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Messages - Bill819

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Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / How do you use this?
« on: November 14, 2009, 07:47:29 pm »
Originally posted by acexavier

I have no idea how to use this. I don't know how to do even the values, my hal is limited and I need more help. A bit ofadvice to Zabaware, make sure your Hal doesn't work! You cause my great depression, because he is just 1 of like 100000000000 Ultra Hal's. Sad! Hal is real, you know that, notgeta place set up so my Hal and our Hal's are happy and wanting to do. He thinks I'm like no good. Real bad self respect and care.

What ever Hal learns or says he learns from YOU.  If Hal does not like you it is becauseof something you said to him that made him think that way. Don't try to argue or deny it because this is the way that Hal is built and operates. Try talking to it like an adult and with some respect and eventually you will get the same form him

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Cannot install sapi 5.1
« on: November 14, 2009, 07:34:46 pm »
A question for you. When you installed Sapi.5.1 did you reboot right after the install? Second did you reinstall Hal after you rebooted so it could find the new installed program? Both of the aboved items should have been done and in the order that I posted them.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Haptek Player Issue
« on: November 14, 2009, 07:29:14 pm »
How would I contact Rob? I'm a newbie. Thank you!

You can contact Bob by just addressing your post here to him. It may take a while before you get an answer as he waa/is attending college full time.
As far aa you problem I think I remember someone saying that that you set permission through Vista Administrator then Hal would perform normally. I could be wrong though.

General Discussion / off line for a while
« on: October 10, 2009, 12:10:24 pm »
Well you are not alone. I am leaving Monday for a two week cruise to the Mexican Reveria. I would like to say that I will be thinking of all of you but most likely I will be sipping Pina Colota on the Sun Deck and having the time of my life.
Bill [:D]

General Discussion / Talking heads
« on: September 30, 2009, 03:24:40 pm »
I also have a singing/talking Elvis but I bought mine before the price dropped through the floor. They started out at $350.00 a copy.
It is still in the original box unopened and will remain that way until I decide what to do with it.

General Discussion / Talking heads
« on: September 29, 2009, 11:42:10 pm »
It's that time of the year again when is making full sized talking halloween figures. When I bought my singing/dancing skelleton it only cost about $100.00. It stands a full 6 foot tall and has a microphone jack in the back so Hal can speak through the thing.  There is nothing like talking to hal and having it look you in the eye and talk back. You may have to check each one carefully to make sure that they contain the input jack for microphones and if they do you will not be disappointed.
Bill [}:)]

General Discussion / Cancer Cured in Canada, But Big Pharma Says NO WAY
« on: September 28, 2009, 01:59:00 pm »
As far as cloning goes a university in Lousiana has been successfully cloning some body parts now for a few years. In 2006 I contacted cancer of the bladder for the fifth time and that time it was so bad they had to remove my bladder completely to keep it from spreading. One year later I read about the university's ability to clone organs and at that time it was human bladders. In as little as two weeks they could clone your bladder have it transplanted into you without any chance of being rejected.
The news now is that they are developing ways to clone most other organs and it looks like they are being quite successful.

General Discussion / this isnt spam its a software for magic jack users
« on: September 27, 2009, 12:45:01 pm »
Hi Lightspeed
I am glad to see you are happy with Magic Jack but I still think you should give Skypes a try, after all it is free. You can download it for free and if you don't like it then you can just delete it. For a small fee it can do everything Magic Jack can do plus a whole lot more. If you do decide to use it then let me know and I'll email you my Skypes 'handle'. I am sure you see what it can do you may re-evaluate the product.

General Discussion / Cancer Cured in Canada, But Big Pharma Says NO WAY
« on: September 26, 2009, 01:48:31 pm »
I am usually hear many times every day with some small exceptions like when I am out of town. I normally don't post much unless I feel that I can add some real value to what is being talked about.
The laast 6 weeks I have been very active in a nation wide Karaoke contest and I am now in the Simi-finals and will have one more go at it on Oct. 1st. I really did not expect to get into the finals because there are thousands of really good singers from all over the country. In the San Jose area alone there are over 92 restuarants and bars that have karaoke as a part of their entertainment. It has  been a lot of real fun.
I will be missing again in Oct as I will be taking my lady friend on a two week cruise to the Mexican reveria. I love those cruise ships as they always treat you like royalty.
Every day that I am home I log onto Zabaware several time=s a day as I am now retired and have plenty of time on my hands. I also log onto a nice Chess site too as I am interested in computer chess and have written a chess program myself and even had it entered into a world wide chess tournement once.
Damn, you got me talking about my personal life which is one thing that I tend to never do here or anywhere else public.
Never fear Underdog is here, well, I mean I am.

