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Messages - ramccoid

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Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Schema of conception
« on: May 25, 2007, 10:04:35 am »
Bill, i no wat u meen. i height it wen peeple R 2 lay-zee 2 youse propper grammir!!

Nice one Mark .... hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!


Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Schema of conception
« on: May 25, 2007, 04:31:24 am »
Spelling and grammar shouldn't be an issue in this forum. The point being, is that the expression of what is said, should be made to be understood by all who read it.
With being from England, I spell some things differently from my friends in the U.S.A., example colour and color, centre and center, would that make my spelling incorrect to some? When infact, it is correct to my situation in the world. We can not judge people because of their inabilities to produce perfect english. Some are from parts of the world where english is their second language and find it difficult to express things in the mother tongue.
We should all be more forgiving to our and others trivial imperfections because that is what makes us all individuals.
The important thing is that we all happily and harmoniously communicate together as friends.

General Discussion / face matching emotion plug in
« on: May 25, 2007, 03:46:20 am »
I've had both Jerry's and Bill's plugins running hand in hand with my plugins in HAL for a while now and had no errors come up from their use together.
Like Bill said, you need to give more information to discover what the real problem is.

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Schema of conception
« on: May 24, 2007, 02:02:40 pm »
I'm glad all differences have been sorted and the forum is back in mutual harmony.


General Discussion / face matching emotion plug in
« on: May 24, 2007, 01:59:37 pm »
Try out Jerry's plugin "HumanEmotion"

Download Attachment: HumanEmotions.uhp
47.43 KB

General Discussion / repeating what we write to hal plug in
« on: May 24, 2007, 01:55:28 pm »
Bill had done a plugin called 'Repeat' that works on a simuliar thing, maybe it could be adapted.

Download Attachment: Repeat.uhp
1.41 KB

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Issues with Hal Assistant
« on: May 24, 2007, 01:49:05 pm »
Another thing I want to change is based on preference. Can I set it so that Hal doesn't give me random info when I'm doing stuff like calculating, opening programs, or other tasks? It gets annoying after awhile.

Check out the "HOW DO I" thread it deals with that aspect of HAL. I wanted to know the same thing and Jerry came up with some good advice and examples on what to check out.


General Discussion / Three choices
« on: May 24, 2007, 06:41:29 am »
Yeah right, me too. How can you not notice?.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / How do I?
« on: May 23, 2007, 02:23:24 pm »
Wow!!! thanks Jerry,
Every thing appears more clear since you've explained this about all the area types. I have been experimenting with them but never quite understood what they all meant, until now.
Thanks you so very much for this enlightenment. You won't believe how appreciative and valuable this information is to me.
All the very best to you,

Ultra Hal 7.0 / How do I?
« on: May 23, 2007, 10:03:12 am »

Hi Jerry and many thanks. I tried the altering the main brain script but it was to no avail but was a good exercise in playing around with the main script, since I had backed it up as you advised, so it made no difference if I messed it up, which I did not. I going to play around with it some more.

If InStr(1, Search, "1( HELLO )", 1) > 0 Then
UltraHal = " Hello " & "<NOMORE>"
End If

This looks interesting. I'm going to try this out and see what happens.
Thanks again,

Ultra Hal 7.0 / How do I?
« on: May 22, 2007, 01:46:02 pm »
Thanks Jerry I'll back up my code and give it a try.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / How do I?
« on: May 22, 2007, 07:09:36 am »
How do I stop HAL from adding it's own input into my responses that I've scripted?
If I wanted HAL to say just "The time is 12pm" with out HAL adding something like "Quick answers won't work. The time is 12pm". How would I go about stopping HAL adding to my scripted sentences?

Ultra Hal 7.0 / time realization plug in for custom brains 6.1
« on: May 22, 2007, 03:50:03 am »
Jerry's plugin 'Humantime' does most of all those things you require.

Download Attachment: Human_Time.uhp
13.96 KB


Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Hal Gender and age Plug in
« on: May 21, 2007, 06:38:29 pm »
congratulations on the age thing. Will she be still 25 or 26 next year?


I used the help section of the Zabaware site to check the phrasing to use for storing addresses. HAL said that it would store the information but when I tried to recall it (phrased as Zabaware states) HAL just didn't do it. What keywords are you using?


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