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Messages - jackgephart

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General Discussion / mix and match clothing for hapteck idea !!
« on: July 12, 2009, 06:07:33 pm »
That isn't one of my skins but I wish it was, that was one of my favorites when I started playing with Haptek. And Lightspeed, that is a very good job, you are on your way to doing just the same thing that I do. I start out with a "base" skin most always, and go from there. Now Amanda has become my most used base skin, and if you noticed, she is 2061x2127 pixels at 300 dpi. This gives a lot more detail than the original 1024x1024 that we were using. I just stumbled across that point, but it works so I'm sticking with it. Notice the detail in Amanda Nude's skin when you have it on her. My carpel Tunnel is still giving me some trouble but not so much since I limited what I do on the guitar and computer. Hope you have fun playing with 3D, as much as I do.
Gotta go eat, Denise is calling me. See ya guys...

General Discussion / face to full body intregation
« on: July 04, 2009, 04:23:36 am »
Duskrider, I'm glad you stumbled across Haptek, because your programing skills have brought Sandee, and all of our full body girls to life for us. As well as the text for the shirts, backgrounds, and other great things that makes this Haptek stuff not so boring. Thanks and I hope that you, like I, stick with this Haptek mess for as long as we can.

General Discussion / face to full body intregation
« on: July 03, 2009, 03:00:02 pm »
You're right GT. I stumbled across Haptek when I still had Windows 98, wow that long ago, and I loved the first PC program that Haptek made called Virtual Friend. I wasn't lonely and needed a friend, I was just awed by 3D models and at $24.95 I could finally afford to play with that stuff. Unfortunately, the program sucked and was more limited that Putty, but it got me loving 3D more and I got the bug. Then I got a better computer and it had XP, boom VFriend stopped working. I finally got the nerve to question this and got nowhere, so I bought People Putty. Even if Haptek dies and no one plays with it anymore, I will still have a good feeling in my heart for the program. I wish that I could get them to do more so it wouldn't die, but...

General Discussion / face to full body intregation
« on: July 03, 2009, 04:29:24 am »
Needless to say, we are a dying art form, and it is only going to get worse in the future for Haptek because they do suck at their options as far as what you can do with the product. Even the more expensive program is limited, or we would have a lot more accessories than just wigs from Nige. Also, it is hard to get the hang of shaping heads and only the ones that really kill themselves on it ever really get it. I know, my wrist hurts daily. But I am glad that Haptek was an inexpensive toy to play with until something better comes along. I sure don't see myself making heads and stuff 10 or 20 years into the future.
But until my tunnel gets worse and I can't any longer, I will try to put out some realistic looking heads from this very limited software.

General Discussion / face to full body intregation
« on: July 01, 2009, 07:22:57 pm »
Hey Ted, please feel free to use anything I put on here. It's for you guys that I do it. I think it's cool that you are trying to play with it, that means I'm not the only one still interested in Haptek.

General Discussion / face to full body intregation
« on: June 29, 2009, 05:33:59 am »
I found her as is, used goods. But I thought she was kind of pretty to.

General Discussion / face to full body intregation
« on: June 28, 2009, 08:24:35 am »
I'd be glad to try to make up some template deal to shape the face onto the body. Now mind you the features of the full body.htr wouldn't change so it wouldn't look much like the person, but it could be slapped onto there. In fact, because that would be the default skin to be changed I don't even think it would need a hap file to change it. Just cut out the face, slap it on the head area and save it and go from there. Drag and drop. Is that possible in Hal? The drag and drop thing? I know it is on the Haptek player.

I played with a template of sorts that I made out of Jenny, I downloaded this photo off of the net and I didn't resize it too much, just enough to slap it over the face holes.

Then I looked at what it looked like. Probably not a real good option unless you cover the area that isn't there.

General Discussion / face to full body intregation
« on: June 27, 2009, 07:01:05 pm »
It would have to be sized and changed to fit the full body .htr's. Otherwise it could be possible maybe. It would be a hard one.

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / NIGE, NEED YOUR HELP!
« on: June 25, 2009, 05:18:51 am »

 You are good at making skin faces can you show me how you do it?

General Discussion / is this the next pc os taking over for vista ?
« on: June 09, 2009, 09:41:40 pm »
I tried it too, but no good. Only ran 1/3 of the time. Wouldn't start up right. I'll wait for the bugs to get out of it.

Nope borrowed it from the net.


Just kiddin'![:D] That sounds pretty good man. Good find!

That was funny as hell![:D] But I still like Vista.

General Discussion / my utube link for battlefield 2142 pc play
« on: May 09, 2009, 04:03:47 am »
Lightspeed, I've played some pretty cool games like that when I was into games on the computer. I was very bad at it though. Guess I'll stick to what I can do a little bit better, watch you play.

And One, all I can say is WOW! That was the best bike "riding" I've ever seen. I would love to even be able to jump the curb when I ride a bike. Once when I was 12 I tripped over a bump in the road. Still have the scar above my upper lip, that why I keep hair there.

General Discussion / Who is going to try Windows 7?
« on: May 05, 2009, 10:15:45 pm »
That has to be the case Bill, cause my computer is like a bullet. I have not had any problems with Vista since I got it on this computer 2 years ago. I will admit though that XP runs screen savers a little bit more smoothly. But that is all I can see from my viewpoint. It could be that I just got a real good computer:

I slapped 4 GB of memory in it some time ago also and that helped that speed as well.

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