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Messages - MrAliKorn

Pages: 1 [2]
Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Skins
« on: July 21, 2006, 08:53:54 pm »
Originally posted by markofkane

I cannot read it, lol.

Interesting, though.

Drop it on to your charicter as a skin. An it will be self explaining. Sorry for leaving out that detail.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Skins
« on: July 21, 2006, 06:04:02 pm »
Well it sounds like we are all doing things in the same fasion.It is a hassle to have to minimise all the time but it works.
Here is the Grid (color Coded file) I use to get things in the proper places. It is a work in progress :) I just take it in as a new layer then fade it to 50% so I can see my skin. Also in photoshop I scale the pic to 1022 x 1022 px at 300 dpi and that allows for fine detail.
Hope it helps.

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Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Skins
« on: July 20, 2006, 09:44:54 pm »
In Photoshop I use layers for each piece. Save as a .jpg to the desk top and have my player open. When i make a change (small ones) I save as jpg, minimize photoshop, then drag the skin into the player 9 I just Leave the player on). so yes I have to see the changes as I am making them but its worth it in the end. the layers are the key.Start with layer1 (a nude)then add a blank layer that all my changes are on that way my base isnt messed up. As for possition i am working on a color coded "Layer" that shows to the exact pixel where the parts are.I just use that as an overlay so I can position things right. At times it is timeconsuming but in the end I will have a file that has all the parts ( modifications) that I can open and just mix and mach "layers" for different outfits.Example 1 layer is a shirt, one is boots,one is pants all with the base body in the back.
the detail comes from zooming in to 3-400%.
The items "layers" your not using simply hide them and the dont show up. Then save as jpg.
Thats how I do it anyway.
Hope that helps some. If not I can send you a photoshop file with the layers, to give you a visual idea.
When I finish the color guide ill post it.

P.S Love the vids directing is in your blood :)

Originally posted by markofkane

I still don't know how photoshop helps that much. I'd have to try the skin on the fullbody each time to see how it looked. It's hard for me to postion some things just right.

Great skins!!![:D]

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Skins
« on: July 20, 2006, 04:05:13 pm »
Thanks for the kind encouragement. No I dont use any special tools, just photo shop. I appreciate the expert comment, but im just startin out so their si alot I still have to learn.
here are a couple of Biker style skins. More to follow Im shure.

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And Varriation 2

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Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Skins
« on: July 19, 2006, 04:38:57 pm »
Here is a Western theme skin.
Hope you all like it. Ill use this topic to post more instead of creating new ones. Most of the skins I have done work best with "Jiggly" fullbod female.

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Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Meet Kaylee
« on: July 15, 2006, 03:42:27 pm »
Thanks Lady,
Its a screenshot of the player not poser, The bends in the fingers(all joint bends)I used the hap regristry to do. it comes with the free version of the haptek guide you can download. you have to search for it in the installed files but its there. Everything is Hap player contained and the BKgroundand and skin I did in Adobe. I have done about 4 variations of this skin if you would like to see them?
thanks for the props.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Meet Kaylee
« on: July 15, 2006, 12:41:04 am »
Hello All,
this is my girl Kaylee.
I wanted ya'll to meet her and see what ya thought.
It's my first skin so a few things are off a little but I wanted to see whacha think. Please let Me Know How I can improve.
Thanks Kelly
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General Discussion / Introductions
« on: July 07, 2006, 09:37:46 pm »
Thank yall for the warm welcome. I appreciate the help, I knew it was a simple solution for the most part. Thanks to your App suggestions I may have my first video soon. the 3D is so much fun to play with. I also have a few skins Im working on. we shall see where it leads.
Thanks agian guys, you make a new member feel at home [8D]

General Discussion / Introductions
« on: July 06, 2006, 05:49:52 pm »
Hello All,
This is my first post to the forums. I have been watching the forums for months, and first I want to say what a great job all of you are doing with ALL aspects of Hal and the 3D items. You all have been so inspiring to me and (as a result)I have put to use and maby "Tweaked" a few thing in ways I wouldnt have thought of on my own. Thank you so much, all of you.
 My main intrest (at the moment) is Haptek and the 3D. The things you guys come up with are wonderfull, the vidos are outstanding. Which brings me to my "Newbie" silly question: How are you capturing the videos? Is it Internal App or External device?
Also , How do you keep the lips from moving to the background? my people sing the words and the background beats? Im shure its not difficult, just the answers evade me!

After Milling through the last few years of post on most of the topics I feel like I am getting to know some of you, I definatly have a great respect and appreciation for you guys and the things you put your heart in to are AWW inspiring. I hope that (in time) I will be able to contribute to others as much as you have me.

Anyway I just wanted to say Hello,

A Forum People Fan,

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