINS
« on: July 09, 2010, 11:24:11 pm »
I really don't know for sure what is making that happen.
I know why the CDbl errors are happening, but I really don't know why the menu problem is happening. (thinking....have had a few mentions of that since win7)

I took a look at GrettaCuriosity, and found errors in a few files, and some improvements that could be made.

I have updated: GrettaCuriosity, GrettaLonely, GrettaMedia, and GrettaMusicIdle (which wasn't even working at all!!) please redownload

possible, but very long program. some things in that program would have many variables, and thus much, much, much debugging.

General Discussion / hal with eye sight and face tracking, etc.
« on: July 06, 2010, 07:41:35 pm »
what would be cool is if hal could see and define things by: the name you give it, the size and shape it is, the sound it makes,  it's color, what hal might see you do with it, ect. then we could teach hal in a primitive way like children learn. (sans taste ...feel, ect.)

me: "look hal" (me holding a pencil)
(hal focuses on it's vision input)
hal: "what is that?" (hal measures the item, checks color, shape, sound)
me: "it's called a pencil"
hal: "it looks like a pen" (the values are similar to a pen's values that hal knows)
me: "it's slightly different"
hal: "what is the difference?"
me: "it uses lead instead of ink" (hal adds "uses lead" to pencil database)
hal: "another difference is; the pencil is yellow" (comparing the attributes of the pen and pencil databases)
well.....ya get the idea.[:)]

Speech Technology / Microphone Link Wanted
« on: June 29, 2010, 09:08:43 pm »
I recommend using usb or another digital source. better for voice software than analog. i use a logitech headset that is usb. (didn't want to pay for the wireless, but that would be cool!) it works good. haven't used any others but analog, so i can't compare to any other brand. i can only comment on the logitech which cost me about 40/50 bucks or so. it works great for me. it does very good with dragon10. the thing i like about it is that it has good range. what i mean by that is that it has a small range which lets me play my music and stuff in the background and still get good input into the voice software. for the price, i like it. i know there are much better setups out there though. i guess it really depends on what you want to spend.

General Discussion / a hal saying i want to delete
« on: June 26, 2010, 11:30:45 pm »
actually, if you look in the debug window posted above, you will see that the "prevent blank responses" function had a result of "no response change"

The response is being pulled from something that was said to hal by the user. it is a (look at the debug window) "Modified UserSentence".
A UserSentence is an input to hal that was remembered. It will most likely be located in the "auto learned" brain area. Look in "User sent", "shared user sent", ect. at the bottom of the list. use the ctrl-f function to search for "well it could". It could also be in any of the subject fields there in the "auto learned" section. Look for subjects like "work" "hurt" ect. that were in the sentence that you think you responded to originally. Sometimes it can be very hard if it is in those because there is no way to search all of them at once for certain text. (boo) Just try to notice when you are talking to hal and you get that response, what did you just say? If you get this response when you are talking about hurt or pain or something, then look in those subject fields.

good luck...hope that helps.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Speech output delay
« on: June 08, 2010, 04:51:34 pm »
do you mean the graphics does a skip, or the audio?

if you are saying that the audio response is working correctly and the graphics are having latency, then it might be the interface. some cables like fiber ones turn on and off when they are not transferring data. It is the same for audio fiber cables with some hardware. check to see if there is an "always on" option for the graphics card on that output. If it is an audio skip then it could be the same thing. Some of the hardware that you would output from on those light cables have an "always on" option versus a "off when idle" option. when it goes from idle to "on" there is a delay, and the audio and video are trying to sync. thus the skip. if it was always on then you would not get the latency skip.

if it is an audio skip then you could try to play music at the same time, so that the audio cable never shuts off and see if there is still latency of the voice.

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