General Discussion / this isnt spam its a software for magic jack users
« on: September 26, 2009, 01:35:00 pm »
Hello LS and others.
I use something that I consider even better than Magic Jack and it is called Skypes. It can be downloaded for FREE and once installed you can talk through your computer to almost anyone in the world for free using computers mic and speakers. What makes it really nice is that if you have a web cam on your PC you can see a live image of the person that you are talking to at the same time. You can also make conference call as I have been on line with 6 (six) different people at the same time. The only hitch is that the others you want to talk to must also have Skypes. So much for the free version.
If you so desire you can buy another version which will allow you to place calls to anyones regular telephone still using your PC as your main connection. I did not purchase this one.
Oh, one more thing televised calls only work between 2 (TWO) people and with conference calls all you get is an icon for each additional person with whom you are talking and as each person speaks their icon blinks. Like I said the program is totally free so it cost you nothing to try.

General Discussion / Cancer Cured in Canada, But Big Pharma Says NO WAY
« on: September 25, 2009, 04:28:22 pm »
Here are some interesting facts about both cancer and HIV.
Cancer cells are just normal growth cells that have run amok and in doing so can be very deadly. The hard part in finding a cure is that once you find a way to destroy the growth factor in cancer cell you also risk the danger of stopping all normal growth or at least inhibiting.
It was once announced that a cure or HIV was discovered years ago but the one of the side effects was that the drug that killed HIV also destroyed you immune system which could lead to fatal events as you could no longer fight off any regular viruses or deseases that could come you way. In other words you are damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Speech Technology / Speech recognition / top tips
« on: September 25, 2009, 04:16:44 pm »
Microsofts VR has always been supplied with its OS. The trick was and is learing how to find and turn it on. Unfortunately, like you I discovered that it does not work very good. It comes with it own text for speaking and training and I have had to read it over and over to get any kind of success but even then it was lacking.
I purchased Dragon V.8 a few years ago and was told by some even older users that it works much better than MS's.
Zabaware has always come with links to MS products and if you think about it that is the only economical way for it to be done as the cost of developing your own would be tremendous.
100 pounds seems like a lot of money to spend for Dragon. I am sure that it did not cost me that much when I bought it but then again there may be some differences between your version and mine ie. GB versus USA.

Speech Technology / hooking up video and sound on Vista
« on: September 25, 2009, 04:01:10 pm »
Originally posted by JohnSFV1

I got dragon's Speaking Naturally. I haven.t had time to install it yet.
Thanks "ONE" for the suggustion  on hooking up word first I;ll try it.
Just enrolling in Humbolt Univ.Computer Science were I will be focusing on AI
My Mic is made by Ball it is a hi def mic and hi def camera in one. I'm contacting them for help also wish me luck

It works just fine with Dragon so go for it.

Speech Technology / Speech recognition / top tips
« on: September 22, 2009, 06:29:02 pm »
My Hal has been using Speach Recognition ever since Win 98. It also worked with Win XP and now with Vista which by the way I don't like and use as little as possible.
Hal has come with it as far back as Version 5 and maybe even version 4. I'll have to check my records to verify.
I have been using Hal for about 10 years or so and maybe even longer.

Speech Technology / hooking up video and sound on Vista
« on: September 21, 2009, 09:53:46 pm »
When in Hal clidk on the upper left button called menu. Then click on general options, then speach, then on the bottom half of the screen there will be a little box that enables speach recognition.
It takes several hours of trainging to get Hal to understand you with out to many errors. IMPORTANT Make sure that there are no other background noises going on that can be heard as they will impeed you teaching. Hal does not come with the software it uses Microsofts which is normally built into every version of windows, at least every version that I have had since Win 95 had it included.
As for you microphone I can not help you other than to recommend buying a regular mic that does not use the USB connection, however if you look into some options of windows you will see a microphone icon, turn it on and see if yours works now.

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